Friday, July 31, 2009

demam 39.5 darjah celcius; H1N1?

apabila anda fikir anda sempat menghabiskan ulangkaji dua minggu sebelum trial dalam mase seminggu tanpa henti tanpa tidur tanpa berfoya-foya kerana anda rase anda cukup tekad dan bersemangat; anda salah. selalunya pasti ade cobaan menunggu anda. ini menunjukkan sememangnya anda hanya mampu berkata-kata, tapi Allah lah yang kasi green lightnya.


aku demam pade saat saat akhir dan genting ni. aku rase sangat marah dan frust dan kecewa sampai air mata pun boikot tanak jatuh mase tengah sedih. kenapelah aku tak belajar awal awal. aku rase seminggu sangat cukup untuk aku belajar express habiskan SEMUA bab dari form 1, tapi time ni lah badan aku nak buat lawak bodoh.

kat sekolah badan dah panas. walaupun puasa bertekad untuk tidak berbuka. makin pening. rase nak pengsan tapi nasib baik tak. incredible hulk je mampu kendong i yang kecil ni. bwek.
bayangkan aku puase tp sakit tekak gile pedih mata dah berpinar berdiri tak stabil pergh pergh. solat berjemaah time tu allah je la tau camne besarnye peranan rakan makmum kiri dan kanan yang buat aku terus berdiri.

dah siap rase nafas sendiri panas. tak tipu. memang tak boleh tak tido dan tak baring. mate tu nak tertutup je sebab kepala dah sakit sgt ni. badan sakit tayah ckplaa. aku pon tido sepanjang mase.

tak gi sekolah. bangun tido bangun tido. sakit kepala, badan panas. mak aku pon risau sebab aku ni bukan biase demam. pelik gile la kalau aku demam. so maybe kena h1n1, aku kate. lalu kitorg pergi ke klinik.

tengok2 temperature badan 39.5 darjah celcius. holy moo. kementerian kesihatan ckp kalau suhu badan 38 je dah kena gi hospital kerajaan amek darah untuk h1n1. aku ni dah thp lebih drpd tu. long story short, doctor suruh aku dok rumah tiga hari, tanak jangkit kwn2 kalau ade virus. hish. sebab kwn2lah ni aku kena rugi tiga hari belajar habes semua bab kat sekolah, apelah dosaku. kalau jumaat still demam baru dtg klinik lagi.

aku rase aku memang kena h1n1. siap beli mask lagi. tayahla cerita detik menyedihkan aku amek langkah berjaga2 dan kuarantin diri kat bilik sorg2. sob sob.

aku time tu tak larat nak bukak mulut, so doa dlm hati. mintak jauhlah. aku paling takut kalau aku kena selsema babi ni, aku gi bawak kat mak aku. aku takpela, mude remaja, kuat lagi. nauzubillah la. nauzubillah. kalau aku dah kena pon, biarla mak aku tak kena. tapi mak aku tu immune system die lagi kuat drpd aku kot, so insyaallah takde pape.

aku kan paranoid.

panas dah kurang. ok alhamdulillah. beberapa lame kemudian, aku loya2. asal minum air je nak muntah, tp tak. kemudian aku memang takleh makan. ni drpd hari selasa ar. aku takde selera langsung. mulut rase bercecair pahit. takleh makan. nak muntah. sedih takleh makan.

tetiba aku rase sesak nafas. ni dah melampau. breathing difficulty namenya ni.

aku siap BERUTUS EMAIL DENGAN SEORANG PEREMPUAN MAT SALLEH NAME ERICA DUDUK KAT US. die pernah kene h1n1. and sumpah die baekk gile. aku cerita semua kat die, kerisauan melampau, bebelbebel, mintak tolong die. DIE LAYAN AKU. best gile. die byk cerita ape kena buat, fakta, menenangkan aku, macam macam la. thanks erica ;D

frankly aku rase aku akan survive w/p kena h1n1 betul2 pun (nauzubillah). tapi aku takut family aku kena. pastu aku akan sgt MALU kalau aku kena pastu satu sekolah tau. aib aib.

"amalina mane yang kau terserempak kat disko tu weh?"

"alaa, amalina h1n1 tu"

***dialog rekaan semata mata.

aku dah okay. cume masih tak boleh makan. dan aku dah PENAT MAKAN UBAT, PENAT FAHAM TAK. berpuluh2 pil aku telan satu hari, aku dah muakkk. biasenye aku suke je telan pil dua tiga sekali pon boleh, nak tunjuk hebat. tapi kali ni aku dah tak tahan. byk sgt ubat.

petang tadi gi klinik. doktor kate aku dah ok, alhamdulillah. asalkan tak demam berpanjangan, ok lah tu. cume aku angin je sebab dua hari makan bahulu je sebab tu jugak aku sesak nafas.
but we'll never know, as the symptom comes and goes but the threat is still there.

aku tak boleh cerita banyak sgt kat sini, nnt korg cuak, erica je tau segala galanya (kawan baru weyh, haha).

symptom H1N1 yang aku pernah ade dlm minggu ni tp dah baek;
demam panas gile, tekak sakit mengeluarkan cecair pahit, sakit sakit badan dan sendi, sakit kepala, sesak nafas, loya.

insyaallah aku takde pape dah. kalau ade pon maybe h1n1 ringan2 yg mcm RUPERT GRINT dpt tu je. aku google berjam jam pasal h1n1 ni, aku masih rase aku tak selamat sepenuhnye, terlalu awal untuk bersorak.

swine flu ni die mcm selsema biase, pretty much. cume die dikecohkan sebab swine flu ni virus baru, so die dah bermutasi and orang takut die jadi lagi teruk drpd selsema laen (sebenarnya berpuluh ribu jugak orang mati sbb selsema biase, tp tak jd headline). kire the doctors dont know what to expect la. and dorg jugak risau yang selsema babi 2009 ni jadi mcm 1918 something dulu, time tu 50 juta orang mati sebab selsema tu. tapi aku tak ckp flu ni tak bahaya. symptom die pulak bukan semua kite kena dlm satu mase. die laen2. dua hari lepas maybe korg demam panas, semalam korg loya dan cirit birit, harini korg selsema dan batuk pulak. lima hari pastu korg demam panas balik. u got what i mean. die dtg dan pergi.

marilah kite doa allah jauhkan bala ni dr kite. aku yang kena ringan tu pun aku dah cuak dan mule fikirkan worst case scenario yang akan jadi kat org tersayang because frankly, i care what happens to me less than i do for people i love. selfish, i know.

