Saturday, February 25, 2006

A Tribute to the Naked Eye

A Tribute to the Naked Eye, originally uploaded by SkybellArts.

Isn't this fibre postcard fantastic?
SkybellArts is one of the members of 6x4lives

Friday, February 24, 2006

Cat as trophy ?

Today was nearly a no-sew day!
But I managed to squeeze this one through this afternoon----------which gives me an excuse to go out tomorrow and purchase more Vlisoflex;
I also wish to visit a craft store and see whether I really need a bone folder.or whether I can live without it Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 23, 2006

In memory of Greg

The Glasshouse Mountains

Because of a few queries of what/where are the Glasshouse mountains that I attempted to portray in fabric postcards,I include this link so you can see for yourself why I'm so fascinated by them.
There are two places in Queensland where my spirit feels "at home"...........this area----and parts of the western side of Moreton Island where you have bush down to the edge of the white,squeaky beach sand and the clearest,greenest water to swim in (with dolphins if you're lucky)

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Post cards

Spent this afternoon "playing" with construction of fibre post cards:another "thing" that is new to me.
I ended up with six,that only require edge finish and printing on back.
Nothing startling,but I can now see how/why people do them in batches of 4 to 6,much the same.
I was attempting some of our local Glasshouse Mountains,but did not employ Vicky's hints "Taken for granite" I mentioned the other day......maybe tomorrow!
But at least I've made a start!!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Where do you live?
I may have to do a bit of fiddling here........
(What's new I hear you ask?)
I was getting frustrated that I couldn't find a Frappr map through ChainofHearts to show roughly where I lived,so I have started a KenmaursCorner link to Frapper in the hopes I can discover where some of my online friends live.
"IF" the link works,please find your own map and leave a message.

On another note,I completed the fez for Martyn.....hope it fits OK.
Have some more ideas for my Fibre Art Journal;
MUST attack that February art quilt-----
Have drawn up "maps" for a couple of postcards,so better get to them I 'spose.

p.s. DON'T ask me WHY,but when I Link to an external,you need to click on the blog heading to get there

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Fabric Art Journals: Page one: Adventures through the Looking-glass

Fabric Art Journals: Page one: Adventures through the Looking-glass

Page two

She has landed!

on the "other side"!
Now to add to my fantasy........... Cross-stitch queens, very LAZY daisies..... Posted by Picasa

Through the Looking-glass

Reacting to a suggestion from another member of Fabric Art Journals
I decided to use "The Adventures of Alice through the looking-glass"as a theme for my first Fabric Art Journal,
only it will be MY version of adventures in a stitching world gone crazy.........
after all, I am a passionate Crazy Quilter!
So the pic is the bare bones of page one:
Gazing at the mirror and preparing to go "through"----

I'm learning already,that if I want to complete my journal I'll need to switch from handwork to machine work. Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 17, 2006

Luscious landscape

">Link For a luscious landscape go and visit Chief-ten-bears where she shows us Wedge mountain a couple of days apart.
Make a good fibre PC don't you think?

Seriously senior moment

Today is just "one of those days" when my brain is not slipping into the right cog........Mistakenly I blogged my Art journal quilt disaster to Kurliskottage

kurliskottage: River bank:

kurliskottage: River bank:

kurliskottage: Major landscaping required

kurliskottage: Major landscaping required

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Fabric Art Journals

As if I wasn't in enough hot water with a monthly Art Quilt,
the 6x4lives , two Postcard swaps , 1000 Journals, and Chain of Hearts ,I joined Fabric Art Journals
and found myself floundering:
Lack of ideas,
lack of expertise,
lack of imagination.I'm sure you can realise how depressed I've been feeling.

I was bouncing ideas off a NZ friend, when serendipitously Arlee of Fabric Art Journals posted a link to another member's blog;
Vicky has "Gone to the Dogs" and has published a great tutorial on rocks!! (and if you want to link to "Gone to the Dogs" click on the heading of this article,not the underlined blog name :-(
(Don't you know how HARD it is to create a lifelike rock?)
So now I can try and improve my river bank.

