

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Like Father Like Son!

I came down the stairs this morning to this sight!! =)
I love my two boys!
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Home Grown!

Our home grown watermellon!! Ryan is such a great farmer! =)
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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Peter's First Day of Kindergarten!

Getting his name tag!

He was very excited about his name tag! =)

Standing in front of his classroom.

In line to go into class. Does he look excited or what?! =)
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More Peter's Kindergarten.

Waving good bye!

Leaving me!! =( And he didn't even look back! =)
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Coral's First Day of 2nd Grade

Standing in front of her class room door.

Getting in line for flag ceremony.

Walking to class.

Leaving me!! =(
Posted by Picasa If you notice Coral is the only one wearing her uniform! I was a little nervous about this and thought "What have I done, sending her in uniform on the first day!! I hope she doesn't feel awkward." But, she didn't care in the least...that's my girl! =)

First Day of School!

Posted by Picasa The kids don't have to wear school uniforms unless they wear shorts. But, I thought it would be so cute if they were both in uniform on the first day (for pictures of course! =)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Missing Sun Tan!

So my kids had fabulous tan lines this year! Especially our brown boy Peter. Unfortunately I didn't take the opportunity to take pictures of their tans and now they have faded quite a bit.