Monday, April 24, 2017

Adventures in Childbirth part 7

40 wks
Things to Do
I woke up the morning of the 22nd to a sensation similar to that which every woman has experienced around "that time of the month" when your sanitary products feel like they're not quite cutting it.  I ignored this for a bit until my brain woke up enough to remember that duh, I'm pregnant, and haven't experienced "that time of the month" for nine months.  Once I was awake enough to realize something was happening, I went to the restroom to discover that, yes indeed, my water had broken.  I have experienced this with two past pregnancies, but with each of them it was a gush and a pool in my nether regions which didn't really let up and soaked through the towels I had placed between my legs.  This time was different.  Rather than a gush, I would describe it more as an intermittent trickle.  However, I was prepared even for the gush this time as I had in pregnancies past, purchased some "adult diapers" for just such an occasion.  Honestly, after three years of them gathering dust in the cupboard, I was glad to actually be able to use them.  It was 7:15am and I had to get the kids to school.  Since I wasn't experiencing any contractions and rather than a gush, a slow leak, I decided to get the kids off to school before calling Patrick.
   Once they were off and the younger kids and chickens fed, I decided that rather than calling Patrick, I'd phone the doctors office first.  They very helpfully told me that I should immediately go to the hospital.  I told them that my water had broken in the past and it was still several hours before anything happened, but the nurse didn't care, she insisted I go to "get my levels checked."  She told me that it was important to check how much amniotic fluid I had lost.  I responded by asking her if it wasn't true that they replenished themselves every three hours?  She said yes, but it was still important to be checked out just in case.  With this in mind, I called Patrick.  He asked if I wanted him to come home and I told him I wasn't in any big hurry and had some things I wanted to get done first.  He checked his schedule and found that if he stayed until one he'd have his eight hours for the day and wouldn't lose any time.  This sounded good to me so I decided to lay down on the couch and rest.  I woke up from  a dream in which the baby was trying to come out and I was all alone so I called Patrick back to tell him to come home.  This was 10:30.  After talking for a few minutes, my brain woke up and I went back to telling him to take his time.  While I waited, I showered, switched out all my regular tops for nursing tops, cleaned up a few things around the house, fed the kids, added some last minute items to my hospital bag and waited.
     When Patrick got there around 1:45, he asked if I wanted to go right away or if he should shower first.  I told him that I actually really wanted his help hanging a picture above our bed and raising the curtains that form a canopy about five inches before we left as it would bug me when I got home.  He agreed and by the time we were finished it was bordering on 3 in the afternoon.  Eight hours since my water had broken.  I was still experiencing intermittent leaks and had read online all about how long you can go with your waters broken and the risk of infection, etc...  But since it was already three and I still wasn't having contractions, we decided to wait and pick the kids up from school.  I had been lamenting to Patrick that my plans for this birth had been ruined.   Just the day before, the doctor's office had called to schedule my induction for 5am the following Tuesday (of course right after I hung up I visited the restroom and discovered I had lost my mucus plug, making me start telling everyone that now that the day was set I would "probably go into labor tomorrow"). We had made vague plans to go into Denton the night before and see a movie, have dinner, and get a hotel room in town to avoid such a long drive so early the next day and now we wouldn't be able to do any of that.  I had really wanted to take Patrick with me to see Beauty and the Beast again and knew that after the baby came it would be a few months before we had the luxury of attending the cinema. Patrick then said we could still go, perhaps to a matinee that afternoon on the way to the hospital.  I was skeptical at first, but he soon won me over and we decided to attend a 4:15 showing...but then we waited and picked up the kids and thought; we may as well help with homework first.  So we did with the goal of a 5pm showing.  By this point I was pretty much ready to leave, but it seemed Patrick was busy in his shop so I sat around waiting for him to come in.  Turns out he was hanging around outside waiting for me. C'es la vie.  So we finally left at 5:15 pm (10 hrs after my water broke) to attend the 6pm showing of Beauty and the Beast at the movie tavern in Denton.  We had dinner and enjoyed the show, even running into some friends from our old ward afterwards.  We headed to the hospital around 9:15 and, after getting lost on the way to Labor and Delivery, checked in around 10.

