Friday, September 20, 2013

I sneezed and Gerald blinked . . .

It all started with a sneeze. . . No not really we'll come back to this, lets start with Thursday. My last appointment before due date, 9/14/13 (My mom's birthday for those who didn't know),

THURSDAY: Dr said heart beat sounds good and I was dilated 2 cm and thick (gross I know). But I knew it would be Saturday so many people wanted it to be and what are the chances of being due on my mama's birthday and delivering.

continuing onto
FRIDAY: My dad had hand surgery and I was his ride home so I was waiting for him most of the morning and has been contracting strongly but spaced out and I knew this was pre-labor stuff  after picking my dad and Aurora and medication up I was tired of driving so when my sister asked me to drive to her house so we could meet up and eat sushi I said yes then asked her to just drive because of the way I was feeling. While eating at Tokyo Bowl (best Sushi in town) I sneezed and contracted . . . So Diana joked that's how you should start the birth story and that's the joke pretty great yes? Diana asked what I wanted to do next and I said get cell phones. I am contracting a bit this whole time. Got the smart phones (I really wanted internets and a way to post pictures quickly when we had baby Lorna).

SATURDAY: bed around 12 (stayed up figuring out our phones best joke of the night my DAD says "If you need any help figuring out your smart phones you can just ask me").

wake up at 2:30 to pee having contractions but I didn't think they were close enough to go in yet. (side note dad will be watching our kids when we go to hospital-Dad is still awake)

3ish Gerald goes to bathroom asked if we need to go to the hospital I say "nah I'm waiting for the sound that I heard when I went into labor with Aurora and Nolan." (like a crack or a pop)

3:24 sound never comes but the painful contractions do so I start keeping track 2-5 minutes apart. crap again I am googling when to go into the hospital.

4:00 wake Gerald, get ready

4:30 wake Dad asked he and Gerald to give me a priesthood blessing. In the blessing Gerald gave me I recall him hesitating a little before he said that I would be able to handle the pain and that me and Lorna would be safe and my body would be whole again. and I though "what pain I'm getting an epidural"

4:40-4:50 at the er entrance (after I cried through a few contraction in the car) we can't find people then we do and they tell us where the elevators are I stop after 2 really painful contractions and lean and whimper on a wall. Then I am offered a wheel chair that they have to find. after a long trip down several halls and and elevator we make it to a room.

4:50 I send Gerald to move out car and the have me dress in a nightgown I contract and tell them the others (my other labors) didn't feel this way. they are trying to get info from me and a nurse says has anyone checked her. When they do they say "rimmed and bulging" I add "so no epidural?" ahaha I'm so funny. They lay me down to put a fetal monitor on and they can't find the heartbeat and guess where that baby is . . . Contraction "my water just broke oh I have to push" Nurses say "don't push close your legs" I start screaming at this point and crawling backwards up the bed clinging to the plastic bed rails (they have raised it at this point) and the nurse keeps saying things "look at me" "breathe" "you are going to hurt yourself and your baby" "breathe" I'm still screaming and someone says "come back down, you have to come down" and then "Look at me I have your baby" (the whole time I was thinking I can't do this).

5:04 that little baby is on my belly and I am just holding her the pain stopped and Gerald came in and cut the cord. We couldn't believe he missed it. it was just so crazy fast.

Still no doctor just my nurses they were amazing. Gerald said he could hear me screaming down the hall.

after I got stitched up "it's just a little tear" said the doctor I replied with "then why do you keep stitching" I also got a shot of pitocin and then my blood labs done and consent forms signed. I nursed my little baby for an hour and then took a shower and pretty much got to have our baby the entire time. Best hospital experience no IVs, great nurses, limited pain, it was awesome. can't say I would do it again the same way but it was very special to have our baby girl on her late grandmother's birthday the way my mom would have wanted it to happen too (Mom HATED epidurals and HATED that any of her children used them). So that was actually pretty funny for my family.

Happy to be home I wish I had more time with Gerald and his help but he had to work. So today is the first day Nolan is acting more like his usual self and not so middle child like he has been acting these few days and that makes things just a bit easier. I know we just need a little more time for things to settle.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

this cuteness happened

 no not a picture of the baby but I do go to the doctor this Thursday...

tooth fairy box for Miss A (since she has three cavities and well since most everyone loses their baby teeth so if we have another girl she can use it too) and Mr. N got a blue one (also if we have another boy he would use it too).
My sister and I bought them at the cracker barrel. We started off the morning visiting our Mom's grave and then we went to eat breakfast with our Dad. I showed them to Dee and then we found out they had more and I said I'll take those too. breakfast was good and it was a calm morning.

We also got an easter pakage from Gerald's brother and wife that live in Utah right now. TONS OF CANDY. If I would have known I would not have gone Easter shopping a month ago. (That's right sometimes I plan ahead).

Sunday, February 17, 2013

maybe too much sleep

aaaannd the crazy pregnancy dreams commence.

work dreams where I can't get anyone's drinks in time.

dreams where people from work just show up.

teeth falling out and a dentist shoves and twist them back into place but they still feel loose. WORST dream ever. in the dream I remember saying "doctor (dentist) this is my nightmare."

I dream about dangerous things coming after my kids.

I love that Nolan naps for 2-3 hours but these dreams in the middle of the day are killing me.

Monday, January 21, 2013

I wish

Toys I once had or had the opportunity to play. they don't make them like they used to. really the mini caboodles and the original polly pockets is all I really want.

But many of the tiny toys could probably hurt/kill someone and probably have but I'm pretty sure most of these companies were bought out and that's why they don't make awesome toys anymore.

Thursday, January 03, 2013

It came it finally came!

So this whole past Christmas season I kept replaying in my head an Ariel Christmas special and I was telling Gerald about it on Christmas morning and I decided to look it up on youtube. Youtube has everything right? not if it was never an animated film it turns out it was a read-a-long book and tape set. So I went to and ordered it right away and Gerald says to me "Merry Christmas." Well it arrived in the mail yesterday and we set up the ol' tape player and Aurora and I loved it. and then I wrote a review on amazon for it I used the word "great" . . . a lot. I should have used a thesaurus.  

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Christmas Magic

 we didn't do it all ourselves
 we felt a lot of love this year

total concentration

elf on the shelf

 Meet our elf Little
(Lorraine gave each family one)

 I forgot to take pictures everyday and he sometimes forgot to move until right before the kids got up but it was fun to have Aurora look for him every morning..