Monday, September 9, 2013

Ahoy Matey!!

One of Colin's birthday gifts came in this huge box and he and Anna quickly turned it into a pirate ship.  They've had a ball playing in it all weekend!!

BYU vs Texas

Kevin and Kyle got to go the the BYU vs TEXAS game on Saturday.  The got rained on and Kyle thought it was hilarious that they wore garbage sacks for ponchos.  It was an awesome game and both my boys came home super happy!!!

Happy Birthday Colin!!!

Colin had his 4th birthday and he was so happy.  It's hard for him because there is a birthday every month of the summer in our family and his is the last.  So he has to experience 3 cakes and ice creams, 3 parties and 3 siblings opening their presents before he gets to get in on the action.  All day he kept saying "I'm not pretend 4 anymore...I'm real 4!"  Too cute!!
Colin LOVES music and he kept asking for a really loud trumpet for his birthday.  I got him a trumpet...not a really loud one, but still a working trumpet!!

Happy Birthday Colin!!!  We love you!!!

Colin goes to Pre school

It has begun!!  I went back and forth about weather or not I should put Colin in pre-school this year since he still has 2 years till Kindergarten.  Ultimately I decided yes and I'm sure glad I did.  He loves that he gets to go to school just like Kyle and Anna.  Here he is on his first day of Pre-school!!
I know he is my kid, but look at that face....

little miss green thumbs

At the end of the school year last year, Anna came home with a teeny tiny little planter of two itty bitty sunflower seeds.  She asked if she could plant them in the back yard.  Of course I said yes....and these 12 feet tall sunflowers emerged.  She is so proud of her plants, I just love it!!  It still shocks me that such huge plants come from such small seeds...crazy I tell you!!

First Day of School 2013

Summer went by so fast this year.  Before I knew it school had started.  So far everyone is doing really well and I have a feeling it's going to be a great year!
Anna 2nd Grade
Kyle 4th Grade
Here are all the neighborhood kids on their way!!

Hood to coast

Kevin ran the Hood to Coast again this year with his family.  He survived so I figure it was a success!!  Way to go Kevin!!

Kyle's Birthday

Kyle turned 9 years old on August 11th.  He is such a great kid!  Perfect oldest brother.  He is so helpful and thoughtful and fun to play with.  We are so lucky to have him in our family!!!

He still loves lego ninjago

We had a bowling birthday party for him and four of his friends.  They were all so well behaved and had a great time!

Happy Birthday Kyle!!!

bridal veil falls

My brother Robert, his son Jack and Kyle all have birthdays at the beginning of August so Robert invited everyone to come down to Bridal Veil Falls to hike around and have a family picnic.  It was so fun.  The kids waded in the water under the falls, fed the fish and ran around with their cousins.  It was a success!!

The three birthday boys blowing out their candles


I haven't been to Lagoon in over ten years, so when a company that Kevin was interviewing with offered to let our family come for their Lagoon day we jumped on it.  We had a great time.  The kids were much more nervous about the rides than I thought they would be.  It made me glad that I didn't buy season passes this year!!