Monday, November 24, 2008

new project

My new project is doing Anna's hair. And we are both having a lot of fun with it. She's surprisingly good at holding still while I do it...I think she just like the spray bottle that I use to get her hair wet. Anyway I realized a while ago that she has more hair that it looks like so I've been trying new styles...this is today's!!

Monday, November 10, 2008



A couple new hobbies

The kiddo's have a couple of new hobbies. Anna has recently discovered the piano. This really warms my heart because I always hoped my kids would enjoy music, so fingers crossed that this sticks. But anyway, she will sit and dink around a quite a long time and she LOVES to sit next to me when I much so that no matter what she is doing, if she hears the piano she comes running and sits herself right up by my side to join in. I must say I don't mind!! Kyle has also learned the joys of, specifically the Curious George games. I don't feel too bad because they are all somewhat educational and he enjoys it. The best is that, again, Anna can't be left out. Every time Kyle is playing she drags a chair over for herself as well....totally content to just watch.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Festivities

Well, HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone!! We've had a great couple of days full of the usual festivities. First we started by carving the pumpkins that we picked up at the patch.As you can tell, Kyle was VERY unsure of the pumpkin guts. In fact when he actually touched it he was so grossed out that he was on the verge of tears (a little strange, I know)
This is as close as they got. All the really did was spoon out the air that was in the pumpkin...not a lot of help.
The finished jack-o-lanterns. Anna and I did the small one, Kevin and Kyle did the big one.
Then the day before Halloween, Kyle's pre-school class had a little party. It was pretty small, but fun none the less. Here is a picture of his class. (he's the monkey)
Then the big night of trick or treats!! The kids were very excited to get out and knock those doors. As you can see Kyle is a monkey (AGAIN)...those of you with good memories will see that this costume is the same as last years costume. What can I say, other than no amount of talking could convince him to be anything else. He still loves Curious George and honestly I was just relieved that the costume still fit. The only downside is that he was ROASTING in it the entire evening. The full fleece costumes was great for Chicago last year but a not so great for the 77 degrees that we had here in Dallas. And Anna was a "pink Fairy" as she stated. She had to get used to the wings but once she did she really enjoyed pretending to fly.
We went out with some of the kids in our neighborhood.
Kyle in action...notice his hat is off, if it were a close up picture you would see how sweaty his head was.
Little pink fairy walking to get more loot. One good thing about having houses packed together like they are here is that you don't have to walk very far to hit a ton of houses. All I have to say is we have WAY TOO MUCH candy in our house....I guess I better get to eating it all.