Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Projects and Randomness and Halloween (Take 2)

I have no clue why my pictures suddenly disappeared, but here is the post with the pictures!

A couple of diaper motorcycles I made for friends and family

(Since EVERYONE is having babies lately!) I wish we could all get healthy so we could see the babies more L

These are skirts I made for my nieces for Christmas. They were so fun and I finally gave in a bought myself a serger (squeal) for Christmas. I LOVE it! I ended up putting a flower on the little one on the right as well. They turned out so cute and I hopefully will make some for my own girls soon! And probably one for me!

Just cuteness!

Something Erika never did--fall asleep where ever. Ashley was falling asleep between bites on the second picture :)

Erika found my Dorothy shoes and we got to be twins the whole morning! She tried to convince we to wear them visiting teaching, but I talked her out of it luckily!

Erika and her friend Logan at the Discovery Center

I think this is the first holiday we have ever had a decorated porch. I thought it was really cute. I think that the fact it is my own house makes it even more cute!

I was impressed with Kev's pumpkin! Next year he says it will be UW and BSU haha

The cutest little Candy Corn and Princess!

She hates getting her hands dirty, so this was a big step! wahoo!

Monday, September 19, 2011


I am finally updating a little :) Ashley is growing like a weed and sleeping awesome! She has rolls everywhere and a dimple on each cheek! I don't know how we are so blessed to get 2 good sleepers so far. Erika is doing well. She turns 3 in a couple weeks, yikes! She is mostly potty trained, but struggling with #2, but it was expected because of her constipation issues and fear associated with that. I am back to work part-time doing 3- 12 hr shifts every 2 weeks. I have my last night shift tonight and then I am on days!!!! I can't wait. Kevin was finally able to take his test and is now a licensed physical therapist. We are so grateful to have income and he loves his job at an outpatient orthopedic clinic. Here are some pictures from the last couple months.

PS...I promise Erika's hair is done sometimes :) It just gets out of control the second her head touches anything!

Always being a ham!

The cheeks in relaxed position...this is why I call her my little bulldog :)
Sitting on her potty for a long time, so why not take crazy face pictures?

What to do when cousins are over and your house has a huge front room without much furniture in it? Build a fort and have a picnic in it!
Look at her rolls...and this was about a month ago!
Yes, that is a lime she is licking.
Erika finally decided she loved skirts-Mom this is her favorite! Thanks!
~Just cute~
Sleeps like her dad :)
Always has her tongue out!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Just pics

Ashley has grown so much and is getting to be quite the chunk. We love her to death and Erika loves being a big sister...most of the time :)
I can't keep her arms in the swaddle for the life of me!

Finally got a smiling picture!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Ashley Nadine

Ashley Nadine and born June 3rd at 12:22 pm. She weighed 7 lbs 14 oz and was 20.5 inches long. Things went well with the delivery and we are both happy and healthy. Erika is loving being a big sister and is dealing with the transition quite well. We couldn't ask for more. I will post more later about it all, but for now here are pictures!

One proud daddy!
Heading home finally!

With cousins
Erika is determined Squirt is Ashley's best friend too :)