Thursday, December 11, 2014

Inevitable Future

We gave them some good genes in general, but they are ocularly doomed.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Notes about my day

  • Woke up to a poopy baby five minutes before my alarm went off (well, for the second time)
  • Jared had to run for the bus, but made it with his backlog of overdue library books in tow
  • Got Rosie a stack of construction paper for her morning doodles
  • Breakfast of leftover hummus, pita chips and a smoothie
  • Rosie made me be the frame for her fort and then we used chairs for mutually enjoyed fun
  • Cut Jared's scarf out of fleece, including tassels (shh, don't tell)
  • Made a few phone calls while Norah napped and Rosie played in the water did dishes.
  • Sweep the floor because I haven't in many, many days. And since we have an offer on the house, I am making up for all the exhausting cleaning during the sales period by avoiding it as much as I can.
  • Shower after Norah wakes up from her nap because I like to live dangerously.
  • Told Rosie to put on "day-time clothes" for the 40th time. Decided to wait until she is hungry for lunch and make it a prerequisite.
  • We had a very late lunch.
  • Jared came home during lunch (yep, that late)
  • Intermittent roughhousing and chores.
  • A lovely friend dropped by for a chat!
  •  Tried to make bubbles and squeak using leftovers. I failed, but it still tasted like good leftovers!
  • Long, long bath for all my dirty children.
  • A small argument about cleaning up their laundry and books off the floor
  • A small argument about what to listen to before they go to sleep.
  • Rosie tells me she is sick and needs to stay up to feel better. I politely refute.
  • Dishes and laundry await
