Kent sends me an email this morning with a link to a video and he writes, "Want to see something that will most likely make you cry?" My thoughts: The man knows me well; I will cry and I don't even know what I'm about to watch.
Did I cry? Of course. I guess crying comes easier these days with the extra hormones pulsing through my body, but I would have cried either way. Commercials make me cry, pregnant or not.
Like Kent warned, this video will most likely make you cry, but it is worth the tears. It's short and powerful.
Are there even words? I don't even know where to begin after watching this. All I know is that I want all girls and women to thrive and feel that they have control of their lives. I've never considered myself a feminist, although I'm sure every woman who is part of our generation would be considered a feminist in the most simplistic form. We believe in the rights of women and the ability to chose our own path. We are able to learn, grow and become healthy, vibrant individuals. Inalienable rights, right? It hasn't always been like that though. Our generation is lucky and should be grateful for the sacrifices strong women have made over the centuries. The problem is that not every woman has the freedom to realize her potential and have the life she desires. That makes my heart sick.
I'm not sure how to help every single woman in the world, but I believe that change can begin with one, single girl. That poem, The Hand that Rocks the Cradle, by William Ross Wallace immediately comes to mind. What power a woman and mother holds! She forms and teaches her children, hopefully, filling them with the best things possible, making them feel they can accomplish anything. We need to do that for the girls around us, in our own lives. No need to cut them down, we do that to ourselves enough; we need to build them up in whatever way we can.
As for helping girls and women around the world, I am going to research this matter further to see what I can do. Governments and societal beliefs often obstruct humanitarian efforts, but like this video says, there must be a way, starting with one girl at a time.
Thank you, Kent, for making me cry a little today. It was worth it.
Beauty School Drop Out
7 years ago