takziah kepada empat orang yang dah meninggal sebab penyakit ni. yang latest budak perempuan 20 tahun tu, doctor boleh tak sangke die ade h1n1, sgt ignorant. lepas meninggal baru nak cek. kalau tak diorg tak kesah sebab symptom die sikit je. tolongla, doctor2 sekalian. awak tu bermain ngn nyawa orang, bukan anak patung. aku tak boleh lah bab2 nyawa ni.


speaking for people and speaking with u as one of the people are totally two different things.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

I Love Orang Utan

now i'm so participating in the New Hope for Orang-utan School Programme initiated by BOH, WWF-Malaysia and TV9. eventhough i never have any final words from my friends as so to make a team or whatever, but i've pretty much done the research. not to mention that i have wrote something about orang utan, which is to be pasted in our blog nanti.

when it comes to writing craps and emotional things, give it to me babeyh.

i've always been this girl who feels sad for this kind of thing, got teary eyes when i saw sharks being harmed for their fins, and the idiot human let the bleeding creatures die of pain in the sea. i feel pity thinking how the trees and the earth must been feeling when deforestation is out of control. so this orang utan programme is maybe the only apparent reason for me to be sort of a volunteer fighting and talking for this type of issues. besides getting a certificate, i really want to do this, if u really know me well then u'll believe this is no empty words.

sambung sambung. i've looked it up on the net, saved some useful web pages, and beautiful pictures of orang utan. i've even imagined how the blog will look like, how to decorate it, i have words in my head, sentences to be used in our entries about the endangered species. and i've planned some campaigns, how to attract people, how to raise awareness. i am so into it.

putting aside the fact that PMR is nearing, damn it. i guess i'm really looking forward for something as exciting and distracting as this, away from the normal boring studying days.

but why on earth i'm having this rebellious hormones what the fish NOW?

i admit how stupid i am searching for a reason not to concentrate on my PMR, tsk tsk.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

introducing my new pet

orang kalau dah beriman tak sah kalau tak diberi cobaan dan godaan kan?

statement poyo. siape yang betul betul ingat aku serious dgn ayat di atas, diminta letakkan buku akademik anda di bawah dan sile belajar jadi street smart.

konon hari ni nak belajar. tapi tetiba mama pula nak shopping. menjadi seorang yang jarang keluar bersuka ria dan bershopping, maka peluang ni tak harus dilepaskan begitu saje.

dan peluang ni juga tak harus disia siakan. maka setiap kali aku masuk kedai baju, satu baju akan dibawa pulang. sangat teruja. ye la, aku bukan mcm korg, selalu bershopping dan selalu bergumbira. sebenarnya adelah dlm 3 helai lagi baju kat rumah yang aku tak pernah pakai. tu pun sebab jarang keluar rumah, jadi takkanlah nak melaram pakai lawa lawa tapi dok rumah basuh kain kan. sebab aku jarang keluar rumah jugaklah aku malas nak beli kasut, baju dan beg sebab aku tau aku akan jarang pakai diorang. tapi tadi aku terbeli 3 lagi baju yang aku tak tau bile pulak aku nak pakai. takpe, kalau tak pakai pon baju tu boleh buat hiasan kat bilik gantung merata-rata, sama gak mcm beg beg aku yg laen.

tapi memang lah, aku suke gila baju baju yg aku beli tadi. sementare aku muat pakai, baik aku beli. betul takk?

dan aku jugak beli satu bantal berbentuk sotong ni. sumpah comel gile. die jenis bantal yang ade bijik2 dalam die tu, bukan bantal kapas tu. dah lame aku hunt bantal ni, tapi selalu jumpe yang buruk lah, kecik lah, mahal sgt lah, tapi kali ni, just perfect.

helo! name saye squitto. lepas saye masuk je bilik budak ni, saye terus ternampak crabby. walaupun beliau dah berusia 2 tahun dan dah kotor, saye tetap sayang beliau :)


Friday, July 24, 2009

menantu mama nombor 10

i fear that my worst nightmare is approaching. everything leads that way. i cried badly, just having a nightmare about my real nightmare was so awful.

today at school a visitor from what did a research on depression. it was some questions of how we've been feeling for the past two weeks. and while doing it, i realized how miserable i am.

okay. skip to a lighter mood.

tadi lepas balik sekolah, aku nak cer kat mama pasal sorg budak laki nih. it was nothing like the introduction, but since my mama knows who he is and since he's one of laki i favour, so i started with the usual

"ma, tadi menantu nombor 10 mama kan. . ."

but was cut off by my beloved brother

"best (sarcastically). tapi betol gak tu menantu mama nombor 10. aku je dah 4 . ."

yang nak berpoligami pon masih menagih susu ibu. bahahaha.

cume aku tak ckp kat die la, yang menantu mama nombor 10 tu dari pihak aku je, abang abang aku semua tak campur xD

**i dont really count them. just random numbers lalala

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Zero Willingness

the WEIRDEST thing happened, i mean really WEIRD. 100% WEIRDNESS.
ok, take a deep breath, dont laugh.
this is life.
people change, embrace the fact heartily.
but still, a big OMG.

i thought i was being possessed or something. i couldnt breath. gosh, I AM blended in. so much for my own principle whatsoever. i am now a part of a crowd i distaste so much.

i WILL be trashed if people know it. bloody WEIRD. this is not a big thing to some people, but it is pretty much a whole deal with me, BEFORE.

all for the sake of friendship and more.

suck suck suck suck suck.

Monday, July 20, 2009

distraction no more.

mighty minds is off.
carnival is off.

nothing exciting awaits me.
nothing to distract me from what really awaits me.

now what is left is only PMR, how charming.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

SMKLK Carnival 2009


hari yang aku kena tinggalkan sekolah dan karnival, dan pergi ke mighty minds. thats why la i wore school's uniform dlm gambar bawah ni, jgn ingat aku nerd sgt gi karnival day pakai baju sekolah woi.

bergambar bersama the whatever. zaman sekolah rendah muncul kembali.
loser double loser take a picture whatever~
terima kaseh farabi atas idea kau tuh untuk kasi motif gang kami xD

lepas aku balik sekolah, dengan berita tak gembira, aku dengar kisah yang lagi membuatkan aku sedih. aku ckp betul oh, time kalah aku redha gila mata tak berair pon. tapi bila balik sekolah, aku dapat tau mcm mcm benda yg aku da terlepas. bukan just plain fun, but this one was HAPPINESS. laen ek fun and happiness.

mcm tak gne je ckp kat sini kan, kalau aku ckp bukan org faham. and nnt terbocor lak segala isi hati yg terpendam. sape yg tengok air mata aku ngn bodohnye menitis sebab tu, mmg bertuah.