Birthing "Suite"   
     All of my previous babies have had you checked into a delivery room as soon as you arrive.  They assess your progress and decide whether or not to admit you from this room, where you'll stay until you deliver a baby.  This time it was different. Instead they had a "triage" area set up across from the check-in desk with three curtained off "rooms" where they assess whether or not to admit you.  I explained to the desk attendant that I thought my water had broke that morning and the doctor's office had told me to come in.  She seemed skeptical, but assigned me a "room" to change in.  Let me tell you, getting naked with nothing between you and the world but a flimsy curtain isn't really my idea of a good time.  So they came in and asked all sorts of questions, they couldn't find my Hep B test results, they had to call so and so, they had to wait for a doctor.  Eventually a Dr came in and said I was barely a 1 (no surprise there) and hardly effaced and that she couldn't see any liquid.  But she dutifully tested to see if I was "leaking" and left.  After about 20 min we heard the results come back positive that yes indeed, my water had broken some 16 hours previous.  This caused some concern and they told me I'd have to have an IV with antibiotics as a precaution for infection.  Meanwhile, we could hear another woman come in very loudly moaning and explain that she was in labor and I offered the nurse to let her "go first' since she sounded like she needed the room more than me, but she said I had already been assigned a room.  They eventually wheeled me into a "delivery suite" and left me there with Patrick where we waited for an hour before anyone poked their heads in to see what we were doing.  While we waited I heard someone screaming...probably the lady that had come in after me.  The delivery "suite" by the way, was anything but.  I swear in the past they have been airy with windows and nice wood.  Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but this one was small and dark with no windows.  I know the bathrooms in the past have come equipped with a shower in case you wanted to use it while in labor.  This one had a bathroom so tiny there was barely room to turn around and shut the door behind you.  It had enough room for you, the IV pole and the toilet and that was it.  Even the sink was out in the other room.
    The nurses finally came in a exclaimed over how long I had been in there and how they didn't even know we were there.  *sigh*  They got me all hooked to the monitors and I was very annoyed to find that the triage nurse had put the IV in the "wrong" arm.  I have always had it in the left with the bracelets on the right, but this time she did opposite.  When I commented she told me how it "didn't really matter."  But low and behold, the IV pole and everything else was on the left, but my IV port was on the right.  I offered to have them take it out and put it back in on the other side but they laughed me off.  I was totally serious.  She said it "didn't really matter."  So I then spent the next several hours with what seemed like yards of tubing stretching across my torso and the bed to my opposite arm.  The nurse didn't check me when we came in. I guess to reduce the risk of infection?  Not sure as they weren't real big on the communication aspect of our relationship.  I was told that since my waters had been broken for so long they were going to start me on pitocin right away.  Awesome.  This meant I had to be hooked up the entire time.  I had been looking forward to a repeat of my last birthing experience where the nurse encouraged us to walk the halls and sit on a birthing ball and "dance" the labor pains away.  This time I was stuck hooked to a million machines in the middle of the night.  I slept about an hour or so before the contractions woke me up.  They got steadily more intense and closer together (as they do), but seemed worse than I remembered.  Turns out everyone was right and pitocin contractions do suck more than normal ones.  Granted I have been on pitocin for most of my babies but not the previous one and I could now tell the difference.  It sucked.  Patrick slept and I sat/stood/laid on the bed through contractions.  The nurse came and checked me finally around 4am and said I was a three.  Bah.  She asked if I was ready for an epidural and I refused since I was only a three and that seemed dumb.  I promised myself I'd go until 5 and then reassess.  So I then spent the next hour staring at the clock waiting for five am.  It finally rolled around and I called for the epidural..(this was of course after I had gotten to my fun stage of labor where I start vomiting on the downside of contractions.  If you haven't experienced that, let me tell you puking along with contractions is AWESOME).  The nurse didn't check me again, just wrote that I'd been at a three an hour ago as if it was still probably the same.  *eye roll*