But back to my FAJ.........okay it's a book title,and one I loved as a kid!
But,there's a twist......Think of an "old fashioned story"....published 1899 and.....??

Anyway,I hope I've whetted your curiousity,because it will get curiouser and curiouser ............

DONT FORGET to check out the links to granite making in the meantime,
I'm off to play with a river bank!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

1000 Journals

And this should take you to the Yahoo group if you want to join the fun.

1000 Journals

There has been a fair amount of interest in the 1000 Journals project ,and as I can't find where I'd posted (or thought I'd posted) the relevent info,I'm sure Susan won't mind me cutting and pasting from the website info,particularly if it attracts more members!

This is the 1000 Mini-Journals FAQVersion 2: 6th January, 2006*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*Welcome to the 1000 Mini-Journals group.
Please read this file and save it for the duration of theproject. If you have a question about the project that isnot addressed in this file, you can send your question to me at or visit
and use the email form to contact me. I'll respond with an answer, usually within 48hours, and I'll also add your question and my response tothis FAQ.
Q: What is the background to the 1000 Mini-Journals group?1n 2005 a group of artistically-inclined writers from Europe and the USA combined their talents to create a miniportfolio of their work. In December 2005 their portfoliowas among amateur artworks auctioned to help Oxfam fund itslife-saving help-to-self-help projects around the world.But time marches on, especially for people in need. As oneproject comes to a close, we need to take a deep breath andmove ahead with the next. This time I've come up with an idea I know you'll love, and I'm secretly hoping you'll loveit so much you'll want to jump in and take part.
Q: What will we do in the 1000 Mini-Journals group?I'd like to complete a 1000-mini-journals project. The aim of the project is to collect 1000 or more tiny journals created, embellished, and written/collaged in by writers,artists, crafters, and scrapbookers around the world. At theend of 2006 the journals will be put on exhibition and thenauctioned for charity.
Q: Why 1000 mini-journals?
You may have heard of the Japanese tradition of folding onethousand origami cranes to make a dream come true. I wantedto pick up on that delightful idea, but I also understand the need to be practical. I can't see anyone bidding for1000 paper birds, so we need to offer items people willwant, and how many people can claim to own 1000 journals,however tiny? This project will be a highly original collaborative achievement.
Q: What is the advantage of this approach?The advantage of the 1000 mini-journal project is that itoffers individuals the opportunity to make a differencewithout having to make grand sacrifices, and to do sothrough their creative skills. I call it "the raindrop strategy." We will, if you like, show the strength and beauty of raindrops merging to a stream. We'll do that bydoing good through what we do well.
Q: Will there be cost involved?
The financial cost to participants is minimal: we're talking about cents for materials and a few cents more for postage per journal. The journals are so small you can make themusing leftovers from your other art and craft projects plus photos, junk mail, magazine pictures.... The time investment is also low: a basic journal takes less than five minutes to make (and looks great!), and the amount of time (and money)you choose to invest in writing and embellishing the journals you contribute lies entirely in your hands. All I ask is that you make the effort to create journals you'dwant to bid for and feel proud to own.
Q: Can you show me examples?
You can see some examples on this page:
You'll also find examples in the "how to" file you receivealong with this message.Once the group is running, you'll also be able to look at examples in the folders in the group "files" section. Youcan upload scans of your work to these folders, too, soothers can see what you've done.Q: How will we work?
Participants will sign into this Yahoogroup. I provide bothwritten and visual instructions for creating the journal.All the journals will be in the same easy-to-make, no-fussformat, and the beauty of the project will express itselfthrough the diversity of the writing and decoration. I'llalso post writing prompts as suggestions on a regular basis.We'll be able to use the group to share questions, tips, andideas. We'll also be able to scan and post images ofjournals so we can share in each other's creativity.Q: Is there anything you want to avoid?What I'd like to avoid is having a group full of people whoonly want to have the prompts and instructions. It'scompletely unnecessary. There are hundreds of websitesonline where people can pick up craft instructions andwriting prompts at no cost. I'd prefer they use them, andnot the mini-journals group.Q: What's the commitment?What I'm hoping for are writer-crafter-artists who will commit to this project from January through October 2006, or for part of that period, and then act on their commitment.
The specific commitment is small and simple:
each participant will create one or more journals for the project each month from January through October and send them to me.I'll share my postal address in late January.Participant Q: Who is the charity? Will it be Oxfam again?The name of the 2006 charity isn't chiseled in stone yet. Inpast years, I've chosen Oxfam, because it is an established charity with a "help-to-self help" approach. It's also well-known world-wide (also to potential amateur art purchasers),which makes it easy to link the art and the aid.I am very open to participant suggestions, but (a) wouldlike to avoid charities that try to evangelize (in any way)or that support warfare in any respect. I also need to give to a charity that I can donate to without giving money to the banks by paying currency conversion fees. In otherwords, the process of turning the art into a donation must be easy for me. If I use the art auction, it is, and I don'thave to do all the work myself.I'll be asking for suggestions as we reach the end of theproject, so if you have a favourite charity, you're welcometo propose and present it then.names be listed or acknowled
Participant Q: Will our geonline as well as, presumably, during the exhibition?All participants will be asked to complete a short bio. The artist bios will be bound into a booklet to be displayed along with the mini-journals. There will be no special online display/exhibition. Artist-donor's names will beacknowledged on the Inspired2Write website and in theInspired2Write eZines, but other than that, there isno online aspect involved in the project.
Q: What else do I need to know?Participants declare that they are aware that the journals they donate to the project will be publicly viewed and be auctioned for charity in late 2006. Participants will not receive any form of payment for materials or postage and packaging. Journals cannot be returned. Susan Letham and/orInspired2Write cannot be held responsible for losses ordamage to journals in transit.
Q: Can I tell my friends about this project?
Please do! The more of us who work together, the easier itwill be to meet the target and go beyond it!
Your friends can join by sending a blank email to:1000Journals-subscribe@yahoogroups.comor by going to:URL:*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*Important*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

