It's been about a week since I last blogged,already starting out with a busy New Year. But, what better way for a scrapper to start out the New Year than with a New Year's Crop. We were having a Mini Crop going on at Just Scrappin" where a bunch of us ladies decided to host some challenges. We started at 6pm on December 31st and just finished up at midnight today was the deadline. to have your work posted. So here are some of my creations from this fun-tabulous event!!!
This first one here is the challenge I hosted. It was called Kerri's New Years Resolution Challenge. So what everyone had to do was use the sketch ( to your right) but, you title had to be what your New Year's Resolution/Goal was.
Here was my sample sketch for the challenge so everyone could see how I used it. The winner of my challenge was Kelly! Yay for Kelly!! She will be getting a set of Martha Stewart Christmas Stamps and some bling!
Now for some of the other challenges:
Aymee's Sketch ChallengeAymee's sketch challenge was very straight forward, use the following sketch for a LO!

Here's mine....this was the first time I've ever tried sewing on a LO. I wasn't paying attention and on the vertical stripe I had the machine set on the stretch stitch which does not work on paper, but I did finish up that stripe with that stitch. The horizontal stripe turned out much better.
Kelly's "Who Am I" Challenge And Springbreeze Recipe Challenge:
For Kelly 's Who Am I Challenge you had to do a sketch about who you are and use this sketch.
And for Springbrezzes Recipe Challenge you had to include the following on your LO:
create any size LO that MUST have the following things in it...
1. a title2. only one photo that must be matted3. some bling4. paperclip or pin or photo anchor (or combo of the three)5. at least three different pattern papers

I combined the two challenges into one LO so this one did double duty for me!
KarenB's Color Challenge:
Create a LO, Card, or Altered item with the majory colors being ( teal/green and orange)
Carol's Calendar Challenge
Carol's challenge to us was to make a 2009 wall or desk calendar. It can be a single page with all the months or a multi-page calendar with each month on a seperate page and if you're feeling really energetic you may want to make/construct the entire year.

Guess you could say I was feeling energetic!! LOL! Layton and I made these together actually and we had a lot of fun doing them. His turned out so cute!! He picked all his own papers and embellies, and we just used old cereal boxes ( who needs chipboard when you through as much cereal as I do). Besides, might as well make use of that packing you are paying for right!
I think I'm going to take a scrappy break today and tomorrow, then off to get started on some monthly challenges! Have a good one!