Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Monday, August 25, 2014

Baby cave

Norah and I often catch an afternoon nap together. (Thanks to one great mother-in-law!) To get her to sleep, it helps to drape a blanket over her head.
We do try to avoid suffocation and give her a bit of air circulation. It is so wonderful to peek in on her while she sleeps!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Poor third child...

 And it has been too long since I blogged about my new, sweet baby.

 We do a lot of this. Norah loves to be cuddled to sleep.

 Sleeping didn't last long this day!

  And she smiles at us now!

 Jared also wanted his picture taken. Rightly so. He is one handsome boy!

 Here is one of his ninja moves.

 A model citizen and a regular model too!

 He picked these for Norah.
(I think Rosie was napping for all of this.)

And we found a grasshopper.

Somehow, this post feels like a typical day to me. Sleeping baby. Awake baby. Attention demanded from the older two. Lots of sweetness and memories.
It is all disjointed and mostly very happy!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

First Day of Kindergarten

 I hope I've been good at hiding my anxiety for the past few days!
He has been so excited and keeping a countdown. And he wasn't thrilled he had to leave after the short orientation yesterday.
So we got everything packed and labeled, filled out all the paperwork, and sent him off this morning!

 Watching for the bus, instead of looking at the camera.

 No reservations!

I'm a little teary, but hopeful that he'll come home (in seven hours!!!) in one piece.
My son goes to school!