Epidural Fun
     The anesthesiologist came in around 5:25 and I was feeling much better by 5:50.  I slept after that and hardly noticed when the doctor came in around 7.  She checked and I was a five.  She also told the nurses (not me) that my water hadn't completely broken and helpfully broke it for me (cue the expectant gush).  Then she left.  Not so much as a hey how are you?  I slept on and off until around 10 when the nurses started asking if I was feeling any pressure.  This concerned me as I was definitely not feeling pressure or much of anything.  The only other time an epidural had been so effective was with my first when I couldn't even tell when or how to push.  So then I became worried that when the time came I wouldn't know when to push so I asked if they could "turn down" the epidural.  They called in the day shift anesthesiologist and explained how the night guy always gives the ladies an "18" when standard is "15."  So the guy turned it down to 14.  After a bit I asked if they could turn it down again as I was concerned I still couldn't feel anything.  Man was that a bad idea.  He came and turned it down to "11."  After that I could feel stuff.  It sucked.  I also wasn't mentally prepared to be suddenly thrown back in to feeling contractions.  Generally speaking I can push through them by concentrating on breathing in and out.  Screaming and causing a fuss makes them worse.  This time I wasn't ready.  I tried breathing but instead was crying.  I started throwing up again, much to the nurses dismay.  I was a at a 10 for 30 min or more before the doctor came in and they were worried that puking would make me push the baby out.  Meanwhile I keep telling everyone how dumb it was to turn the epidural down (looking for affirmation I think, but no one would vocally agree with me) and can we turn it back up again?  The nurse said since it takes 20 min to change it probably wouldn't help as I should be delivering soon, but she did push the "emergency boost" button that would temporarily give me a boost of medicine to numb things.  Finally the doctor came in and with no sympathy to my tears and explanation of epidurals told me to "just get the baby out and I wouldn't have to hurt anymore."  She seemed rather annoyed at me (who, with my seventh baby, should be an experienced veteran at this point) and told me to grab my legs and push.  I said I wasn't ready, but she cut me off and repeated her instructions.  So I did and two and a half pushes later, out comes baby Elizabeth.  The doctor cleans me up, pats my leg and goes on her way.  I don't think she was in the room for more than five minutes the entire time I was there.  So the baby was born at 11:14 am, approximately 28 hours after my water had broken.
     The baby nursed right away, which was nice but my epidural adventures had made it so I was still numb hours after she was born.  They had to insert a catheter to empty my bladder and were very impressed with how full it was (um, thanks?).  Eventually they kind of shuffle/rolled me to another bed and wheeled me to recovery.  The day nurse, and then the night nurse, all had to help me to the restroom as my left leg stayed totally numb and immovable until around 11 o'clock that night.  Consequently I did not get a shower or change into my pajamas.  I was finally able to brush my teeth which was a relief after all that vomiting (yuck!), but didn't end up even opening my hospital bag for more than my toothbrush. I didn't see the point of showering when I was leaving the next morning, so I didn't.  There was nothing on tv and I couldn't get into anything on netflix, so mostly I slept.  Patrick stayed until around 8pm the first day and came with George and Angelina to get me around 1pm the following day.  There were mix ups about what drugs I could take, when I could be discharged, whether or not the baby could be discharged. I swear the doctor(s) didn't seem to talk to the nurses at all and nothing they said was reflected in my chart so everything I told the nurses they said I could do had to be double and triple checked by calling the doctor wherever she may be and getting it changed in my chart.  The one nice difference from the past were the meals.  They had a big menu and I got to pre-select all of my food and beverages.  In the past no one has even asked what I wanted until shortly before I was discharged so that was a nice change.
Our baby girl finally got one of the "bow hats!"  
     Elizabeth was 8 lbs 3 oz, so on the smaller side for our babies, but very cute.  She has cute pudgy rolls at her shoulders and thighs that none of the other babies have had and sticky out ears like me (poor thing).  She seems to spit up WAY more than the other babies and I wonder if she has a faulty stomach valve thing like babies can get.  I have an appt with her dr Thursday and will ask then.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

No Excuse Mom (NEM) 12 wk challenge

So I had the baby.  She was 9 days late and induced.  There's a story behind that, but I'm not going into it now.  I really liked the different hospitals policies about delivery and baby care.  Will NOT see or recommend my doctor to anyone even though she came highly recommended to me.  We named the baby Angelina Louise and she weighed 8 lbs 11 oz.  But that is not what this post is about.