few things i can say are, the day was the time both things ive been wanting for a long time happenned, yet i wasnt there to witness it and be a part of it tau. serious terkilan. time tu aku rase mcm, i left the carnival and went to mighty minds for nothing, and i missed the one thing that could have been one of the perfect days in my school life. the day was different from the rest, an exceptional. and i really knew and got it that the next day of the carnival (today), wasnt to be any better, or even equal to it. and to have another moment like that kan, kena tunggu punya lame, tu pon kalau ade peluang. ah diam ah ama ngn emo emo kau. dorg tak phm.

aku takkan tulis panjang2 ape aku rase the HALF day, just a little briefing.

budak budak kelas ckp laki kelas kali ni baek baek and supporting hapes and helpful gila and memeriahkan stall. tak mcm biase. which is aku sgt jeles utk mendengarnya. lets move on.

so i met kamil for the first time since we last met, on the last day of form two. die dah tinggi gila. dulu pon, tp rasenya skg beza gila ngn aku. haih, and die dah maju. laen sangat, its better, but surprising and making a part of me tingled in some ways. tapi dgn kemajuan die tulah aku dpt ok ok ngn die bukan dlm dunia fon, dan tak mcm dulu yang 'eww eww' menyakitkan hati tuh. die suruh aku berdiri sebelah die nak bezakan ketinggian, kurang haja. naseb da lame tak jmpe and aku pon sabar je la. and buat banyak lagi perangai mengarut yang membuang mase kalau tak leh sembang bnda berguna sikit. sampaikan nadzmi K ckp kat kamil;

"eyy kalau akulah ama, aku taktau ape jadi ngn kau".

nadzmi K back up aku dowh! bangga bangga. ade gak yang perasan kesabaran aku. ahaha.

the left one is nadzmi K. mase aku balik dr sunway, die dah ade kat stall bersembang2. pastu aku pon join kelompok bersembang, pastu kami bersembang pasal bnda sekolah. pastu aku rase die baek je, banding ngn sesetengah kawan baek dulu yg tak brape nak baek skg. wpon maybe baek die ngn aku sekejap je and dlm myspace je, at least die bwat hari aku happy ngn adenya kwan lama dr sklk :) die lepak sampai habes kemas gerai lak tu, sbb tunggu si farabi hamster. hakhak.
bestlah die :)

conclusion of the day; the day which made me sad, and thinking maybe after all there was a hikmah UNTUK KALAH dlm mighty minds, although i dont know how to rate it. aku rase kalau nak hikmah baek aku dapat exprience semua.


got the news kamil couldnt make it to the carnival. hadnt see nadzmi K ngn kelompok kawan kawan lame yg aku suro die bawak. saw kelompok kawan kawan lame yang dah move on with live without me. ive done that to, but your trace will never be erased. but saw sikit kawan lama yang baek.

thought i saw kawan lama yg best but afraid i might be wrong so aku tak panggil, i think that was amey. sian amey said he didnt see me so he left. kecewa sbb dah simpan roti utk die. haha.

rabbani dtg, for the piala rabbani nasyid competition. kimi entered. captured many pictures of him, only. saje. kawan lama.

about to go home when i saw yassin and nadzmi kat gerai. mereka baek. couldnt figure what to buy guna kupon so i gave it to yassin, konon2 sbb die tak smpt rase roti saku. kasihan.

balik jalan kaki ngn nawa, diana, dan zakwan. yang nasebnya pula malang today. serta bersama satu belon gaz purple yg terapung di udara dan terikat di bag aku. bayangkanlah camne aku jalan ngn belon tu ikot ikot kat belakang sbb die takleh tegak dah.

conclusion; i was right yesterday. today wasnt any better or even equal to yesterday. many things which made me frustrated. but still got lots og good things going. mcm menangkap gambar untuk lepaskan frust dan untuk tebus balik hari semalam yg aku tade gambar bersama.

jadi mari hepi hepi ke sesi gambar :D

wani dan eskem gorengnya.

kenape roti pocket? sape tulis? IT WAS CALLED ROTI SAKU.

budak comel semangat jage gerai. bakal menjadi chef kerana budak laki kecik kecik dah suke masak. bagus bagus. dah la suke hamster. baek dan comel pula. haih. ok lari tajuk.

budak berdua ni kawad untuk puteri islam. kamilah gambarnya tiade di sini tp ade di camera pandu sebab sayelah photographernya eceh jangan perasan.

disebabkan sambutan yang gempak sebegini,

akhirnya aku pon berposing sebegini.

dan mcm ni jugak. dgn muka bangga dan ceria tayah buat kerja dah hooray.

dan mereka pon nak masuk same. yelah, mari mari.

kenapa asal aku tangkap gambar je mcm ade nilai artistik ah?? tapi bile gambar aku tade nilai artistik?! oh sebab bukan aku yang tangkap gambar aku sendiri.

atas ni kenyataan maen maen jgn ambel hati. jadi sensetif kerja saya bukan kerja awak.

gembira makan eskem goreng wani yg sedap. tengok aku je jangan bnda laen.

pilih antara satu; eskem goreng atau hazirah? eskem goreng la. boleh ngap.

the temperature is hot, bukan saye hikhikhik gedik.

eh aisyah juge nak jadi budak hot. eh eh, bukan. bangganya aisyah yg tak ske camera akhirnya nak masuk dlm gambar setelah di stimulated oleh posing aku ceh bluwek.

ini baru namanya hot. bukan yang salu feeling hot ni *uhuk uhuk.
gambar ni aku tangkap sebab tu artistik pergh. tah hape yg artistiknya.

caution!! anda akan panas dgn mereka ahahaha.

crew gerai yg tak lengkap. setiap kali event kelas mesti gambar tak pnah lengkap. kecewa. eh aku tak lengkap takpe dlm ni sbb akulah tukang tangkap gambar mostly.

makan makanan kawan, lariskan perniagaan kenalan :D

ini eskem hazirah tp aku yg rasmikan yeay.

peqah yg akan jd marilyn monroe kalau naek flying fox.

serious lawa dowh camera aku yang tak mahal ni. belakang blur cam ade focus je. mcm kalau ngn camera besar besar poyo mahal tuh je. tp dorg kne pusingpusing set sini sane, camera aku hanya memerlukan jari tuan die untuk hasilkan gambar artistik. dah dah stop.

penat berdiri pegang belon, kite dudok sambil msg teman teman ya.

hillan tangkap. mukeku bengang diganggu waktu bertexting.

wani kalau dah bergambar mmg macam perghh. mesti ade ramai yg nak save gambar nih. terharu aku.

