Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The day finally came!!

So the day has finally come, I DID Anna's hair. I know it's not much, but I've been waiting for 14 1/2 months!! Not only has she been pretty much bald since birth, but when her hair finally did come in, it was so fine and thin!! But now there is just enough to put in this little clip to keep it off her forehead!! These pictures aren't the best of Anna's cute little face, but they show the hair-do!!

**When Kyle was 14 1/2 months he had had probably 3 real hair cuts...good hair wasted on a boy!!

Sunday, August 26, 2007


So Kyle has a new favorite word, it is WHY??? No joke, he asks it after everything!! He furrows his little eyebrows when he asks it so it looks really cute, but after the twentieth "why" it gets a little frustrating!! Our conversations go a little something like this, Kyle please eat your dinner. Why? So your tummy will be full. Why? So you can be strong and healthy. Why? So you will not get sick. Why? Because it's not fun to be sick. Why? You see what I mean...it never ends. I know it's part of being 3, but I am running out of answers that aren't "because I said so!!"

This is little Kyle asking why with his scrunched nose...pretty cute!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Nice cool treat!!

Popsicle's are so yummy!!! Lucky for my kids, their dad loves them too, so there is usually a box in the freezer. A great way to end the day is sitting in the shade with the family I love and a nice cool treat!!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Where are my sunglasses?

My kids love sunglasses. These are just a couple of the MANY times they have worn mine. Whenever either one of them sees them, they want them. It's pretty much no use for me to wear them anywhere because one of the kids usually ends up with them.

When did we grow up?

This weekend we went up to Sacramento to visit some college friends, the Pearson's and the Pratt's. The husbands were Kevin's roommates in Provo. It was really fun to see everyone and catch up. I don't know about you guys, but I feel like college was yesterday but when you see six kids from three families, you realize that time is flying and we are all getting old!!!!

Friday, August 17, 2007

All about Anna

Anna is not walking yet, but she can sure get around. Her newest form of transportation is this little bike. She has been sitting on it for all of the summer, but she has just recently figured out how to make it move. She just goes across the backyard until she runs into something and can't move, she then yells out and I know that she needs a new direction to go. She hasn't quite figured out how to make it turn, but it is a great way to keep this busy little girl out of trouble.

Anna has a new favorite place to hang out, this fish chair. One day I was getting lunch ready I realized I wasn't hearing Anna. This was a bit alarming because Anna is my child who like to empty things that shouldn't be emptied...my purse, trash cans, wipes containers to name a few. However this time I found her sitting in this chair reading a book, looking pretty proud of herself. Now not a day goes by that she doesn't sit in this chair. Perfect place for her.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Man, I love these kids!!

I took these pictures the other day in the yard and I know that I am their mom, but I just love my two cute little kiddies!! I am so lucky!!

Great parks are the best!!!

Last night we went to a great park here is Los Gatos for family home evening. It was like the builders of the park had Kyle specifically in mind when designing it. There was a Fire Truck, Airplane, and a Train....what more could little Kyle want??!! There was also swings, which are Anna's favorite!! Let me tell you...it was hard to get the kids to leave! Kyle driving the fire truck!!

Anna taking a turn too!

Anna loves to swing!!

Anna and Kyle driving the train

Kyle and some random kids in the airplane

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Yesterday was Kyle's 3rd birthday. We had a really great day. First we all went to the San Jose Children's museum, which the kids LOVED!! Kyle loved so many of the exhibits, his favorites were probably the bubbles, water-fun and all the big trucks and cars that he could climb on!! After being there for a couple of hours we went to Round Table Pizza for dinner. Which if anyone knows Kevin, Round Table is his favorite, and Kyle likes pizza so it all worked out. Then we went home and Kyle opened a few gifts and the usual cake and ice cream for everyone...even Anna!! He was so cute all day he kept saying "This is such a great birthday for me!!" I am so glad that he is my son...I just can't believe he is 3!!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Kaite's Wedding

This weekend we were able to go to Portland for the wedding of Kevin's sister, Katie. It was such a fun and busy weekend as wedding usually are. All of Kevin's 9 siblings and their spouses and children were able to make it. We are really happy for Katie. And it was so fun to see everyone and catch up. Now that we don't live in the Northwest we don't see his family near as often as we used to. It was also really fun to see Kyle with all his cousins. He is really lucky because he has four cousins that are with in 9 months of his age...one is only 3 days older. He was in heaven with so many kids to play with, especially since the only people he has had to play with the last two months have been me and Anna. He is even the only kid in the nursery of the ward we've been going to this summer. I think this might be the reason he says that his blanket is his best friend...sad, I know!! Anyway, it was a great weekend!!
The happy couple!!

Kevin and Katie!!
Our family outside the temple
Anna and Mama!!
Kyle, Haley, Jonah and Christopher (behind) sitting outside the temple

Kyle and most of his cousins...well, just about half of them!!!
Kyle eating fruit snacks...anything to keep him from walking away from us.
Kyle laying by the fountain.
What's with my kid always laying down???

The late reception made Kyle a little grumpy!!
Anna's still happy!