This post is about weight loss/total body makeover/life changes etc...  I was excited with this pregnancy because not only did I only gain 25lbs instead of the usual 40, I also ended up (entering the hospital to deliver weight) nearly 10lbs lighter then any of my other babies (except Isabelle, that entire pregnancy turned out to be an extreme aberration from my normal deal).  So I should end up at a lower rate too right?  Wrong.  I lost about 23 lbs in the first four weeks without doing anything. Then Thanksgiving and Christmas happened and I gained 11 back.  Usually the numbers keep dropping right?  But nope, after week four (Thanksgiving week) they started creeping back up again.  I'm breastfeeding and started doing my Chalean Extreme workout again in December but none of that seems to matter this round as the pounds aren't least not in the direction they should be.

(I've briefly considered that maybe there is something really wrong with me like a thyroid problem or something with my hypothalamus or something, but probably not.  Probably I just eat too much crap.)

Anyway.  So I've been following Maria Kang on facebook ever since her "What's Your Excuse?" pic of her in workout gear with her three kids started making the rounds.
 Unlike some, I didn't think she was fat shaming and instead rather misunderstood by the media and rather had it right.  The only reason many of us are big is because we make up some excuse about why WE'RE the exception and WE aren't like know, THEM?  The people who workout and eat right and talk about crossfit all the time and look like they could tear you apart with their bare hands if they needed to and then hike up a mountain afterwards?  Well, my excuse had often been having the kids so close together.  Mine were months farther apart then hers were.  I knew this and found her inspirational.  Anyway.  So recently she announced that she had written a book that would soon be published and any who pre-ordered said book got links to free workouts/recipes/and were signed up for a 12 wk No More Excuses challenge starting January 12th.  I ordered the book and started the challenge.

As part of this deal we have to make a fitness calendar where we chart our progress and workouts for the 12 wks.   We also track our eating habits and calories and shoot for a 30/30/30/10 balance of carbs/proteins/healthy fats/other in our meals.  The goal is to eat 5 small meals a day, do cardio at least 3x/wk and also include her core training videos at least 3x (or some other ab exercise....actually I think the goal is just to EXERCISE...somehow, doesn't matter what, just do SOMETHING 3x/wk).   Anyway.  So I had already been doing my Chalean Extreme, which has three days of heavy lifting and two days of interval training along w/ abs on one day and yoga on the other.  The point being  I wouldn't have to change what I was already doing in that area.

So I decided to do the challenge.  Around this same time I happened upon a post titled; 14 Things You Didn't Know About Celiac's Disease.  You hear so much about gluten intolerance these days that I clicked on it out of curiosity.  One of the categories listed some non-digestive symptoms including; "an itchy skin rash called dermatitus herpetiformus."   For those of you that know me, you know I've been struggling with an extremely itchy rash that appeared our of nowhere about 10 years ago.  After seeing several doctors, including a dermatologist and an allergy specialist they generally agreed that i have excema.  The dermatologist seemed annoyed that I wanted her to "fix" it and explained that this is just something that you have and I should get used to it and treat flair ups as they occur.  The allergy specialist to whom I was referred to (since excema is an allergic reaction) by the dermatologist put me on allergy shots for five years (would have gone longer, but I quit) and sometimes proclaimed that I "didn't have dry skin" like I should for excema and how I should see a dermatologist to take care of it.  Anyway I had given up at this point.  I have a high dose steroid cream that I'm to use "as needed" which really means every day because I have never in ten years NOT had a patch somewhere. So this dermatitus herpetiformus sounded promising.  I looked it up.  It said that it typically appears in adults in their 20's for the first time and is the skin manifestation of Celiac's Disease (wheat intolerance).  I had some blood work done last year that was supposed to test for food allergies (I think the test was crap for several reasons one of which being that it didn't actually test for food allergies just food "reactions") that said I had a very high reaction to wheat.  The "doctor" that went over my results with me is a chiropractor that has some ideas that seem a little "off" to me so I didn't pay this much mind.  But then the wheat thing came up again and I really, really want my rash gone. So I thought I'd try it.  I haven't managed a day TOTALLY wheat free, but I've come pretty close and in just four days one of the worst patches is almost gone.  So I'm combining the exploration of a wheat free diet with this 12 wk challenge.

