Sunday, November 12, 2017

Hi so I've been thinking

Whether to change the blog url, or to change to a new blog completely, and make this blog private. I have been thinking about this for a while now (months? years?) but I am indecisive, hence no action taken. Also, because I love this blog, I really do. It's just not what it was anymore, like I'm not who I was anymore, and that is something I needed to come to terms with. I have again and again tried to revive it, and myself, but it was never the same. Maybe something fresh would help, as this phase has been going on for a little too long now. It is a hard decision. Whatever will be I might make tutttutt private, for a while or forever.

So if somebody is still reading (hello.....) this is a really good time to show yourselves before this blog dissapears! Tsk. Who knows I might keep you in the loop. Or else, this could be a clean break or a complete start over.

Am fine,
(oh, I just realized this blog will turn ten years next year...)


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