Saturday, September 19, 2009

New Blog!

Hi:) So.. I will Be using this as a new blog! also have a new email..which is Huston and I are combining accounts! So This blog .. will no longer be updated:) The new blog will:)

We set a date... DEC.19, 2009!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


So... i think it was only like 3 weeks ago i posted about all my friends getting married! and i think i may have mentioned how its not my TURN yet. lol.. i lied!!!!! well i didnt lie.. i was serious.. but guess what??? IM engaged!!!! and im going to marry my best friend in the entire world! Three years together! 2 apart(mission) and 1 together!

i know everyone is dieing to know the story!!!! haha... well...On our first date.. EVER... 3 years ago.. Huston fake purposed with my friends promise ring in the middle of Olive Garden as a joke. It was hilarious! we got cake and the WHOLE restaurant was convinced we really got engaged.. keep in mind.. this was only our FIRST date. Ever... haha.. i barely knew him! haha the whole night we were laughing our heads off!! Thats when we knew we were going to go on a second date! haha it was up to me to convince him to take me on a third..and then a fourth!! lol.. obviously i won that battle with Mr. i have never dated just ONE girl! haha.. So .. Monday night(Labor day) Huston and i had a loonnngg talk! because the love of my life is about to pack up and move to hawaii for school!...I told him i knew i wanted to spend my life with him.. but i was not sure i could commit and just move to hawaii with him unless we were married... and he seriously played me like a violin!He told me he wasnt ready to get married.. and that he needs TIME. and he doesnt think it will happen that fast! I tried really hard to understand that the person i loved didnt want to marry me..and wanted to move to hawaii instead..haha.. I cried! lol.. and went to bed upset!! woke up grumpy and everything! and i even had a bit of a wall up all week!.. Well Friday night rolls around.. and I get off work at 6pm and i was supposed to go hang out with my best friends Adam and Robert... But Huston pretended to be really grumpy and said he just wanted to go to dinner and cuddle instead..So we decided together on italian food..and then soon followed Olive Garden(we havent been since our first date) So all night he was acting funny.. saying weird "Kilie your a people person!" ..out of No where! haha lol being grumpy and "stressed" He just up and walked out of the restaurant in the middle of our dinner to "get his phone in the car"..and that made me mad. i told him he was rude! haha.. but little did i know he went out to get the ring! He came back and at this point we were both full. The waitress brought us our check and to go boxes and said is there anything else i can get for you!??? and Huston said.. well ya.. You can congratulate her!! and i was like what??? and he got down on one knee and purposed!!!HE said "Kilie Jaccy Rainey, will you be my Wife for time and all eternity!??" tell me how you turn that down!?? well you dont!! haha!!! and for like 3 min.. i didnt think he was serious!! i kept saying NO WAY!!!!!!! haha and then of course i said yes!!! and we got cake again! and laughed and well.. to tell you the truth i didnt even know it was coming!! he is a brat!! and he has known the WHOLE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!! he let me cry monday night and he knew then too! lol.. In fact one of the first things he said to me was sorry for all those FAKE conversations about marraige! i knew i was supposed to be with you for a while! BRATTTT!!! .. but umm.. Im engaged! and couldnt be happier:) He asked my parents at 5:30pm that evening!! I got off work at 6! and I almost got off work early because Bella's dad came home and she loves playing with her dad! Not to mention it was friday! and they usually let me squueeze out early on fridays if they dont need anything! Lucky for Huston, i stayed at work and played with Bella while her dad cooked! haha.. Man O Man! it was a SUPRISE to everyone! He only told his mom and sister, and my parents!!!! and for a week he kept telling me he was getting off work later..but no...he was really ring shopping!

I love this boy soo muucchhhhh!! i cant wait to spend eternity with him!! He is my very best friend! ...

Ps. we are probably moving to hawaii after our wedding! and not returning! The never-ending honeymoon:) woop woop!! :)

Pss. Another thing i keep getting asked... What does the RING look like?..
Its BEAUTIFUL and perfect! Its a 3/4* and its beautiful! Almost Clear..and Sparkles like MAD!! i can even see it in the dark! Its just one stone and it sits up on the band! The wedding band is most likely a wrap :) and Huston picked it out himself!! i have never told him what i wanted! But his mom confirmed when she saw it;) .. Umm..and I LOVE IT!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Life is about the Adventures...

This weekend(Labor Day)Huston and I went camping with Friends!! it was such an adventure with no Sleep and lots of rain the first two days! but thats what makes it fun! We went to the Tonto fish Hatchery.. thats the coolest thing i have ever seen, i have never been to one before, and we went shooting and for a hike! it was a fun weekend:) Thanks Kacee and Charlie for inviting us! Then we got home Sunday evening from that and the Farnsworth family wanted to adventure up to Sedona Sliderock! i have never been there also.. Needless to say we had a blast:):) it was fun!! It got pretty crouded so we left to just walk around sedona for a bit and get ice cream. Huston convinced me to Cliff Jump.. something i have never done before either... haha.. it took me almost 40 min to decide i was going to jump. with alot of people coaching me through on the side. Here Huston is.. DIVING and jumping off 50 foot cliffs..and i can barely jump off a ten footer. haha.. but it was part of the adventure right??? So fuN:) Huston and i were excited to experience the adventures of the weekend together. i dont think i have ever laughed so hard. It was good to get to spend so much time together. I felt weird driving to my house sunday in my car ALONE. cuz we were attached at the hip all weekend:)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

I love my Job.. Wouldnt you??