Yesterday I did pretty good.  I went over my calories, but I didn't eat too much junk and I did my exercise.  Today I ate pretty good "food" and did my zumba video for some cardio, but I had a chocolate attack and ended up eating 1108 calories of crap. Symphony Bar, Reese's, donuts, a marshmallow, mint chocolate chips, junior mints.  It wasn't pretty.  Annoyingly enough, if I had refrained from this indulgence, I would have been 300 calories under my goal.  I just re-read my posts from my attempt to give up sweets for lent  and was reminded that I tend to grab sweets when I'm hungry.  I think I'm craving chocolate, but really I just need to eat something.  So tomorrow my goal is to have healthy snacks ready to eat when I need them and not go too long between my mini-meals.  Today I was an hour past due for my first afternoon snack and I think that was the catalyst that started the chocolate frenzy.   So maybe I'll keep this blog updated for some kind of accountability and see how it goes.

Thursday, October 09, 2014

16 days left!

My little counter in the sidebar says there are only 16 days left to go until baby gets here.  This week I finished up the last of the "big" projects I wanted to get done before baby came..all of which I didn't really start until 36 wks.

First project:  Paint the dining room.  I've disliked the dark green of the dining room for a few years now but haven't been able to picture a better color to paint.  My inspiration came from watching Under the Dome where "Big Jim Renny"'s living room was painted a yellow-based green.  My mind tends to lean towards blue based colors so this shade hadn't occurred to me.  One long weekend later and here are the results:
Before (circa 2009):

Why yes I am on the top of a ladder at 36+ weeks, thanks for noticing...

Mid-way...note the stark contrast in color...although the new green really isn't as "lime' as it looks in this light.

There was also much drama surrounding what color to paint the inside of the bookshelves...I wanted to do it the same as the trim, then I accidentally did the slightly more beige hallway color instead since I didn't notice I was doing the wrong color at first and then couldn't find the extra trim paint... and then when I did find it I had already put the stuff back on the shelves and didn't want to go back and re-do it so right now it just looks slightly if the yellow from before is showing's not, that's just the paint color.  Also some drama surrounding the curtains.  I had it in my head that I wanted to get new blue ones, but after dragging my two littles around to various stores for three + hours and coming home with curtains I still didn't like, I decided the old ones looked just fine after all.

Project two:  Baby dresser.  
     I had been trying to think of where I was going to put the new baby clothes.  I didn't really want to buy another of those cheap plastic drawer sets from Walmart like I did with George as I know I have more girl clothes then boys and the drawers were too deep to make digging through them practical. Then I remembered how Patrick had once brought home a small, ugly dresser from a garage sale that had since been parked on our back porch for a year or so.  The problem with it was the awfully garish shade of pink it was painted.  
Before in all of it's "buried on the porch" glory: 

I thought I could fix it up and paint it green with pale pink drawers.  Well the first attempt didn't turn out so well.   I used the lighter of the two shades of green used in the original dining room scheme (see above) and had planned to leave the drawer faces as is.  The problem was that once the dresser was painted the drawers looked kind of sad no matter how clean they were as they were still old and chipped and slightly stained in places.  I thought; hey!  I painted the kitchen red a few years back and have left over white trim, so I'll make my own pink!  The result looked like a bright, garish watermelon theme from an overly colorful pre-school.  (Note my pink was supposed to be subtle, but instead looked like I had dumped pepto-bismol on the drawers).

First Attempt:
So after staring at it for a day or two, I decided there was no way I could stand looking at it in my bedroom for the next four to six months and took another stab at it.  This time I used the more subtle newly purchased yellow tinted green from the dining room and mixed a whole lot more white into the pink for the drawers.  The result was much more to my liking.

Like I said, it's a subtle difference, but just enough that it won't clash with the wall in my bedroom.

