garden hyacinth, Hyacinthus orientalis |
Hyacinth is the name of a particular plant, the three species of the genus
Hyacinthus (asparagus family, Asparagaceae),
Hyacinthus litwinowii,
H. orientalis and
H. transcaspicus, but it is easy to discover other "hyacinths": grape hyacinth (
Mascari, Leopoldia and Pseudomuscari species), water hyacinth (
Eichornia species), hyacinth bean (
Lablab species), summer hyacinth (
Ornithogalum species)... These others are quite different plants: grape hyacinth and summer hyacinth are in the asparagus family with common hyacinth but water hyacinth is in the aquatic plant family Pontideriaceae and hyacinth bean is indeed in the bean family (Fabaceae). Apparently hyacinths were so well-known that other plants were named based on reminding people of hyacinths.
Who then is this much-imitated plant?