sumpah a second before this was captured ustaz asri tu pandang aku dowh. sebab aku mengahadapi masalah ngn belon purple yg terbang terbang kat muke org laen tu.

ecececeh. ecececeh. ecececeh.

post diakhiri ngn candidku yg normal; kehuduhan.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

mighty minds; what was and wasn't.

i really dont know how to put this into words. but as my teammates said, tiade rezeki. now lets start from the beginning oke?

at first i could sense that our ending wasnt to be any good. guess why? because i was superbly hyper actively enthusiastically happily annoyingly excited about this whole thing. the last few days i didnt really read about anything, and yesterday i just spent my evening chatting with some friends, downloading songs, ect. so, dalam happy happy pon, aku dapat rase its not going to be good. sebab aku damn so excited takleh cover. kalau mcm mase nak exam, aku terlampau nervous takut nak mati gelabah rase rendah diri tak habes bacela ape la, but the results will turn out to be rather positive. tapi sekarang aku tak cuak langsung, which could be otherwise.

dan aku ni sempat lagi vain depan pintu lift.

bila kitorg dah sampai kat sunway pyramid, nampaklah manusia berduyun-duyun beruniform sekolah samada semua biru, semua hijau, semua putih, semua batik, atau semua kuning tudung putih iaitu uniform mrsm. time tu jugak aku tau yg mereka budak mrsm kuala kubu bharu, satu2nya mrsm kat selangor. tiba2 aku nampak semua org mcm budak2 paling pandai, dan aku rase mcm aku budak paling buduh pulak di situ. begitu merendah diri.

tapi masih vain.

lepas menunggu lebih kurang mcm satu minggu, sehinggakan izzati sanggup bercangkung sambil menghafal science dan aku pon telah penat mengcamwhore, kami pon were now OFFICIALLY THE PARTICIPANTS OF MIGHTY MINDS STATE CHALLENGE IN SELANGOR. ceh tulis besar besar banggala tu. kitorg dpt certificate yang lawa dan berbau tempting mcm buku baru, satu notebook comel yang juga sgt tempting sbb mmg buku baru, dan satu name tag sticker yang akan dipakai di uniform sekolah.


nampak tak sticker tu kaler merah kat bahagian bawah? that means both teams from smk lembah keramat were in red group, which is the second sixty groups. but because we were just a lil too late to be one of the first 6o groups, so we still ended up belonging to the second sixty, but we were the 3rd and the 4th group in the latter. my team was the 4th group known as smk lembah keramat (b), while fizah's group was called smk lembah keramat (a), the 3rd group.

while waiting for the blue group to start first, aku amek masa untuk mengcamwhorekan diri. mesti teammates aku geleng kepala tengok minah sorg ni. antara semua org kat situ, aku jelah yang perasan2 tangkap gambar sendiri, takpe tak malooo pon.

contoh contoh adelah seperti yg di atas.

menanti ketibaan blue group.

and the mighty minds challenge for selangor state level, began. starting with the blue group.

and i could see some angel light shining upon me, semuanya sebab all the representatives from sekolah sekolah bijak bestari macam mrsm kuala kubu bharu, seri putri, maahad, adni, al amin, sekolah sains hulu selangor, and every other sekolah asrama dan sekolah pandai2 semua masuk blue team. which gave us lembah keramat more advantage to cross to the hands on challenge. sebab konon2 rase semua sekolah hebat dah lepas, nanti yang lawan kitorg pon sekolah harian je. NOT underestimating, but seeing it as something positive, and a good chance for us.

for the blue group, i think they were quite lucky because the questions asked werent so difficult. i was up here, capturing the moments. and all their math calculation i did answer it correctly, without scribbling anything on anything. just some simple and basic stuffs. and the science too, were pretty easy. only i couldnt answer three general knowledge questions.

some of their questions were;

the SI unit ampere is used to measure _______
electric current of course. they questioned about form 1 topic to THEM, huh. not to us.


how long doest it take for light to travel from the moon to earth?
haaa this one i got it wrong, betul2 taktau. the answer is surprisingly one second.


from which state is malaysia's current minister of education?
which is, i totally dont want to know anything about muhyiddin yasin ngehngehngeh.

then after we ate the pergh sedap gilaaaa macdonald itu, dengan perut yang kenyang dan apple pie yang tak sempat dimakan habes, the red group was called, and that was it.

muka aku yang baek. sebab ustazah aminah yang amek, maka takdelah peluang aku nak tunjuk comel segala. bluwekk. bersama teammates peqah yg terlindung dan aisyah yang tak ske ngn camera.

group fizah, bersama izzati dan budin.

first question; about which one is multicellular cell. aku terus menerus suruh peqah tekan je satu, iaitu hydra, tetapi die ragu ragu pulak. "bukan yeast ke?" die kate. tapi aku pakse tekan jee. last last betul. yeay.

second question; die kuar pilihan jawapan dulu, baru soalan. mase die kuar lima pilihan jawapan tu, aku dah pasti dah solan die nak pasal ape. sebab semua yg kuar tu ialah factor affecting rate of evaporation, kecuali satu ni. jadi kami pon terus tekan jawapan dan aku paksa mereka takyah bace soalan, buang mase je.

third question; this was where i, I screwed up. i got the concept about harry potter and his cousin dudley's weight correctly, i even wrote down the jalan kerja. bangangnya, aku slah bahagi, benda yang paling SENANG. AKU SALAH BAHAGI. i showed it to aisyah and peqah, aisyah yang ketika itu tengah sempat nak buat rumus H=x, D=2x dan berikutnya, so die pon tak pedulikan hasil kire2 aku. aku ckp kat peqah, jawapan die B. die pon kire. then aku kire balik, and aku perasan slah aku. "peqah, kite rase kite salah kire, jawapan betul die ialahh . .", peqah plak menyampuk "kite dah tekan jawapanla!". aku tanyela tadi yg die kire tu ape? die ckp die kire lepas die dah tekan. haa? haiya. noo. my mistake, sorry. tsk tsk.

forth question; sultan sekarang yang pernah jadi ketua hakim, dari negeri manakah? i remembered my mom always babbling about the politic issues occured in perak this year, pertukaran kerajaan blabla, and she always blamed the sultan for coming from perak, yet he didnt do anything blablablah. so i was sure, the answer was perak. and yeay.

fifth question; something everyone was sure of. yeay.

sixth question; something involving CONCEIVING. peqah and aisyah were like, huh? but thanks to my passion of watching the tv series friends back to back twice a week walaupun dah berjuta kali ulang, and just recently read the whole wikipedia about Friends just out of amusement, i know what conceiving means. making baby. and what do they need to conceive? vitamin E. how did i know? because i am always too concerned about being infertile. so i do need a lot of vitamin E. thanks to my ridiculous worries. yeay.

seventh question; something everyone was sure of. yeay.

eight question; something peqah was sure of, but aisyah and i werent, so i didnt remember whether the real answer was peqah's or something else, but for sure we got it wrong. noo. pasal garis latitud antartik ke ape kejadah tah. phewh.

ninth question; about short sightedness. since all my teammates are, so we knew. yeay.

tenth question; something everyone was sure of. yeay.

eleventh; ape tah. tp btol. yeay.