Ok .. im pretty sure this is NOT aloud(but i asked if it was ok).. but i have to show u all how cute Bella is.. and Brag a little... i dont even know where to start!This is my best friend Isabella!(im trying to teach her to say Ms. Kilie is my best friend, but right now she keeps telling me her friends at school are her best friends:(..she will realize it someday)! I am not aloud to mention really much about what i do with her.. or why i do it with her.. but basically WE PLAY!!!!!! she is 3 almost four years old. And She makes me smile and brightens "Ms. Kilie's" Day every day! She always has something funny to say..and she is now TALKING sooooo much and so we can actually have conversations. She also "tells secrets" now..and she will just give u a big wet kiss on your cheek! Oh man.. She continues to amaze me everyday! and is SUCH a blessing in my life, and i know in her families life! She is really a little miracle and im happy to get to work with her..i hardley call it work though! .. man o man! I couldnt ask for a better client. She is not always willing to do what i say, but she tolerates almost all.. Gosh.. Love this girl soo much. We laugh together all the time. the classic liner this summer has been "Ms. Kilie your silly".. and ill say NOOOOO " Bella's silly!" she replies "YOUR RIGHT" haha.. gotta love angels!

Seriously dropping like flies... haha

Ok i wanted to take a few moments to tell all my friends how happy i am for them:);).. At the beginning of the summer.. Chelsie was the only lonely who was "married" and is Now PREGNANT!! congrats girl.. but anyways.. our "class" of friends started dropping like flies this summer! First it was Julie..then Katie and Now Lacey.. But i also have many others who are engaged too.. holy flip its that season i guess... i will say.. ITS NOT MY TURN YET...haha.. just to clear the air with everyone!! .. and i am ok with that! but lately all i hear is whens your turn.?? haha.. NOT YET!

.... Lacey.. I LOVE YOU ..and CONGRATULATIONS on getting engaged!! Lacey lines..a best friend of mine.. grew up with her.. We in fact did have every class together in elementary school..and in jr. high we attended EFY together..and then in high school we were kicked out of the "VL"(virgin lips) club together..haha.. and then we even went to NAU together... needless to say i love the girl. and she is chosing to take the step in life we have always dreamed of..and that is going through the temple with the man that is worthy to do so:) I love u girl!!! thanks for always being there!
.... Katie Heywood... Congrats to u also:) i wish the best for u and Aaron.
....Julie.. This all happened so fast! but im happy as ever for you:) Good luck Isaac;) haha. just kidding i love u Julie! even after u broke my knee.
....Jared Smith..u crack me up! im glad u found someone to make u happy as u deserve:)
.....*Kacee your not engaged yet.. but i know it will be happening soon.. cross our fingers. lol u have been waiting a looonnnnggg time for him. And he is great! I love Charlie. he is great for u! Good luck :)
.... Jason Payne. Congrats!! U and Caley are great together! and i am happy to hear u are now happily married for like 2 weeks:)
.... Ariana..Jo Jo... oh man .. the times i have with u i will always cherish! i am beyond excited for u, and sad to say i couldnt make it! but congratulations! I am soo happy for u! man o man!

Seriously.. this is not even all my friends who have weddings coming up or got married recently or just had anniversaries..haha!.. its rediculous!

kind of a lame post i know.. but i gotta keep track somehow!


My life...hmm.. can go in sooo many directions. This semester i have decided to take off from school. Figure out what i want to do. Im leaning towards an occupational therapy degree. I know i have changed my major quite a few times.. but the more i think about it.. the more EVERYTHING i have done in this past year.. and last.. has lead me down this path. I never would have thought about it.. if i didnt work at Houston Elementary with "Bella" the cuteset little girl EVER! .. and then if her mom didnt ask me to be thier Habilitation providor for the summer and currently till i decide to do otherwise.. i never would have gotten into it. So the road i thought that was actually leading me towards Special education is actually taking me down a different road. Soon i will be back in school and doing what i will be doing the rest of my life:) YAY!! ...
... i also have other thoughts of not going back to school right away.. and just working hard to save my money..and travel. To just wherever i want to go.. places i have never been. like europe.. and china.. or even here in the states. maybe go on a mission.. maybe get married.. who knows...
...i want to mention too.. cuz i know my MOTHER reads my blog.. THAT I DO WANT TO FINISH SCHOOL!!!! i promise i will get my degree. I just dont see the point in having to Finish right away. i got my whole life ahead of me. .. yes i see myself married and starting a family eventually.. NOT SOON.. but why not experience all i want to do before then?? ya?? anyone agree with me??.. so who knows what i will be doing soon... at this rate.. i will be back in school.. my parents .. my boyfriend...and friends.. i swear they all have a secret alliance.. everyone is encouraging me to go to SCHOOL. well.. NEWS FLASH... I WILL GO TO SCHOOL! i just want to figure out what direction my life is going first:) ok?? ok thanks!!!!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

aDD Kilie's and Huston's Ideas together and u get?????

..You get the best weekend ever:) haha... Friday night we went jeeping out at Butcher Jones! Jeeped into the cove, went swimming for a while in the lake..and then we came back and the girls had to make the boys dinner! so we made them Chicken alfredo(easy) haha and cake drop cookies and enjoyed the rest of the evening..then Saturday night our plans didnt work out to go to Monster Jam:( sad.. we both really wanted to.. so we just decided on go have a picnic. a "Candlelight Cereal Picnic" we are nerds we know! But thats what keeps us.. well u know ..."US" haha.. we are crazy goofy and best friends:) I love our relationship so much because of our friendship. He is my BESTTT FFRRRIIIEEENNND!! I love the memories:) haha..