Life is kicking my trash lately. That sounds so, well, trashy, but I just can't seem to keep up. Kids, keeping up one house, rebuilding another, pregnancy (not that I have bad pregnancies, they're nice and standard, if there is such a thing), but goodness, I cannot get a handle on things. I feel like my house is a mess most of the day and at night (when I'm running on empty) it's time to tidy it up only to get thrashed in a few hours . And food, aaa. I've been trying to do a Cara Clark Health Challenge but I have only been doing it half way because like I said, I can't keep up.
The kids are great, they're just kids. They need to get to school, they need to be picked up from school, they need lunches, they need to play outside, they need to stop playing computer/iPad/iPhone games, they need to watch less TV, they need to go to practices, they're young so they need me to stay at practices, they need to eat a healthy, balanced diet, they need more attention, they need to be read to, they need to be listened to, they need help with bathroom needs, they are stuck in potty talk land, etc. I never really knew the challenge of motherhood and all of the needs associated with it.
I'm utterly grateful for my family. Honestly, I don't know what I'd do without them, I'm just having a moment. I don't know how single parents do it. Alone time. Do they ever get it? I can tell that's what I need. It feels so vital now that I'm in the midst of motherhood. I look back on my single days and think of the hour long runs I would take next to the beach, watching the sun set and waves crash. The pink sky, light, salty breeze, no where to go, no people to meet. Gosh. Dreamy. I don't want to go back to that time, but I'm grateful for those memories. I can take a mini vacation in my brain and it actually relaxes me.
I looked at some photos of Winston and Calvin when they were babies tonight and it made me emotional. Being a mom is tough sometimes and I hope they are getting what they need to be happy and to become the best they can be.
I'm grateful for this moment so I can reflect and realize what I can do better.
Okay, time to get out of the moment and move forward. Onward, ho!
Beauty School Drop Out
7 years ago