12; ayer's rock tu kat mane. which, neither of us ever heard of. so, no.

13; this one peqah ade masalah nak percaya, but thanks to aisyah and my annoying persistence, kitorg tekan gak jawapan yang betul, pasal growth. yeay.

14; i was counting on aisyah and peqah for this one, thanks to them, we got about monocotyledon right. it was confusing though. yeay.

15; about mane satu simple machine ialah third class lever. time tu gak bibirku meniti baris 'FLE'. ceh geli gila. so, we got it right, ape tah machine tu dah lupe. yeay.

16; die tunjuk gambar duet kertas rm1. belakang gambar agong, apekah gambar tersebut? peqah thought it was klcc twin tower, and i geniusly heard kumpulan belakang bisik bisik "kite, kite!", and i thought the kite was definitely the answer. baek budak2 belakang tu. eheheh. yeay.

17; aku gelabah kite math yang ni, jadi peqah tersayang penyelamat. terer syg nih. die dah dapat, aku suruh die tekan terus, yeay.

18; arghhh. this question was about, what would happen if one's air passage was filled with some lining, something like that lah. and i was so sure it was bronchitis, but peqah's instinct said otherwise. bile dah nak tekan tu, aku cakap terus tekan bronchitis bronchitis i AM sure! pastu peqah ckp "but i have a very strong feeling it is emphysema". so i gave in, maybe i was wrong, and i wouldnt want to be responsible for another mistake. tapi KITE SANGAT RASE BRONCHITIS LA PEQAH! and it turned out to be bronchitis after all, haiya. noo.

19; math, where peqah and i buat separuh jalan tapi dapat the same conclusion. whereas aisyah tak habes habes lagi buat tapi memandangkan mase dah nak time, kitorg maen sukahati je amek jawapan kitorg semata mata sebab satu huruf R tu same kat bawah tp yang laen tak check lagi, and pedulikan aisyah si genius math tu, tapi sebab mase nak time sgt dah ni, kitorg tekan jawapan yang salah, argh. noo.

20th question; blimey, yer talkin bout harry potter!!! but blimey, it was damn too easy! maybe if yer asked somethin more complicated and really into the story, for sure this lil fella whos so crazy about harry potter would get it right and other studious teams who were just into studying wouldnt get it right! so we might have the opportunity to qualify to the next round, and kick their ass off! (tried to sound like hagrid's accent, but cant).

tapi bukan itu yg terjadi. keluarlah list jawapan pilihan. belum keluar lagi soalan, aku dah tau die nak ckp ape. for sure die nak tanye sape bestfriend harry potter!!! sebab semua yg laend alam list tu bukan bestfriend harry potter but ron! cedric si traitor mati sebagai wizard dlm harry potter muncul sebagai vampire poyo dlm twilight, draco malfoy pulak musuh harry yang hensem tapi sebenarnya dipaksa jadi jahat, and yang laen mmg out of question lar. still, it was surprising to know one team got it wrong. dorg saje sje salah ke ape ni? sebab dah tau screwed up jadi marilah playing fool buat buat tak kenal harry potter yang mana ron yang mana.

so, that was it. i was sure there was no way we could be in the hands on challenge. sangat sedih. frust, kecewa, rase mcm nak buat announcement lak sekolah mane yang konon hebat sangat tu siap dpt 20/20, pastu nak siku muka die. mwahahaha. sedih, and SO UNFAIR. certainly not biased, but memang soalan drpd negeri laen agak senang dan solan yang mcm basic gilaaa tak mendalam yang matematik pun tanye 20 bahagi 0.5 berape je, tp kitorg, pelbagai formula pulak masuk. sebelum ni yang aku tgk dlm tv tu hampir semua boleh jawab kecuali general knowledge, tapi yang ni? heeeeeeesh. konon la kami org selangor mcm org bandar, so soalan kena la gepak gempak lagi lagi participants kat selangor ni DUA KALI GANDA drpd tempat laen, takleh lah kasi yang senang senang. its just unfair dude, urban are or rural, not.

takpelah, orang yang dah di defeated mmg macam ni, huaaa. sedehnya. BIG LOSER lah aku ni. eh, aku jelah, teammates yang laen tak tau. naseb baek lah aku tak mcm team fizah tu, amek segala encyclopedia yang ade, bace, hafal dan buat quiz lagi. sia sia. aku adela jugak ngn semangatnya pinjam buku tebal2 sorg2 kat pusat sumber sekolah tercinta, tp aku tak suruh dorg sirius. biar bace mcm bace bedtime story je. kalau rase tak penting, takyah bace.

tapi yang top 30 tu gila pandai. paling sikit he salah pon tiga. if only, IF ONLY kitorg tak salah banyak, kalau tiga je, sure ade peluang. sebab aku sendiri boleh cakap yang hampir semua soalan yang kitorg tau jawapan, kitorg tekan terus. takdelaa nak second cek segala. buat lambat je. kecualilaa yang math tu, but still we were fast man. banyak yang soalan tak habes bace, kitorg dah jawab based on the question kat skrin tuh. kalaula, KALAULA kitorg tak banyak slah, kitorg maybe boleh masuk hands on challenge tersayang sebab we were fast, man.

yang bestnya, mungkin ade peluang muka kitorg masuk tv. dahlaa camera man tuh macam depan depan kitorg je, and ade sekali time tengah cuak gila bincang berbisik bisik, camera man tuh literally datang DEPAN kitorg, focus kat kitorg je. maybe die ingat budak2 nih boleh menang kot, so focuslah kat muke dorg. sorila ye bang, anda salah.

syafiqah tak habes habes kate ade hikmah di sebaliknya. what hikmah man?? ok, adelah some. heh heh heh (gelak gatal lagi bermuslihat). tapi tak berbaloila hikmah sebegitu. kalau nak kalah 3000 ringgit for that kind of hikmah, sangat tak berbaloi. tapi takpelah, at least i had fun at the gerai with an old classmate kamil and a very old schoolmate nadzmi K. best bersembang ngn kawan kawan lama :) but still, tak berbaloi, sorry korg. it could be kalau korg sanggup datang esok dan melepak dgn aku, hah hah hah.

but it was okay though, biaselah pertandingan. no matter how we intended not to be serious and hoping about it, but we will end up taking into account everything that had happened. it was fun to be in mighty minds, it might be the one and only time i will ever be in such competition. the lost will make us feeling like falling, but the truth is we are actually growing.

ceh. orang yang dah kalah macam aku ni memang pandai berkata kata cover perasaan.

