The Walkers

The Walkers

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Under the Sea

We went to the Living Planet Aquarium back in December and I realized that I never posted about it! Malea was so excited to go, and we have been wanting to take her for a while.

She loved all of the animals and was talking about it for days! She especially loved the penguins and sea horses. It was a fun little family outing!

Isaac had fun too :)

Keith petting a sting ray (minus the sting).....he was much braver than me, I was too big of a wuss to do it!

Our little penguin :) Malea loves penguins....she loves the movie "Happy Feet" (much to my dismay....I cannot stand that movie!) and she will pretend she is a penguin sometimes (soooo cute)


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Isaac - 4 months

Isaac is 4 months old!

He is growing up so fast. Here are his stats from his 4 month check-up:

Weight: 13 lbs 6 oz (17th percentile)
Height: 24.5 inches (30th percentile)
Head circumference: 16.5 cm (37th percentile)

He is kind of small but that's okay, he is so dang BUSY that I'm not surprised! Pretty much if he is awake he is moving constantly! Everyone that holds him says "he is so wiggly!" I'm scared for when he starts crawling/walking, I have a feeling I'm going to be chasing him around all over the place!

An interesting little tidbit, I checked Malea's growth charts from when she was 4 months old and she was a pound heavier, an inch longer, and her head circumference was in the 90th percentile!

Isaac just started rolling over from his back to his belly right before he turned 4 months, so he is now rolling both directions. He is also starting to reach/bat for things and when he lays on his back he plays with his feet. He is so smiley and loves to laugh. He is also ticklish (which he inherited from his mommy). I can already tell that he is going to be our "class clown". He has a great sense of humor. He is just such a joy!

Its funny how different each child is....I thought when I was pregnant with him that I was a pro now since we already had one, but boy was I wrong! He keeps us guessing all the time. Things that worked with Malea don't always work with him. It just goes to show that every one is born with different, unique personalities!

He absolutely loves his sister. He smiles when he sees her, and loves when she plays with him. Now that he is getting a little bit older it is fun because Malea can entertain him. I have also noticed that she is a little bit rougher with him since he is not a newborn anymore, and we are constantly reminding her to be gentle. I'm interested to see if they will still be buddies when he is able to follow her around and steal her toys though!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Our 2010 Christmas card

We had a great holiday season this year! It was so much fun because it was Isaac's 1st Christmas. We have so many fun traditions, especially now that Malea is a little older.

Of course we had to go see Santa (Malea is always so excited until she gets up to him and then she is all serious lol)

She asked Santa for a Jessie doll for Christmas (from Toy Story)

We went to see Santa with our friends The Dinkel's and she also got to ride the train with Maddie and Zach!

Trying to get a picture of both kids in their Christmas jammies

Another fun tradition is going to see the lights at Temple Square!

A picture of the kids in front of our tree

It was fun this year being able to do Christmas crafts with Malea! We made a paper plate snow man, paper bag reindeer, and homemade Christmas cards that Malea colored and put stickers on. It was so fun :)

Isaac had fun too!

A picture of Malea and Daddy with our Gingerbread house, another tradition of ours (I'm too lazy to do homemade ones so we just always buy the kit lol)

A new tradition this year was taking Malea to the Festival of Lights! She LOVED it!

Malea helping mommy make Christmas cookies for the neighbors

Christmas Eve
This picture cracks me up, I was trying to get a cute picture of both of the kids but Malea pulled a face and Isaac wasn't too happy....oh well, good memories!

I bought this blanket for Malea's 1st Christmas, so I had to get a picture of Isaac with it too :)

Only 1 more day!

Christmas morning
We had Keith's parents, Grandma & Grandpa "Dub" (Walker) over for Christmas morning

Keith got the Blu-Ray player he wanted!

And Malea got the Jessie doll she asked for!

Both kids with their loot

Merry Christmas!