Quotes I Like
Cathy Chamberlain
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Marching at Disneyland
Go Brent, go!
Adventures in Drum Majoring
Mastering the overhead toss was definitely the most difficult move. He had many cuts and bruises on his arms, legs and even his head before finally learning how to catch it. Mom worried about his teeth getting chipped since she had heard stories about that so he had to wear a mouth guard while practicing until she could see that he had it down.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Horrors at Camp Vught
As awful as that was, this is even worse....One day the Germans thought there were too many Jewish children in this camp. They slept in the same cots as their parents but without proper medical care or soap and water, there were many outbreaks of infectious diseases. Since Vught was a labor camp and not a day care center, the Germans wanted to get rid of these children. They promised the Jewish parents to send their children to a brand new children's camp somewhere in Holland. None of the parents believed them but had no choice. On June 6, 1943 all children 0-4 years old were rounded up an taken to the railway station. With only a brief stop at a transit camp, the children went straight to the gas chambers of Sobibor. The next day all the children 4-16 followed the same route. There were 1,260 children killed along with 1,800 parents who were allowed to go with them. The youngest victim was only 6 days old and his story is most puzzling of all. When his train stopped at the transit camp, he was taken off the train and hospitalized in an incubator and cared for by private nurses for two weeks. When he had completely recovered, he was sent on the next train to Sobibor. This monument carries all of the names and ages of the murdered children. Whole families were wiped out.
Vught Concentration Camp in Holland
The beds in the dormitory were originally made of iron but these are the same size as the original beds. A bed is about 5 feet in length. No adult could be comfortable in that size of a bed and usually more than one person occupied it. The prisoners did not receive sheets or pillows. The mattresses were filled with straw or paper. They received a "thin prickly horse blanket" and that was it.
These were the wash basins. During the war a conduit pipe ran the length of these basins with six taps on either side for a total of 36. There were at minimum 240 prisoners, usually more, 7 or more at each tap struggling for a thin stream of cold water.As previously mentioned, there were no gas chambers here. When someone died, their body was picked up by a German criminal who was nicknamed "Joep the corpse-picker" because he hauled off the body using the wheelbarrow seen in the background. Then the body would be incinerated. There are still ashes in the incinerators.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
A funny story...
This was the strangest site; a multi-level parking structure for bikes! There are bikes everywhere in Holland and all ages ride them. It seems especially odd to see men in suits and elderly people on bikes. They ride with one hand on the handlebars and the other holding an umbrella when it rains. We visited a national park and there were racks and racks of bikes to use for free. I felt that the Dutch people are far more socially conscious of global warming and actually are doing things to help slow it.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
Churches of the Netherlands
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Netherlands 2007
Sunday, August 5, 2007
A Quieter Week
Another fun activity was going with Evaly, Carter and Kylie to the library where Brent is volunteering this summer. They had a petting zoo there last week and it was a most unusual one. The animals were in costumes...yes, that's right, costumes. You know, a dress on a goat, a hat on a sheep, backpacks, vests, etc. And all these animals were exceptionally relaxed in a setting of 30 or so pre-schoolers running around,petting them and brushing their fur. They had a hen that just sat there and let the kids pet her. Rabbits that had soft Chinchilla-like fur,that were sprawled out on the grass and not disturbed at all by loud and quick-moving children. They even had a very large turtle who allowed the kids to touch his head. He never did duck into his shell. It was really amazing to see how gentle and unafraid these animals were. I talked to the propietor and she said it was because "they were working." She claimed that when they had their costumes on, they somehow know how to behave but as soon as the costumes come off, they know they are going home and they line up to get on the truck and don't want to be petted anymore. Weird, huh?It was the best petting zoo I've ever been too.
On Saturday, Brent, Evaly and I went school shopping. Brent found some "cool" clothes so that's done! (I love shopping for boys...one hour, all done!) Then we took care of McKell and Carter so Mommy and Daddy and Kylie could go out and celebrate Nathan's birthday. It was fun and they are such cute kids! We love being close to our grandkids!