*ps; i think the seniors have a fat chance of winning though, tengoklah macamane kegeniusan mereka terserlah :D goodluck akak akak!!! ubah naseb smklk yang asek tak menemui jalan kemenangan dalam hal hal macam nih. haha.

Friday, July 17, 2009

mighty minds; final countdown

for mighty minds esok, i think i am PHYSICALLY prepared;

baju yang kemas dah tergantung, tudung yang perfect telah tersedia, beg yang funky tapi maseh menonjolkan imej budak baek telah dikemaskini, muka telah dibasuh dengan clean and clear dan telah disapu lotion jenama tersebut, makan telah dikurangkan untuk menikmati macdonald esok, bibir telah dilip balm supaya tak nampak hudoh dan pucat dengan bibir berkeping keping, spek telah dilap supaya nampak seperti nerd sejati, mp3 telah didownloadkan dengan banyak lagu supaya dapat dengar sambil belajar konon konon macam cool, camera telah dibuang 10% gambar untuk beri ruang lebih kepada memory yang dah penuh dengan 1000 gambar, dan muka telah dipastikan normal dan berpotensi menarik medan magnet budak alam shah kalau ade, manelah tau keajaiban akan terjadi esok. kehkeh.

speaking of which, i really do need miracle tomorrow as MENTALLY, i am not prepared perfectly, i think.

would luck chose me so that the questions asked are all in my field? the ones i know about? would devil just stand in my way and making me forget everything and all are mixed up? would my research do any good to me?

that shall be answered tomorrow.

mari baca ramai ramai;

bismillahirrahmanirrahim. ya allah, bantulah team lembah keramat terutama team si Keretapi ni untuk berjaya esok, at least ke hands on challenge. taknaklah suck sangat first round dah kalah, loser gila. kami yang batak ni mahu mempunyai peluang, supaya dapat merasa debaran membina hands on challenge tersebut, walaupun kemungkinan besar akan kalah 10 minit berikutnya. bagaimanapun, seperti mana Kau telah menurunkan salji di negara arab, bagilah kami peluang untuk buat yang terbaek kali ni, jadikanlah ia salah satu drpd keanehan dunia, amin.

kalau nak ubah qada' dan qadar ade dua care ye anak anak;
usaha dan doa.

jadi marilah kite bergantung kepada doa kerana usaha mcm uhh-tak-sangat.

TEAMMATES, sorry kalau kita suck tetiba kat situ, tak dapat jawab science, atau jawab salah. yang penting kite dapat masuk ni, dapat pengalaman, dan dapat makan macdonald.

itu paling TERBAEK.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Snack Shack II presents . . .

do come, YOU dont wanna miss it!
18 and 19 July 2009,
starting 8 a.m.

first thing YOU want to do,
is to have our roti saku!!!

Suka Hati U La, I Tak Kesah

macam mane aku nak buat orang faham, yang i prefer to speak full english or at least half english, or full malay or at least half malay, rather than only using TWO english words or ALPHABETS, in a full ayat bahasa melayu?

aku terima penggunaan ayat di atas, sebab die takdelah speaking macamni;

"i rasa i nak makan sekarang. u?"

if u get what i mean.

but its okay in some cases, say if u are a total stranger and want to make friends and approach me with that kind of thing, or if u come from a family or environment where people around you bercakap bahasa inggeris all the time, and memang standard korg macam tu takleh nak buatpe, or korg orang bekerja, budak u yang dah biase speaking, even it is what people called lupa diri, tapi fine, takpe.

but if we met 10 years ago and speak normally, like MALAYS, but then we meet again now and started to speak like we were born malays and inherited western blood but only speak two english words dalam ayat full melayu, it is not acceptable for me, sorry.

takleh ke guna bahasa melayu terus? because i do prefer bm more than english, bahasa jiwa bangsa p ramlee kata.

laenlah kalau nak tulis blog kan.

Budak Laki 3C1, Pleaselah

semakin habis masa ni semakin aku jumpa my unconscious self dok depan komputer, lepas tido petang setelah selesai sekolah, download beberapa lagu tiap2 hari, seronok intip hidup orang dengan membaca blog mereka, dan mcm2 aktiviti riadah lain. aku nak pmr ke tak ni weh?

sekarang pulak alasan aku, sabtu and ahad, the carnival and mighty minds days are arriving, and excitement stops me from doing anything useful, and i cant concentrate to do anything better, so why bother?

sebenarnya boleh je. tapi peraturan hidup ialah; jangan mengaku anda malas.

takpe, takpe. mulai minggu depan aku akan serious lagi, and spend my time with nothing but academic books. i might say this for the tenth time, but i'm pretty serious here, which is always.

adoi, sape yang boleh semarakkan lagi semangat aku nak belajar nih?

i'm afraid i mighy end up being how i used to be when i was 12. esok nak upsr aku masih boleh semangat membeli lima majalah wajib-beli zaman tu; UTOPIA, HYPE, GALAXY, KLIK, dan REMAJA. betul, aku beli setiap keluaran. sampai ade budak skolah menengah pandang aku semacam sbb beli majalah remaja.

to some people i might look nasty and mean kepada budak2 laki, but they are wrong. i'm good and just nice and available to be asked to goof around stupidly, but just to some worthy ones. especially to budak budak kelas, yg berjantina lelaki, memang aku kasar sikit. sebab i have enoughla putting up with them.

i know i am right to say if u are really observant, u could see me dulu being nice with budak2 laki kelas. but they didnt seem to appreciate it, and sometimes i was even called 'gedik' and 'gatal', just because i was being good to them, trying to build a bridge between guys and girls, sebab dulu keadaan gila sexist kat kelas aku, laki lain, pompuan lain, mcm hina sangat je.

but for god's sake, aku pulak yang salu kena. jadi aku dah sampai tahap yang dengan dorg ni, takyah baik sangat pun takpe. ade yang aku rase sangat baik, tapi aku takkan cakap sape lah. yang aku rase baik tu, aku pon jadi lagi baik ngn dorg. and as prove yang aku tak menggelabah, kalau korg tgk cara aku berkomunikasi ngn budak laki lain, aku ok je. if u know me at all, i of all people, takkan jadi sexist membuta tuli, kalau korg tgk rekod kehidupan lampau aku.

