The Brannon Family
established July 2005

Saturday, September 6, 2014

In My Daughter's Eyes

I made this video back in 2006 after my sister Stephanie passed away of melanoma.  My sister Amy called me tonight and asked about getting a copy.  I haven't watched this for a long time...

In fact, I don't think I have watched it since I had Gabbie.
While I have always loved the song, it holds brand new
meaning for me now that I have a daughter of my own.  
Mother / daughter relationships are definitely one of kind and I am not sure there is anything
that quite compares.

I am grateful to have an incredible mother and the most amazing daughter ever!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Lagoon 2013

Some of my greatest memories are spending time at Lagoon with family and friends.  We went there once a year growing up.  I remember taking in a cooler, finding a spot underneath a tree where my mom and dad would sit and read for the day, and me and my sisters would go attack Lagoon!  We usually got there when it opened and always stayed until it closed.

It is a tradition that I and my sisters picked back up about 5 years ago and started taking our kids for the day.  Gabbie got to go for the first time last year and did great.  Even at 3 1/2, she held on until 11 pm when the park closed.

And Lagoon 2013 didn't disappoint!  We started off, as always, eating lunch before hitting Lagoon.

We and try and get there right as it opens.  We take our cooler, find a spot beneath a tree and hit the rides!  One change in the tradition, the cooler is now left alone for the majority of the day!

Gabbie and I went and hit the kiddie rides which she loved.

Lagoon has added a new couple new rides this year for the kids.  Above is a new jeep ride which I enjoyed with Gabbie.  Below is the new Tea Cups ride, which I rode with her once!  Then I quickly informed her if she wanted to go again, she would have to go alone or get her cousins to take her.  All that spinning stuff is too much for this old mom!

 This year my brother and his family came with us!  We have gotten the kids to come in past years, but it was great to have Coray and Krista join us.  It was also great to have Jackson back from his mission and join in the fun!

Luckily for Gabbie, her cousins would do the Tea Cups... thank goodness for cousins!

Gabbie at that whole hot dog!  Not all the "corn" part, but the whole dog!

And here are all the cousins that went!  Tradition includes a stop in the afternoon at Pioneer Village for a treat - and a cousin photo!

This year I talked Gabbie into going on Rattlesnakes Rapids.  I wasn't sure how it would go, but figured it was going to be really bad or really good.  Luckily, it went great!  Rattlesnake Rapids is a ride where a bunch of you get into a round boat and ride the rapids.  Getting soaked is part of the deal, no way around it.  Gabbie was so tired and hitting a wall right before this, but the ride got rejuvenated her energy and kicked her back into gear!  She loved it, insisted on going on it and again, and didn't stop the rest of the day!

Here is the gang waiting in line for our second rapid tour!

Hit the train with Sarah

And a bunch of rides with Tate!

Kelsey also took some time to ride with the smaller rides with Gabbie!

And Gabbie loved Tilt a World.  Rode it about 5 times with Tate.  Good thing Tate was there because 1 trip on Tilt a World about took me out!

And to stay true to the tradition, we closed the park down!  Gabbie was in the kiddie land riding some of the kiddie rides all alone, not another kid in site.  And when they closed them and we had to leave... at 11pm mind you... she was asking me, "Why can't we stay?!?!  Why are they closing?!?"  Such a fun day and such a fun tradition.

Until next year....

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Gabbies Spring 2013 Recital

So, yes, I have been missing in action from my blog... sorry!  Life gets a little crazy at times.  I will try and get better, but I offer no guarantees! 

In the time I've been missing, Gabbie has been working hard at her dance class.  She had her recital last night and Kiley and I couldn't be more proud!

She is getting so grown up... definitely bittersweet for me!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Gabbies Winter 2012 Dance Recital

Gabbie had her winter dance recital today.  She has really come a long way from her first day of dance where she sat about 15 feet from everyone else.

This recital was held at the Great Basin College, our local community college in town.  She got to go up on the big stage and everything!  When I left her backstage, she asked where I was going.  I told her I was going to get my seat and that I would be in the audience.  She didn't bat an eye and said, "I'll see you on the stage!"

She did such a great job!  We are so proud of her!

Here she is with her good friend after the show!

When we got home, all she wanted to do was to snuggle with her daddy.  Such a sweet ballerina!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Oh, Liam Loves His Sister!

One of the best parts of having 2 kids is watching them play.  Over the past couple of weeks, Liam and Gabbie have really started to interact and play together.  Liam is now at an age where he can respond and voice an opinion about what is going on.  It warms my heart to watch them together!

Here is Liam demonstrating his new trick on Gabbie... Kisses!  Gabbie is such a good sport!

I know that they won't always get along like they do now and that one day the will fight nonstop!  But I also know, from personal experience, that even though they will fight like crazy for years, they will also realize that they are each others best friend!  

But for now, I am just going to enjoy the love!