August 14, 2011

family pic

We needed a family picture last week to give to Justin's grandpa for his 90th birthday. My friend Heather came over right after church an snapped this for us. Pretty good cosidering how hot it was, that we did it on the fly, and Heather's camera battery was about to die.

(note to self:pic was taken on Alex's 4th birthday, Enzo was 5 weeks old)

July 26, 2011

Enzo's story

My water broke on the morning of July 2, I was in shock, I have never gone into labor on my own before and didn't think it would ever happen. We were scheduled for induction on July 7, so I thought I could just wait until then. I was wrong, but very happy! I talked to my doctor and he told me to go to the hospital but it wasn't a rush since I wasn't having strong or consistent contractions. So I showered, got ready(the first time I have done my hair and put make-up on for delivery), got the boys to the neighbor, and gathered my bags.

This is me just before leaving. I didn't think i had gotten as big as I had with Alex, boy was I wrong

We got to the hospital around 11AM and they confirmed that it was amniotic fluid. They got me all hooked up to monitors, and IV and the waiting and contractions began.

This is me around 2PM, by then I had walked around, and been having pretty regular contractions. I am sitting on a birthing ball reading a magazine, eating flavored ice, trying to keep my mind off of contractions, while I waited for the anesthesiologist who was in a c-section.

I got my epidural around 3:30. My mom and sister Kylee showed up around 4:30. So we sat and talked, and waited. Around 6:30 they checked and I was finally ready to start pushing. After a few pushes and the chord being wrapped around his neck 3 times. Enzo was born just before 7:30 PM. It was a pretty easy delivery, and we love Dr. Thackeray, who is always so calm and reassuring!
Dad holding Enzo for the first time. (the pictures of my first holding, I am too scantly clad to be posting on here)

About 45 minutes later "the boys" showed up with Grandpa, this is their first seeing Enzo.

This is Izac's first time holding baby Zo

After the boys left it was pretty uneventful. Justin stayed at the hospital that night, since there were plenty of people at our house to take care of the boys. We got awoken early in the AM by phlebotomist, doctors and nurses, so we decided to give E his first bath at 5AM.

Here he is all clean and lotioned up

Dad just couldn't resist the sunrise and that view.

The next visitors were Ali & Siri (Ali is married to Dr. Thackeray's brother), and Liz & Sam. Dr. Thackeray was just leaving when they arrived and were in the doorway talking when our favorite pediatrician walked by (Dr. Witt). So since we all see both of these doctors it was pretty cool to have all of us together. Liz took a picture from where she was sitting across the room!

I had to get a picture of Enzo and Dr. Thackeray, who helped us bring him into the world.

This is Alex's first time holding Enzo, the day after he was born. He was definitely not as excited as Izac, so it took him some time before he wanted to hold him.I love Enzo's face in this picture. That evening. I was sitting by the window on the couch, snugging my newborn babe.

The next day was the 4th of July. While I was at the hospital, fully dressed, with my bags packed, where do you think all my big boy were? The Oakley kids rodeo. Izac lives for muttin bustin once a year and I couldn't make him miss it. (Bless the hearts of my parents, who, while everyone else was out celebrating, sat in the hospital with me waiting to go home.)

Here is Izac waiting his turn to get on a sheep. He had an awesome ride. When/if i get the patience and time to upload the video I will.

Here is Enzo and I all ready, and waiting to get home!

The boys admiring their brother just before leaving the hospital. (I'm pretty sure Alex was thinking, we really have to take him home with us?)

The family in the car ready to go!

The BBQ at our house with my family just after arriving home.

the 4 varmint, who made our party "extra special". But look how darn cute they are

There you have it the picture overload and condensed story of Enzo's first 3 days.

July 9, 2011

Introducing Baby Zo

This handsome little man was born July 2nd, weighing in at 8lbs. 21"longLor"Enzo" James Van Dorn

I can't believe its been a week already! 3 kids is definitely an adjustment, but we are loving this baby, he is so calm and sweet! (hes used to hearing all the chaos I'm sure)

My water broke last Saturday morning as I was rolling out of bed, so off to the hospital we went. It was the first time that I went into labor by myself. He's also my smallest baby which was totally unexpected. I'll tell the whole story later!

for now

Welcome to our family Baby Enzo!!!

February 26, 2011


It's me, I'm blogging, can you believe it?

I don't want to overwhelm myself thinking I have to catch up(not right now anyway, maybe sometime soon). So I'm just going to start with whats going on right now.

If you don't see or talk to me in real life or face book you might want to know that baby BOY
Van Dorn #3 will be here in early July!

He just wanted to wave and say hi! Can you say monster hands?

November 28, 2010

Fall right into Winter

It would seem appropriate now that we are into full blown Winter and the middle of the holidays that we catch up on some Fall family happenings around here, I knew it would be at least a couple months since the last update!!

Anyway, Izac has been getting used to a full day of school and Kerrah has been loving the fact that she doesn't have to play the wrestling/toy sharing/TV watching referee ALL day long between the two boys. Alex can have free reign over the house as long as he doesn't require mom to be in the same room all the time, and she can try to attend to other things of her liking as long as a nap time still holds up! At least, that's the idea currently until we make it to next Summer ...then things get to go back to being pretty crazy again on a daily basis.

Here are a few ways that we have enjoyed this past season:

Going up the canyon for a hike

Good hiking buddies

Enjoying Cecret Lake

Looking for salamanders

A little least once!

A good spot for some exploring

And a good night's sleep

A drive up the Mirror Lake highway

Exploring around the the lake

Something about the water makes these boys crazy!

Whoa...settle down there dudes

A little Oktoberfest fun

Attempting some polka

Mining for precious gems

Heading up the Tram

On top and hard to restrain

One of the boy's favorite places to visit...the farm of course!

Wagon ride anyone?

Hangin' out by the hay

Picking pumpkins

The "real" corn maze...good for chasing around

Enjoying the colors on the mountains...

... And in the sky

Messing up dad's leaf piles

Leaves everywhere now

And of course, can't forget about Halloween...although now well behind us

Pumpkins for the carving

A few Jack-O's lighting the way

Ready to go now

Filling 'em up quick

Cold and tired but had a great night!

Looking forward to making some more memories as the year comes to an end, hopefully we can share more sooner than later. Also went on a Southeastern Utah road trip with Kerrah's family the first weekend of October, but that may need to have it's own dedicated post to do it some justice...maybe sometime soon!