Showing posts with label short animation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label short animation. Show all posts

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Five Faves #12

Hi there! Hope you all enjoyed your weekend!
Voilà, my Five Faves, a little later than usual...

1) Favourite Craft Projects
(love both of them, along with absolutely everything this man makes)

3) Favourite Flying Friends - Zéphyro's Animal Mobiles

4) Favourite New Shop - Cocon Summer 2010

Watch it with your children!

* via Gingerpocket
** Animation blog

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Five Faves #10

So, it's Bank Holiday here again, the weather's gorgeous and it's time for another five faves

2) Favourite vintage book find - Luggage by Samuil Marshak (1969)

3) Favourite wall decor - Anthropologie's story busts

4) Favourite decorating advice - Frame it!

Framed vintage End flash card

Handkerchief Art - House and Home / Poppytalk

Cutlery and old music papers

5) Favourite pastime - watching short animation

White Box

White Box from makoto yabuki on Vimeo.

(via Upon a Fold)

Hungarian Gypsy Song

via: Butwhereareyounow

A Trip to the Seaside

via: Animation Blog (thanks Laura!)

Hope you'll watch them!

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Take your time

Perhaps not the best post for those in a hurry, zipping along from one blog to the next, but if you have 5 minutes, either now or later, I'm sure you'll appreciate this beautiful animation. I did.

Prenez le temps de regarder cette petite animation, maintenant ou quand vous voulez, vous ne le regretterez pas!
