Daddy's little helper.

A skirt's a skirt, even if it is for a tree.
I'm not sure where the time went, but here is a list of events and highlights from the month.
1. I turned 32 on November 3rd. Not bragging, but I'm okay with it.
2. We made a trip to Idaho for my grandma's funeral. As sad as it was to lose her, it was nice to see cousins and other family we had not seen in a very long time. It turned out to be a very nice weekend. We rented 6 hotel rooms right next to the falls. The little kids had fun being together.
3. We put up our Christmas tree. Mckenna thought the tree skirt was really a skirt, and Mikey was very Hands-On while helping put the tree together. He was like a little auto mechanic under the tree putting the last layer of branches on.
The weather was beautiful.
4. Thanksgiving at Mom and Dad's house! Oh yeah, we didn't go because we all had the stomach flu. Luckily, we have very thoughtful neighbors who made an entire feast and brought it over. We didn't actually eat until Friday. We were very thankful to have it and not have to cook.
Much to be thankful for, as always.