Wednesday, August 20, 2008

We Love Sunriver!!

Last week we had a blast in Sunriver Oregon with Kevin's family. There was so much fun stuff to do there. The kids slept well every night which I think means that we wore them out every day, just the way I like it!!! Going on a bike ride....Kevin is obviously the one who pulled them, there was no way I could go anywhere pulling an extra 100 lbs....I could barely pull myself!!!
We played at a park...nice shades Kyle!
Put Puzzles together with Aunt Brynn and cousin Peyton. Kyle actually really liked putting the puzzles together, well, mainly he waited until the puzzle was complete and then he would pull a corner apart and put it back together and then claim that he put the entire puzzle together...whatever.
And their favorite and mine....we went swimming everyday!!!
Man...I don't think this summer could be any more fun....but I'm ready to not be living out of suitcases anymore!!!

Kyle is the big 4!!!

Kyle turned 4 years old on the eleventh of August (only 9 days late on the's been a weird summer). We had a party in Utah with my family on the 5th. And then on his actually birthday we had a party with Kevin's family at Sunriver, Or. We just love having sweet Kyle in our family. I just can't believe that I have a four year old!! Kyle's cake in Utah....a little tired of waiting to dig in!!
In Sunriver...Kevin documenting with the video camera!
Kyle opening gifts
Kyle and his loot, lucky kid!
Kyle blowing out the candles on his 2nd the way, Anna loves cake too!!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Actually relaxing on the beach!

Kevin and I had a great time on Maui in Hawaii with his folks and without our kids!! Missed them tons, but loved being able to sleep in and do whatever, whenever we wanted!! Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the week!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

This is the Place!!

We went and visited This is the Place Park. Pretty cool place, we weren't there for very long, but it was fun none the less.

Tree House Museum

A few weeks back we took the kids to the Tree house Museum and we had a great time. The kids had fun in almost every station. We loved every minute of the three hours that we were there!!! Kevin and Anna enjoying some tea and sushi!
Kyle and trains...still no surprise there
In the music room.
Kyle playing chess which translates to knocking every piece over with the horse.
The kids dressed up putting on a play for us....don't be fooled by their faces, they were having a blast!!!