Thursday, February 19, 2009

High School... Tag, You're it!

High school memories:

1.Did you date someone from your school? Not until my senior year, but he was already graduated! (Huston)

2. What kind of car did you drive? My little Toyota Camrie which i totalled my first week of college:(

3. Did you pass your driver's license test on the first try? Heck yes! I rock. haha

4. Were you a party animal? hahaha not really. i was more of hang out one on one, then in the big group.. but there were times i wanted to be with alot of people too! My group of friends i grew up with are all amazing, we did have lots of parties!

5. Were you considered a flirt? HA! ..i didnt think so. but im sure the group would tell ya otherwise...just because i held a boys hand and got my first kiss before they did;) ok ok ill admit it.. i liked boys! but they were all just my "friends" haha my mom will testify!

6. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? Nah, Music is not my familys lingo really.. except my brother is really picking it up great! however i was the athlete! Volleyball and Softball was all i could juggle!

7. Were you a nerd? Depends. Academic wise...ya pretty much i was..and im goofy! so i guess you could call me a nerd!

8. Were you on any varsity teams? Yep. 2. Volleyball for 4 years at Gilbert and Blue Ridge, and Softball at gilbert for 3 years

9. Did you get suspended/expelled? Shocker, NOPE! :) hahaha... think i could get away with a DAMN thing?? think again!

10. Can you still sing the fight song? YES! ONWARD TIGERS!! FIGHT ON FOR YOUR FAME! when i was at Blue Ridge i didnt know there was one!

11. Who were your favorite teachers? Mrs. Thompson at Blue Ridge! and Mrs. Peterson at Blue Rigde also.. at Gilbert High, i would say Mr. hayward Hands down, and Mr. Williams for sign language. also Coach Galante and Coach Boone

12. Where did you sit during lunch? umm... at a table either with Adam Goit, or Outside, or at another table with friends... where we played lots of games... at blue ridge we usually got pizza and went to Woodland Park. :)

13. What is your school's full name? Blue Ridge High School,and Gilbert High School
14. School mascot and colors? Yellow Jacket (lame) and Purple and Gold. and a Tiger! Black and Gold!

15. Did you go to Homecoming and who with? i actually never went to homecoming:( ..

16. Did you go to Prom and who with? I only went to Prom my Senior year and it was with Huston Levi Farnsworth, who then left on his mission 3 days, yes 3 days later!

17. If you could go back and do it again, would you? NOPE! i want to move on. hahaha. Past is the past.....yet, i loved the feeling of being young! and i miss being soo busy! .. but life does go on!

18. What do you remember most about graduation? i remember getting a hug from all the administrators, and my whole family being in town for it:) I remember Huston had just left on his mission, it was my first big thing without him! and his family came too, his mom got me a funny gift! and i also remember attending the lock in till 4 am and just being with all my friends! mostly J RO though!.. that was my graduation! i celebrated grad night all four years of my high school! haha with other friends too! and i always remember just going to different friends houses and playing games and eating and getting to stay out late and have sleepovers! haha

19. Where did you go senior skip day? well on senior ditch day Huston took off work to spend with me! and we went to lunch and took funny random pictures everywhere we went! and we shopped all day for a flipping TIE to match my prom dress!


21. Have you gained some weight since then? yep! very rollar coaster like! i blew out my knee and lost a ton of weight..gained back the normal.. plus about fifteen or twenty:(.. i wish i was still in shape!

22. Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion? Oh for sure! it will be cool just to see how people look after ten years. that will be kind of interesting. haha

23. Did you have a job while in high school?I usually just worked summers! Like at Curves for Women of VIK

I tag all my cousins! Evvie, Shelly, Stephanie... because i want to hear all your dirty secrets;) haha.. plus its really fun to ponder memories!oh and Lacey, and Annie