I hope this is of some use to you!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Sea Dreamtime

Sea Dreamtime, originally uploaded by curli.

With this Journal I used a clam shell patterned fabric;and ocean blue pages.I really must colour the ties to blend in,as this cream is too stark and detracts from the theme.


Showing the pages of my second "tiny journal" for 1000 Journals.

I've continued with the sea theme that starts with the clam shell patterned cover by using Aboriginal Dreamtime stitckers

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Friends of the Pound

One of my online friends is a "friend of the pound".
For those of my overseas readers,the Pound is neither a unit of money nor a weight measure in Australia,but a place usually controlled by local government where lost,strayed or dumped household animals are held for a very short time in the hope they will be reclaimed by their owners.
More often than not,sadly,this is not the case,
and as the Friends aims are to..........

Our primary purposes are to rehouse the animals to save them from destruction and improve conditions at the pound.
We would also like to encourage responsible pet ownership such as de-sexing and micro-chipping.

I'd suggest you check out the link and take a second look at yourself:are YOU doing the right thing by your animal friends?

Thursday, February 09, 2006

The second pot pourri heart

Using plum and white as my main colours this second heart features tatting SRE and BDE,and some bead work to liven it up.

Having cleared my conscience regarding these swaps, I did a little more work on my Art Journal quilt for February;

I discarded my plans for applique and played with laying different texture s for the effect I was after........

but until I add the next component in the scheme,I can't be sure that my ideas will work.

My final block for a Redwork swap is about 75% complete,thankfully!

I'm getting weary of cows jumping over the moon :-(

I wonder if the other participants in the Swap are feeling the same way.