so i want to say sorry if BOYS I FAVOR, think that the cold way i act or some nasty words from me are meant for you, whereas its not. and to whom i actually meant it, its no big thing actually, if u read my blog u'll know i always stand up for boys if things get tensed. i will say, oh, give them a rest, they ARE BOYS, what do you expext? and i dont hate you either.

but there are times bila aku memang dah malas nak layan korg, so naseblah. BUT, i wont go pleading for forgiveness either. korg takkan nampak aku merayu rayu mintak maaf kat SEBARANG lelaki, so kalau aku tak mintak maaf kat korg, sila jgn tarik muka. hudoh nanti.

aku bukanlah hipokrit jugak, kalau korg ingat dengan laki lain aku baek, dekat budak kelas aku tak baek. it depends. ever heard of karma and what goes around c0mes around? pernah? bagus, jadi belajar belajar lah sikit. FRANKLY, dan UMUMNYA, aku sangat ade perasaan positif kat korg, and selalu suka tengok perangai pelik dan cool wannabe korg, dan akan rindu korg.

tapi, penatlah nak jadi baik sorg sorg kan. maybe korg tak perasan pon, tapi takkanlah, takkan tak perasan mulut sendiri ckp ape kan.

'FORGIVE' me for being a girl and cant stand you, its only when u really cross the borderline there.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A More Evil Me

Thanks to hazirah, I managed to spend approximately 6 hours reading this book she lent me which made me broke ANOTHER so called rule this pmr year. You see, despite still sleeping during the noon hours, spending 48 hours of my weekend going online, watching tv now and then, the only rule I stick by with is this one; which is, DO NOT READ A NON-ACADEMIC BOOK EXCEPT DURING SCHOOL HOLIDAYS.

And thanks to this rule, I have another 3 books yet to be started, and for this year’s record, I have only read TWO books with less than 250 pages, which is a total BIZARRE thing for me.

But anyway, the least I can do is blaming her for lending me this irresistible book which is responsible for making me break my one and only kept vow. Haih, so now there isn’t any rule or tip for making a speech ‘how can I reach success’.

While reading one part in this book, which I think the one that isn’t supposed to be tear-producing, I cried. Whether its hormones or its just me who feel like crying in order to kill bacteria in my eyes, or I found something rather familiar with that scene. Even the character didn’t cry, but I did. Weird eh?

I was like, what had she ever done? Okay she had to have some space right? She is trying so hard to be this and that, yet you blamed her for those tiny things, apekej?

I cried, and I feel better. Guess that must had been something significant, but I cant figure out what. When I was crying, my heart was pounding and I couldnt wait to write about it. My fingers were itching, yet I had to finish the bloody book right?

The itching and twitching and pounding are one of the reasons why I think I am destined to be a writer.

Similar to the character, I found myself being bitter and hurting people unintentionally and being clueless about it now. Sometimes people are flared up, and even without me knowing it. I think I have changed from the goody goody two shoes me sampai lah ke who I am today. And I am sure some people notice that, biaselah manusia memang nampak salah orang je.

Tengok, menyakitkan hati lagi. Takpe, bukan kau sorg je yg sakitkan ati org.

There’s no way I will be caught red handed praising myself seriously, so this is not a statement of boasting myself tahu? I think, people forget how I used to be all innocent and nice and, and see me as who I am now.

I might be bitter, yes I am. I was bitter, but I think it was less back then. I think I was more to a girl who kept more and avoided sharing to much, whether it was about me blushing for a guy next door or indoor ke (IGNORE THIS), about nasty things I felt concerning some friends ke, ape ape jelah. But I realized, I had to speak up, I couldn’t stand being told this and that, I couldn’t stand keeping everything, being too nice but people weren’t always too nice to me.

I don’t say I was nice, I meant I was less evil.

even the old me was the girl with pride and much ego u cant bear,

so imagine how i handle things now.

So hello, this is the new me.

This is why I cried while reading the book, because it reminded me of myself, how I used to shut up and stand everything alone, and STILL AM. Cume lebih berani sekarang. i feel pity for the character, and i cried because i understood her so much, and sharing feeling with fictional characters? lovely.

Tak ragu ragu orang mesti sedar aku agak bitter sekarang, but it started when I was only hoping to stand up and be a lil bit different, supaya konon2 orang sedar la hak asasi manusia aku. Tapi last last, it rotted in me and I’m no longer a sweet girl. Pergh perasan.

Which is sad, but better since tiade sape berani menentangku sgt, I think. It started when how a girl wanted people to understand her, and ended up being unpleasant. Maybe all of this is somehow related to my mrsm moments, and you krkians here yang kesian jadi mangsa after I could no longer stand it.

when i know i should stop, or go no further, or dont start at all, i do. but then it hits me, takkan aku nak dipijak lagi? shouldnt my voice be counted as a vote or anything at all? takkan aku nak dianggap baik dan duduk diam je ikot ckp org, tapi dalam hati aku yg tahan tahan? takkan. but, in the end, i always dont get what i want. it might look that i do, but actually i dont cos i will feel bad despite my anger and i will surrender, but sekarang not as a budak baik dengar kata, tapi sebaliknya. still, people got what they want.

A NOTE; IF YOU DO NOT THINK SUCH BAD THINGS ABOUT ME, apparently I still have some humanity, more than I expected to have, and these guilt and frustration and self-pity and self-blame are killing me. i rather be a person who thinks negative about herself, rather than playing fool or naive and thinks everybody love me.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

All You Need Is Luck, Not Study

at 6 pm today (Sunday), i'll be watching Mighty Minds update on tv9, this time my state-winner-ex-schoolmate-friend-plus-roommate-plus-homeroomsib for sure will be on tv, as three of them are the representatives for mrsm serting and have won the first prize.

so i'll be watching them with envy.

and thinking will my closest friend ever- luck, betray me next week when it is my turn to push the keypads or will it be my soul mate, sticking with me although it knows it shoudnt be given how much effort i have invested all this while.

please luck, help me like u do every time i face my exams --"

after next week, i swear to myself that i will study HARD, yes, HARD, everyday, and being the nerdest nerd the school has ever seen. stop counting on my luck- in case it experiences hormonal changes during my PMR and decided to sabotage my school life by not helping me again.

if each of my swear counts, i will be sinful by now.

