Monday, May 19, 2008

Light or dark!? or what???

OK so.. last summer i did something totally crazy and died my hair way way dark and then it faded naturally into a pretty brown.. and well i just started going light again. and now i am blonde again! i love it! but i am wanting to do something totally crazy with my hair again!i feel like it needs a change alot of my friends are starting to say, they really liked my dark not sure what to dothough, what should i do?? ... light?? or darK?? or any cool ideas??

Ps. Please pray for my grandmother. She fell AGAIN, and this time she broke her hip, and is getting a hip replacement. and having surgery in the morning. I love her SOOOOO much. Just please keep her in her prayers. She is not doing well. Thanks.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

...HoMe SwEeT HoMe...

Well today i said goodbye to my ever so awesome ROOMIES and lover (Kurt) and headed Home for the summer to be with my family and work! i start on monday!:) I love the feeling of being home! but i do miss my other home in flagstaff already! the other night lydia and i stayed up till three AM rearranging our home for next semester! and i cant wait!:):)... There are awesome friends waiting to be made, and another awesome year of education! man time is flying! but summer will be great toO! now its time to count down for FLORIDA!:):) i cant wait to go there! and also my best friend come home from his mission in 2 weeks:):) im soo happy for that! ... SUMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRR!!!! a well needed and deserved break is what i like to call it:) ... HOme Sweet HOme!! i cant believe my first year is over!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Simplicity of Fun..

These are only a few of the thousand pictures and memories i have! :):)

Wrappin it up...

Well, hmm... College life was an experience! let me tell ya! NAU has been a blast! meeting new friends, falling in love, waiting for a love, living with the crazies, then living in an apt with awesome friends, learning finances, and truly how important my education is, and what i actually want to do with my life! Gosh everything already seems to feel like a blur because in a blink of an eye, my first year is already over! Ive experienced so many things and im greatful for all of it, and for everything i have learned! All my finals are next week! i am pretty sure i got all of them down!... or at least i hope! I have one class done with, in which i had to write a ten page paper for. and i got a B on the paper and a B in the class:) so thats a good thing! i should do pretty well in my other classes also. its been a busy but awesome semester! I am moving home next weekend for the summer to work! and i cant wait for that either! I will return to NAU in the fall where that will be my last semester of generals! and then i start my Education program called PRAXIS, and i will graduate with almost 500 hours of in the classroom experience! after next year i will then only have one more year of the program(jr. year) ..then i will more than likely move home to student teach at my mom's or my dad's school! and then... GRADUATION! a semester early!!!!! ill be done before i know it!:) It was cool learnin all the ropes this year, and i cant wait for next!! Summer here i come! im ready for a break!!!