Sunday, June 28, 2015

House update #4

Almost there! We'll be closing on our house soon and these are the things that have been happening since my last update.

A big back porch

Delicious yellow stucco

Quartz countertops that almost glitter in the light

It took me the longest to choose a backsplash, but the hours of research, advice-asking, and indecision were worth it. I really love it!

The fence to keep our little ones safe while they play and explore (mostly) unsupervised.

And hopefully in the next few days, we'll close and I'll share pictures of the whole shebang.
I can hardly wait to feel at home!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Mother's Day

My mom likes to dance.
My mom works hard at cleaning.
My mom spends lots of time washing.
My mom loves to decorate.
Mom's favorite food is bananas.
My mom cooks the best nachos.
My mom is really good at eating.
My mom likes it when I splash.
My mom doesn't like when I'm naughty.
My mom's favorite hobby is decorating.
When my mom is alone, she counts.
I love my mom because she goes camping.

My mom likes to cook.
My mom works hard at my sister Rosie.
My mom spends lots of time cooking.
My mom loves baby.
Mom's favorite food is Swiss cheese.
My mom cooks the best fried egg.
My mom is really good at cooking.
My mom likes it when I help Rosie.
My mom doesn't like when you fight.
My mom's favorite hobby is ?????
When my mom is alone, she watches TV.
I love my mom because she helps me.

Rosie's hand

Jared and I loved playing this game together.

It was a good mother's day. I enjoyed their kisses and cuddles and special breakfast for me. Before becoming a mother, I didn't realize the honor it is to be loved by them unconditionally. They really do forgive me after my bad days and temper tantrums. They see me as beautiful, when I can't. They believe I could be an expert at anything and don't question my claims to superhuman strength or intelligence. Obviously, there will come a time when they have to reconcile my faults, but we aren't there yet.
I love them with my whole heart and they love me back just as fully. It is a gift!

Friday, June 19, 2015


Rosie has gotten in a habit of pretending to be asleep. Like at the end of car rides and she wants to be carried in. And this night she decided she was perfectly comfortable in this crib she made for herself.

So Jared and I took pictures together, while she "slept."

And magically she woke up and requested more pictures of herself! And I always oblige.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

T-Ball is Finished

While we've loved being part of the cheering section, T-ball is over for the year!

He learned a lot about patience, rules, and remembering where you left your gear.

He likes to ask me if he is the best yet, but I let him know that he hasn't quite reached that. But that he is our favorite player.

He had a great coach, lots of good games, a huge participation trophy and an end of the season pizza party.
He wants to have another go next year!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Sister Mischief

Before I got into this parenting gig, I knew that having a child added chaos to your life. And I knew that having more than one might add a bit more. I didn't know that it would be exponential!
You see if I have any of my kids isolated it wouldn't be nearly as messy as having them together.

Exhibit A:
This is what happened to Ken's birthday cake with the two sisters working together. While I was showering, Rosie decided she needed a snack, which is fine. She is pretty responsible for a three year old. But she left the fridge open. Norah took this window of opportunity to get what is usually reserved for everyone else. She ate a few handfuls and left a trail of crumbs and smears of icing all around the kitchen and living room!

And got her own bottle out of the fridge to boot!
Doesn't she look innocent!

Exhibit B:
Today Rosie again got out a snack. This time ham slices. Naturally, little Norah was envious. So, Rosie shared it using a game of "stick the ham on the already dirty windows." It is wordy, but apparently irresistible!

The moral is: Two heads are more mischievous than one.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Fruit Salad

Jared prepared us his first fruit salad for us! He was pretty excited about his creation!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Friday, June 12, 2015

Memorial Day Trip 2015

We had great plans for a day trip for the Memorial Day weekend. Ken had been to some Boulder Caves as a kid and wanted to show ours. Just two hours to the cascades and a short hike!

We stopped by the Teapot Dome Gas Station built in 1922 to protest the Teapot Dome Scandal.

The trail was closed last year for maintenance and was supposed to be open by May, BUT it wasn't. We got to the trail head (or at least where we think it was) and there was a large crew building picnic tables and lacquering signs. But none of them knew where the trail was and they informed us that we weren't supposed to be there.
So we found a bit of river to hike next to.

And (sort of) a cave.
It was a beautiful area!

On our way back to the car we saw a lot of garter snakes in a very short bit of trail!

We stopped by a farmer's stand and then spent a long time at the nearest McDonald's play place.
So we had fun anyways!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Typical Dinner Entertainment

 These strange and sweet creatures we live with!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Norah at 11 months

Despite the screeches (and occasionally because of them) this is one delightful baby. She is constantly exploring, reminding me of the need to sweep, checking the tensile strength of her sister's hair, and tasting the freshly washed (or loaded) dishes.

She likes it best when Dad feeds her. This is not me handing off responsibility, but she really eats better when he is at the helm of the spoon.

Eyelashes for days!
She climbs a lot and is at a stage filled with tumbles. I have to retrieve her from under the table at least once a day because she cannot find her way out from the tangle of chair legs. She is walking along furniture, but not attempting independent standing yet, thankfully!

She loves Jared and Rosie. They sing loudly and make up silly dances to make her smile when she's upset. And don't let them go off without her, heaven forbid! She will wail until they are reunited. It's just not fair that the older ones get to play unsupervised on the sidewalk and she can't!!!
Norah is affectionate with kisses and snuggles. She is brave and likes to "jump" into the pool. She is fiercely opinionated and will not easily smile at strangers.
She is an awesome daughter!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Mom's visit

My awesome Mom came to visit for my birthday.

We visited the house. 
And Norah played in the dirt.

Visited the sights in town, including the temple.

Played outside

And snuggled. And much more that we didn't photograph because we were just in the moment.

It was just perfection.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

House update #3

These cabinet just make me salivate! I cannot stop thinking and rethinking about what I'm going to stash in each one!

A little peek at the flooring!
(Am I using enough exclamation points?!?)

Bathroom with cabinets and a countertop and laminate.

Jared just chilling in his OWN room!

Friday, June 5, 2015