In the past month I had also needed to hall out of the attic the bouncy seat, cradle, "girl" bumper pad and car seat...(well really the car seat wasn't in the attic as George just barely moved up to a toddler seat but still).  William and I spent an afternoon deep cleaning all of these.  I also cleaned all of the baby girl clothes I've been stock piling/saving for the last 8+ years and organized them by size.  So with dresser complete, and since the baby could theoretically come at any time now, I felt the need to complete the "nursery."  Really, this is just the corner of my bedroom where we stick the baby until it moves up to the crib in the other room.  But this still demanded much cleaning and rearranging of over a year's worth of accumulation, including finding a new home for the dusty treadmill that had since taken up residence in the corner.  Here is the result;

Baby Corner:

I also bought a new bedspread as ours was getting a little thread bare...

On the trip to return the curtains, I finally found a frame for the painting of fairies my sister did in 1999.  I thought it looked nice in our "nursery."

Note the three-tired hanger I snagged from some of the new clothes I bought and turned into a cutesy display/hanger for the cute headbands I'm hoping will actually fit this baby's head. (Isabelle's was too big to fit anything on, but these seem bigger so I'm hoping...)  Newly cleaned bed, painted dresser, feminized cradle (note the pink bows), washed bumper, mattress pad/cover, sheets, new stuffed animals, and girly cover for boppy.  Now if she decides to come tomorrow, we have somewhere to put her.  ;)

Over this past weekend, in between painting and re-painting the dresser, Patrick and I also overhauled the laundry room.  This won't be as impressive if you haven't seen it since I don't have any embarrassing pictures to show how awful and cluttered the laundry room had become since I painted it five years ago.  But for those of you "in the know" you'll remember the stacked boxes of various canning items, paint supplies, kids school projects and other odds and ends that had piled up over the years to the point that really, there was a path to the washer where I could "kind of" angle the clothes into the machine, and then a small space through the clutter on the dryer where I could fit my hand through to turn it on by feel.  Well we cleaned all of that out, added another shelf, moved the ironing board, swept mopped, etc...and it is now back to it's original, presentable and accessible glory.  

Again, this is not as impressive if you haven't been here to see the state of the laundry room "before."  But trust me, it was bad...there may or may not have been excess evidence of mouse residency that was cleaned up...hopefully no one is getting hantavirus...

After all of this, I also had to get out the Halloween decorations for the house since it is October and all...this is something of a project in itself, though I didn't go as all out as I usually do with the yard since I wasn't feeling up to it.  I also didn't take pics so you'll have to imagine it yourself..or drive/stop by if you're in the area. ;)  

That is the end of my major projects of the last few weeks...there was also the time a month or so back when Patrick was in Dallas and I got sick of living with our sad and broken couch, so me and the kids literally picked it up and tossed it out the living room window (our doors are too small to get big furniture through).  Luckily, we found a nice replacement at the consignment store the same day so the living room didn't look bare for long...of course now the sofa and love seat don't match, but I can live with that for awhile...

Here are some belly shots to leave you with. :)
24 wks

28 wks

32 wks

36 wks
I don't seem to be putting on as much weight this time, which I guess is good, and the baby belly seems to be more concentrated in the front then previous times as well...not that I usually "spread" that much...maybe I'll be lucky and magically lose all the weight and then some in the first two weeks like I did with Isabelle...that would be nice....but I'm not really counting on it. ;)

So I still have a few "projects" I'd like to complete in the next two weeks, but they're more of the "paint my toenails," "clean the bathrooms," and "write up kids schedule for sitter" variety rather then overhauling the house.   So there is your update.  I hope you enjoyed it...most likely I won't post again until after the baby comes, but you never know...

Friday, July 04, 2014


My awesome pregnancy announcement.
So I never update...but I don't think anyone checks this anymore so I guess it doesn't matter.   We're expecting our 6th baby this coming October and we found out last month that it is a girl!  (yay!)  Of course now that we're finally having a girl, I keep seeing cute little boy clothes, but I'm sure I'll get over that.  I went through our baby girl clothes (sizes Newborn to 12 months) and man that was a lot of pink.  It looked like our bed had been covered in Pepto Bismol by the time I was done.  It was a good thing I went through them though since apparently I did not organize them at all when I put them away.  I have all the baby boy clothes organized in neat plastic bins by size so that it's easy to pull out the next size and put away the smaller ones, but the girls clothes have been shoved in plastic bags and labeled (incorrectly in seems) then put in the attic for the last 8 years.  (Well really they've moved two houses since Isabelle was born two moves back, but still...)  Turns out, I have a TON of girl stuff....but it seems like many of the outfits have those peter pan collars on them that I don't like.  I guess it was just the style back then since I haven't seen many girl clothes with them since.  So our baby may be out of date in her wardrobe, but oh well.   I really want to find some of those cute flower/bow head bands that everyone is dressing their girls in these days.  I'm hoping I can find some that are big enough for her head...I remember with Isabelle I bought some for her and they were always too small and left big dents in her scalp so I only put them on for pictures then took them off again.

