Thursday, April 16, 2009

Boy Or Girl?

I am very anxious to find out what we are having but I still have to wait another month! I go to the Doctor May 14Th and we will do a ultra sound and hopefully if the baby cooperate we will find out what it is! I am not sure what we are having, I really have no idea but I want to know what your guesses are so leave a comment and tell me what you think!

This is a pic of my baby belly at 16 weeks, I don't really look to pregnant  just a little on the chunky side! 

Monday, April 13, 2009


We had a good Easter this year.  Easter morning Braxton was so excited to see what he got he tried to wake up at 6:00 am well we made him go back to bed then we finally got up around 7:00.  He was so excited to come down and see Easter eggs hidden and table full of fun stuff!  We then had a Easter Egg hunt and Braxton is getting pretty quick with these since he has had a few over the last week!   Then we colored eggs becuase we never got around to it before hand, but he did really good and had a lot of fun! We then took some time to try to explian why we have Easter to a two year old.  He actually did pretty good we have some pictures that we talked to him about and he really liked that.  It was then time to go to church so we got ready and had some really good meetings at church.  After church you can't pass up a good afternoon nap so we all took one then we went to dinner at a some friends house.  We had a good time talking and visiting thanks for having us over guys!  It was a good easter of course we did miss our families alot and the classic Easter egg hunt at the Baldwins and the Easter Egg hunt for the grandkids at Grandpa & Grandpa Thomas but we will be home soon enough!  Happy Easter everyone! 

Braxton thought it was fun to run and attack me while I was trying to take his picture! 
Look how big and cute he looks in his new Easter outfit! 
Grandma sent him this memory game and he was too busy checking it out to take a picture!
Coloring easter eggs.
All the colored eggs.
I know I look really bad in this pic but I just woke up! 
Braxton was so excited for his Easter stuff! 
He got a lot of fun stuff Grandma loves to send Braxton fun stuff! 
Kirk and Lindy were really nice and also sent us a little money for Easter thanks guys! 
Posted by PicasaBraxton eating his Easter breakfast Marshmellow creal (Lucky Charms) he is obssesed he asks for this for every meal!  

Monday, April 6, 2009

Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt

Braxton Cheesing it up! 
Look its the Easter Bunny
Braxton getting all the eggs!
I had to the hold the basket after a while so he did not dump them out! 
Braxton scored with his basket full of eggs! 
We had a fun weekend on Saturday morning Braxton went to a friends birthday part and he had a great time! He was the youngest on there so he loved hanging out with the older kids! Then our neighborhood puts on a Easter Egg Hunt which was great! It was nice because there were a lot of eggs but not a billion people like you get on the city Easter Egg Hunts. They had different age groups Braxton was in the 0-2 yrs old so he was one of the older kids and he filled his basket fast! He still wanted to get eggs afterward so he would find eggs and put them in smaller kids baskets he had a blast! It was nice the neighborhood also gave all the kids a toy and Braxton got a car and he was so excited he has been playing with it all weekend! I like living in neighborhood where they plan fun things like this. We came back home in time to catch about a hour left of the first session of General Conference. I love General Conference weekend, you have an amazing spiritual experience and you get to do it all in your pajamas! I loved the story President Monson told about the mom in Russia during World War 2 I was pretty much bawling! That would be so hard to loose all your kids and husband I don't think I could handle that! It was a great weekend and I always look forward to General Conference!
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