Monday, July 27, 2009

New Bedtime Routine

What do you get when two kids ready for bed go out to "help" their dad water the lawn?
Two really wet kids in PJ' least they had fun!!

Look at those smiles. I'm sure they will remember this much longer than another boring bedtime routine with me.....

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Bubble Blowers

Kyle went to a friends house to play and came home with these bubble blowers (they even made one for Anna). They were really cool, an idea I would never come up with. Basically it's a plastic cup covered with gauze and a straw poked into the side of the cup. You just put soap and water on the gauze and blow in the straw and mountain of bubbles appear. Pretty kids really liked it.

Kids steal the camera

The kids got a hold of the camera and I guess Kyle thought it was important to get a picture of Anna in time out....what a nice brother!Here she is saying...."give me the camera"
Anna's turn to get Kyle
I think I should put the camera up higher....

Saturday, July 4, 2009


The blog in FINALLY updated from our trip to Utah. I broke it up into mini-posts to make it easier to put into a blog book later. away, or just know that we had a great trip and are still trying to get out of vacation mode...what to make for dinner!?

Friday, July 3, 2009

See you later mom and dad!!!

The main reason we went to Utah was to see my parents off for their mission to Paraguay. I can't even put into words how much I look up to them, basically dropping everything in their lives for three years to serve the Lord. I am so lucky to have them as parents and am so grateful for their example to me and my family. As much and I will miss them (which is a lot) I know they are doing the right thing and am so happy for them and the people of Paraguay!! We love you mom and dad!! See you later!! As they are leaving for the MTC
One last cuddle with grandpa
Next time we take a shot like this the baby in my belly will be as big as Anna...weird!!!
We will miss you Grandma and Grandpa...see you on Skype!!!

Fun with family!!

We loved spending so much time with family in Utah. Here are a few of my favorite snap shots.Aunt Laura
Aunt Sara
Anna, Kyle, Josh and Will
Kyle and Adam

Anna and Callie...the ONLY girl cousins on my side.
Anna, Kyle and Adam...pretty much these three were inseparable the entire trip. They are all exactly 11 months apart. Kyle is the oldest then Adam is 11 months younger than him and Anna is 11 months younger than Adam....sure we planned it like that....or not!!!

Anna's 3!!

Somehow we always manage to be in Utah for Anna's birthday and this year was no exception. I'm not complaining, we love having family around to celebrate. Unbelievable to me, my baby is THREE years old. She has really grown up a ton lately...I guess she is getting ready to be a big sister in a couple of it's a good thing!! We love Anna and are so glad that she is part of our family!! Anna and her Sun Cake!
Enjoying the loot too much to even look at the camera.

She was so excited to open the gifts. She kept going and counting them over and over again!!

Temple Square

One afternoon we decided to go to Temple Square...since sadly in all of our travels to Utah my kids had never been there and it had been YEARS since I had even been there. It was a beautiful day to walk around and look at all the flowers. The visitor centers have all changed a lot from what I remember and we all really enjoyed ourselves.

Kevin and Anna in front of the conference center

Oquirrh Mountain Temple Openhouse

While we were in Utah we were able to go the the Oquirrh Mountain Temple open house in South Jordan. We went with my parents, my sister Jenny and her family and my little sister Laura. It was really neat to be able to take my little kiddo's there and have them feel the spirit of that building. Kyle's favorite part were all the "rainbow lights" throughout the entire temple. I'm so glad we took advantage of that opportunity.

Grandma and Grandpa with all the munchkins that were there.