In the mean time, George has taken to waking up in the middle of the night for no good reason.  He was getting his leg caught in the crib repeatedly, so I always go check just in case since it sounds like he's in pain or something, but no he's not stuck and stops crying as soon as I pick him up.  We usually go sit in the dark for 10-15 minutes and then he'll go back to bed without any problem.  Crazy baby.  Hopefully he stops that before his sister comes.

It's a girl!!

We've been trying to think of good baby girl names.  Here are some I've thought of:

  • Angelina Amelia
  • Angelina Marie
  • Angela Beth
  • Kathrine Elizabeth
  • Kathryn Anne
  • Sarah Jane
  • Sarah Elizabeth
  • Molly....something...
Really we've been calling our theoretical future girl-child "Angelina" for several years now, but now that it's a reality, I'd like to have some more options.  I kind of like Molly, but I can't think of a good middle name.  Also, Molly always struck me as a down to earth, peasant-y kind of name and I wouldn't want her to feel bad in the midst of James, Henry, William and George, whom everyone presumes were named after the Kings of England (they weren't really if you want to know the truth).  So what are your thoughts, theoretical audience that still reads my blog even though I only post once a year or so?

12 wks

16 wks

20 wks (even though if you look at my tracker in the side bar you'll see this is now out of date)

Friday, May 10, 2013

Baby George

So this is the very short summed-up version of my birth story.  I'll hopefully find time to add details later.  :)

Made a plan to be induced for May 3rd (not with the doctor, I just decided that would happen), water broke at 1:45am (4/26), laid in bed until 2:30, went in around 3:30, got to hospital around 4:30am.  Gush in parking lot.  Embarrassing at counter.  Nothing.  Pill at 9:30am.  Nothing.  NO FOOD!!   Pill at 1:30pm, another at 1:45.  STARVING!!!  (stole 4 bites of Patrick's sandwich...shh!)  Nothing.  Contractions at 4:45pm.  Pitocin at 5:30, upped the dose at 6:30, sucky, sucky, sucky, checked at 7pm was at a 4.  Epidural by 7:20.  Funny nurse.  Pressure/pain...checked at 9pm'ish, I thought I"d be a 6, she thought I'd be a 10.  Was an 8 that turned to 10 as she checked.  Everyone came in.  Pushed twice "ooh look hair!  Do you want to see?"  Push twice more and bam, baby.  9:17pm 8 lbs 1.5oz, 19 1/2 inches long, 14" head circumference.  Smallest baby ever...but not really as it turns out Isabelle was 8 lbs 1.3oz, so really she was 0.2oz smaller.  Put baby on my stomach right after 'cuz we wanted to wait to cut the cord, the nurse held him in place while we waited, which I thought was weird as I was all prepared to do it.  Nursed baby, nurse brought me a chicken wrap.  Patrick went and got Taco Bueno (it's more bueno!).  Patrick stayed night, went to friend's thing Saturday, came back brought me subway then went home.  Friends came, left.  Thought we'd have to stay until Monday because my water broke so early they thought the baby needed observation.  Changed their minds, went home Sunday around 5:30 after Patrick got there from church.  Totally forgot to take any pics while I was in labor or of me holding the baby right after...or of Patrick holding the baby right after...bah.

Good baby, tend to block out how sucky the first two weeks of no sleep are.  Seems to be getting better now.  Nursing problems first week, all cleared up.  Baby had to get circumcised this week, that was much sadder than when it's done at the hospital.  Has hair (weird) will probably fall out next week like James's did and then get covered in baby acne and be ugly for a month or so....just in time for Grandma to visit! ;)