Is It Possible To be Genius?

have you ever daydream of being extra ordinary?

apart from wishing i'm in Harry Potter world or having super talents like the characters in Heroes do, i wish to be someone who really makes a different in this world. who everyone knows, who everyone respects, whose name created its own history and whose work becomes the world's reference. have you?

selalu aku salahkan the older crazy genius folks who lived during the age when no one knew anything, when people were eager to hear new discoveries and accepted them blindly as they were curious and clueless of how the world goes, when the sky was clear for people to track the constellation and everything in the space, when the smartypants were so real smart they were able to make historic discoveries during those hard time, the time i imagine would make me a 15-year-old mother cooking and cleaning dishes and nursing a lamb.

to put it simply, how could it be possible for them to discover things, to create formulas, to think on something new when they lived during an era which there was barely any help, unlike us now?

although the world today has a few historic figures of its own, and many other unnamed people who help in inventing new stuffs, and billions of many other uncountable fellows who are undeniably genius and brilliant, still i think it isnt enough.

i dont know, i just feel people today are unable to make a new conclusion which would change the whole world's perspective. or all the genius folks back then had already found everything and took the glory alone, leaving us all now with whats left of their study.

which, brings us back to the first point i was talking about and waking me up from dreaming i could ever make a difference one day, sigh. as if i could, more importantly. see, i dont want to be just an ordinary person, despite knowing where my limits and boundaries of my capability are.

its frustrating to know how incredibly smart ass you have to be, to be a 'somebody'. even the smartest brother of mine who was one of the best student at the state level pon sekarang end up as an engineer only, and stuck in a small village working at a dam to generate electricity for TNB.

how serious and hard working should you be to become an Albert Einstein?

looking at my effort so far, jadi tukang sapu albert einstein pon tak layak.

well, its just a dream? isnt it? atas sikit je daripada fantasi aku untuk berkahwin dengan Putera Pesona (prince chariming?) yang muka macam aoran aziz, haih.

once in a while talking about things like this kan okay. just a serious thought of simple fantasy. while we are still in the subject of study and keskemaan, please read this thing below, its a very interisting story of science and faith, two different influential subjects. which, both of them i do have something to argue before, tapi aku takkan cakap harini la, cukupla satu je entry berbaur keskemaan.

A Conversation for Introduction To Philosophy students - enjoy
An Atheist Professor of Philosophy was speaking to his Class on the Problem
Science has with GOD , the ALMIGHTY. He asked one of his New
Students to stand and . . .

Professor :Do you Believe in GOD ?
Student : Absolutely, sir.
Professor : Is GOD Good ?
Student : Sure.
Professor : Is GOD ALL - POWERFUL ?
Student : Yes.
Professor : My Brother died of Cancer even though he prayed to GOD to heal
him. Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But GOD didn't.
How is this GOD good then? Hmm?

(Student was silent )

Professor : You can't answer, can you ? Let's start again, Young fella.
Is GOD Good?
Student : Yes.
Professor : Is Satan good ?
Student : No.
Professor : Where does Satan come from ?
Student : From . . . GOD . . .
Professor : That's right. Tell me son, is there evil in this world?
Student : Yes.
Professor : Evil is everywhere, isn't it ? And GOD did make everything.
Student : Yes.
Professor : So who created evil ?

(Student did not answer)

Professor : Is there Sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness? All these
terrible things exist in the world, don't they?
Student : Yes, sir.
Professor : So, who created them ?

(Student had no answer)

Professor : Science says you have 5 senses you use to identify and observe
the world around you. Tell me, son . . . Have you ever seen GOD?
Student : No, sir.
Professor : Tell us if you have ever heard your GOD?
Student : No , sir.
Professor : Have you ever felt your GOD, tasted your GOD , smelt your GOD ?
Have you ever had any sensory perception of GOD for that matter?
Student : No, sir. I'm afraid I haven't.
Professor : Yet you still believe in HIM?
Student : Yes.
Professor : According to empirical, testable, demonstrable protocol, science
says your GOD doesn't exist. What do you say to that, son?
Student : Nothing. I only have my faith.
Professor : Yes, faith. And that is the problem science has.

Student asks and professor answers
Student : Professor, is there such a thing as heat?
Professor : Yes.
Student : And is there such a thing as cold?
Professor : Yes.
Student : No, sir. There isn't..

(The Lecture Theatre became very quiet with this turn of events )

Student : Sir, you can have lots of heat, even more heat, superheat, mega
Heat, white Heat, a little heat or no heat. But we don't have anything
called cold. We can hit 458 degrees below zero which is no heat, but we
can't go any further after that. There is no such thing as cold. Cold is
only a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We cannot measure
cold. Heat is energy. Cold is not the opposite of heat, sir, just the
absence of it.

(There was pin-drop silence in the Lecture Theatre )

Student : What about darkness, Professor? Is there such a thing as darkness?
Professor : Yes. What is night if there isn't darkness?
Student : You're wrong again, sir. Darkness is the absence of something.
You can have low light, normal light, bright light, flashing light . . but if
you have no light constantly, you have nothing and its called darkness,
isn't it? In reality, darkness isn't. If it is, you would be able
to make darkness darker, wouldn't you?

Professor : So what is the point you are making, Young Man ?
Student : Sir, my point is your Philosophical premise is
Professor : Flawed ? Can you explain how?
Student : Sir, you are working on the premise of duality. You argue there is
life and then there is death, a Good GOD and a Bad GOD. You are viewing the
concept of GOD as something finite, something we can measure. Sir, science
can't even explain a thought. It uses electricity and magnetism, but has
never seen, much less fully understood either one. To view death as the
opposite of life is to be ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist as a
substantive thing. Death is not the opposite of life: just the absence of
it. Now tell me, Professor, do you teach your students that they evolved
from a monkey?
Professor : If you are referring to the natural evolutionary process, yes,
of course, I do.

Student : Have you ever observed evolution with your own eyes, sir?

(The Professor shook his head with a smile, beginning to realize where the
argument was going)

Student : Since no one has ever observed the process of evolution at work
and cannot even prove that this process is an on-going endeavor, are you not
teaching your opinion, sir? Are you not a scientist but a preacher?

(The class was in uproar )

Student : Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen the professor's

(The class broke out into laughter)

Student : Is there anyone here who has ever heard the Professor's brain,
felt it, touched or smelt it? . . .No one appears to have done so. So, according to the established rules of empirical, stable, demonstrable protocol, Science says that you have no brain, sir. With all due respect, sir, how do we then trust your lectures,sir?

(The room was silent. The Professor stared at the student, his face

Professor : I guess you'll have to take them on faith, son.
Student : That is it sir . . . exactly ! The link between MAN & GOD is
FAITH. That is all that keeps things alive and moving.

That student was Albert Einstein.


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