Friday, April 24, 2009

in hawaii

look how beautiful this is. This is the temple in Hawaii and i was only 9 and i did not know what a beautiful sight it is tell i sow it again when i am 12 but now i want to go do baptisms for the dead but my dad says no way if we are going somewhere as a family again then we are going to Alaska and so we are going in the end of may, we are missing the whole last week of school. So anyway back to what i was talking about so look at that temple i wish i could go there again.
(in Hawaii) :)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Chris got two fish and 1 is posing
Jaydon preparing for the cold & he looks like he has an animal on his head
Ellie learned how to ride a bike without training wheels (a month ago). She loves to go on bike rides with the family. The first day she learned how we went on a bike trail (probably 3 miles and she had no problem keeping up). Way to go Ellie!!
so this is kam and aspen let me tell ya kam and aspen are like this ( i am crossing my fingers ) and this i kayla i kinda forgot my pasword so i will be the 1 that is doing almost all the stuff on here unless my mom has a few extra minutes witch is almost never i havent been doing this to often i will realy try hard to get on more and look at the other peoples blogs and as u can see aspens face is coverd in what looks like chocolate but when we r camping u wil never know ya as i was saying kam and aspen r like best friends when ever kam comes down and when we r sleeping and when we r at the house and aspen loves her back i was trying to look for a picture that had every one on it but i couldnt find one so i did this one and thats all i have to say

Friday, February 6, 2009

this was like 3 years ago but it still gives me a laugh witch is not that suprizing but it if u cant see it all it is chris with a big huge chockolate and gabe with a regular sized 1 and the little 1 came out of gabes big 1 so it is like chris has some of those but a lot more and i dont have anything to say i wish that my ants alisha ( sorry if i spell names rong) annalee and alitha they allways have something to write about alitha the pop corn thing that is why my mo only acasinaly takes napes on SUNDAY duh that is why we have it and to go to church ofcorse ( i get off subject easy) annalee is always making us laugh and so dos alisha alisha does it more sorry annalee but u have to agree she does and you have nown her longer that i have so that is all i have to say wait ( like you would go anywhere) alisha always wins at card games so does her mom and she and annalee always have cards to play with if you play with any of ours then we willl be missing half the pack so that is good that they always bring them

hey all those that can see this blog do u think that chris should go all the way blond or do u want fust the highlights or should he stay the way he is right now and he doesn't have highlights right now i like it personaly better with highlights and i am running out of things to say so i probublay dont make any sence but i think that this is fun so i an doing this and i the wallicks are seeing this i couldent see your blog it wouldnt work so i guess that i will try again later.