
Friday, October 28, 2011

A little bit of an update

The past few months I have been completely absent from this blog. I nearly almost forgot about it. So much of my life has changed too, but yet, it seems to be exactly the same.

First things first, I moved. That's right, I moved out of Santa Barbara - the place I called home for 3 whole years. The change has been weird. Good, but weird.The place I live in is nice. Nicer than any house most people live in Provo. About 3 times the size of my apartment in Santa B and it actually has personality. Skim through the video I made for my family below to see what it is like. The video was taken back in August so there are some changes (like we have a kitchen table now), but you can get the gist.

I don't regret moving to Pioneer for 1 second, but I don't feel like I have quite found the groove in the new ward. Something that doesn't help is that there are 116 women in my ward and 52 men. That is quite the difference! Approzimately 90% of those women are elementary school teachers (as are all 3 of my roommates - Jerika, Maren, and Marina). We are also the "young ones" in the ward. I think people in our ward are over "hanging out" and are more interested in going on dates. Which is great...for some people, so instead of going out most of my nights involve staying in.

Luckily the World Series has been keeping me busy so I hardly realize the lack of my social life! Go Cards!!!! I think the 7th game of the World Series where my Cardinals are playing may be the only sporting event that will ever keep me home on a Halloween weekend night. I get jitters just thinking about the game tonight.