In his painting 'The New Moon, or I've Lost My Boat, You Shan't Have Your Hoop' (1840) he has painted a scene in Margate with the Jetty and pier in the background. Also, with the sun in the sky and reflected in the water I thought it would be suitable for 'Sun Lit Sunday.'
Later on I met up with a friend of mine and we meandered around Sandwich.
The origin of the word 'sandwich' for an item of food is thought to have been named after the 4th Earl of Sandwich.( 1718-1792.) He is said to have asked for meat to be served between slices of bread, to avoid interrupting a gambling game. I like to think that this was the origin of the sandwich.
Some facts about Sandwich Kent
- Sandwich was once one of England's main ports.
- The Curfew Bell is still rung from St Peter's Church every night at 8 pm.
- Instead of the colourful robes that mayors usually wear on official occasions, the Mayor of Sandwich has worn black robes, ever since the French raid in 1457.
- It was one of the Cinque Ports (established in 1155)
- Sandwich still has many original medieval buildings.
- The Open Golf Championships are regularly helds here .(2011's was in Sandwich).