We have had some great things happening in our family lately. We'll start off with the best thing, which was that Heidi turned 8 and recently was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! I can't believe how the time has flown by with our oldest. She has grown up so fast. You always hear that but don't get it until you recognize it in your own life. Ashley said something so funny the other day. The girls had gotten up to go to school. They had woken up about an hour before we needed to leave to take them, of course, we mosied in getting ready and were racing out the door to get them to school with no minutes to spare. As we started heading towards the school, we said a prayer that we would get to school on time. After the prayer was over, Ashley said, "Mom, our time goes by too fast, doesn't it?" I replied that "it definitely did" she then responded, "we should get a new clock!" It was hilarious!! I busted out laughing. I love the things my kids say. They are so true, yet so so funny!
Heidi had a very special Baptism. Her Grandpa and Grandma Hughes were able to come out for the special day and her Grandma Mangum made her Baptismal dress (which she loved). Other family members sent some very thoughtful gifts that we sooo appreciated! We wish that you all could have been here for it!!!! She had great support from our ward members and Charlottesville friends with over 70 people showing up. She was baptized and confirmed by Kevin. Her Grandpa Hughes and I said the prayers. Kevin and her Grandma Hughes spoke and the songs that we sang were "If the Savior Stood Beside Me", "When Jesus Christ was Baptized" and "Baptism". It really was a special day. We then went and had a great nachos and taco salad luncheon following the baptism. After all of this was over, we went home and opened gifts that some of our sweet family sent and gifts that Kevin and I had gotten her. One of our very favorite parts of that afternoon was that the Hughes family had gotten together and made posters and a video congratulating Heidi! We watched it over again a couple times and cried each time. It was so thoughtful!!!!! There is a picture of Heidi looking at the posters (that are now hung in her room) below. We then went to eat, again, at Red Robin and then relaxed the rest of the time. It was a beautiful day to the fullest extent! Following are the pictures!

Just outside our home on Baptism Day! Kevin and Heidi (this one's my favorite) I love their smiles!
Us girls right after changing.

Heidi getting ready to go.

I just thought this was sooo cute.

Heidi at the church before going in. Ashley actually took this picture. Not so bad, eh?

This is one of the posters that was made by the Hughes family. As you can tell my the look on her face, she LOVED it! What can I say, we all did!

The girls love the shakes at Red Robin!

Before Kevin's parents left, we were trying to take some family pictures. Kevin wanted to try the "automatic shoot" on the camera. This was us trying to get it right. I just think this is sooo funny, because Kevin is running so fast trying to make it back for the pose, and doesn't quite make it in time. It doesn't seem like Nathan minded though. He's having a blast. haha

We took a few shots, but this was the best it was going to get!

Some single shots of the kids with their grandparents. Just Stinkin' Adorable if you ask me!

Kevin saying goodbye to his parents. Kevin loves picking up his dad and mom and giving them lots of love! haha. They HATE it! hahaha!

CAUGHT, RED HANDED! Ashley snuck into Grandma and Grandpa's rental car and hid in the back before they took off. It was as they were pulling away that she popped her head up and said she was going with them to see her cousins. I had to get a picture it was so cute!

On Heidi's Birthday, we played all day. Heidi wanted to get her ears pierced for her birthday and wanted to have donuts, not a cake (must be the Mangum in her, haha). So we took her to get her ears pierced and by the looks of the person doing the piercing, she had a lot of experience! Kevin and I laughed and said if we had to pick anyone to pierce Heidi's ears it would be her. (She had many multiple peircings all over). All went well, she only cried for a second. We came home had donuts, opened presents, and Heidi and I went shopping and to a late night movie together. It was fun!

Heidi pulling off the candles of her favorite donut. Yum, Yum!

I just thought this was a funny picture of Brooke. It looks like she is looking to see if it really is okay that she eats the donut. Her face is so funny.

For Heidi's friend Birthday party, I made a real cake. The theme was a sleepover party with out the sleepover (pretty much a pajama party). So I made a cake that looked like little girls at a sleepover. Heidi and I together, in our pj's and sleeping masks, with the cake.

A close up of the cake. Isn't it cool!!!!

She had a lot of friends over as you can tell! For the party favors, she handed out sleeping masks and journals with ring pops. Face masks off!

Face masks on!

Through the night we did lots of sleepover activities, along with opening presents and cake and ice cream, from pillow fights too...

Limbo, to ....

Dancing, (it was really cute Grandma was in the kitchen working on a ton of food for the next day (bless you, mama), when all the girls came in and convinced her to dance with them (she is such a good sport) the girls loved it!!! She showed them how they shook their thang in the old days)to...

A major marshmallow fight. We separated the room in half and built up baracades for the girls to fight eachother, but then as soon as Kevin and I came in, they all came together and attacked us. It was great! This is Kevin getting totally pelted.

I found marshmallows for weeks after. The funniest one that I found, was in the lamp next to where Kevin is standing. I was cleaning my front room and heard this sizzling sound. I looked all over and found that it was coming from the lamp. I tilted it down and noticed that a half burnt marshmallow was roasting by the hot lightbub. Anyone for s'mores??? I know it was dangerous, but really funny!

More marshmallow fights! After all of that was over, everyone sacked out and watched one of Heidi's favorite movies, Mr. Bean's Holiday and ate a ton of goodies. The party was really such a blast! I was talking to one of Heidi's friend's moms a few days later and she told me that her daughter came home and said "Mom, that was one of the two funnest days of my life!" her mom said, "well what was the other one?" the little girl replied, "the day I was born." We got a great laugh out of that!

Now are just some random pictures that I thought I would put in. Kevin and I love how Brooke is starting to get our attention. It is so cute, she'll grab our face and lay a big wet kiss on you! Its soo cute!

I love how much she smiles and laughs. If I'm laughing, she does too and I love it!

Check out the little curls she's getting and that cute smile!

The day before Valentines Day, Ashley had a bring your parents and grandparents to school party with little heart learning games. She lucked out and actually had her sweet Hughes grandparents here. Thanks for coming out, guys! If you click to enlarge the picture you can see Brooke's face. It is hilarious, she didn't enjoy it as much. haha

However, Nathan and Ashley had a great time. Nathan felt like a big boy with all the big elementary school kids!

We went to Dick's Sporting Goods while Grandpa and Grandma were here, and I lost Ashley for a second, when I found her, this is what she looked like. hahaha. She is so funny! She's always putting on different clothes where ever she is at!

There is a bounce house place here that the kids like to go to, so of course we had to take Grandpa and Grandma to it as well. Here are some pictures from there.

Doesn't this look like fun?

This is Nathan trying to fight the little blown up knight. He got pretty bored when the knight wouldn't fight back.

Brooke coming off the slide. I think she liked it!

One thing our kids love to do when the weather simmers a little is have a good swing at the park. If you enlarge it, you can actually see the kids faces.