Saturday, August 31, 2013

Door County Family Reunion

We had a lovely family reunion (about a month ago) in Door county. It was wonderful seeing all of my siblings and their spouses and my parents and my niece and nephews for a week straight!

Walking around the ferry

Picnic on Washington Island

Boys climbing on weapons

On our day when my parents took care of the kids, the adults went mini-golfing

And go karting

We had breakfast at Al Johnsons, too early for their to be goats, but seeing the roof mowed was almost as cool

This was Hunter's hot chocolate- holy whipped cream!!!

Sawyer shared his cream with Rosie

Our table

The boys created a obstacle for the bikers on the hiking trail- jk!

My brother is a monkey

I just love her look of love and admiration for Sawyer

Lake Michigan day

Fun finger painting

Rosie really got into it!

Spy training course

Sword fighting

Our Kindt family tradition

I miss my family, we had a lovely time!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Living in a House

I love living in our house! It is wonderful to be property owners, have space to spread out and finally have a reason to make a space my own.
However, there are so many projects! I often feel like I rarely have time to do things I just want to change because so many things just come up that have to be done. (Not that I'm super good at either category)

We had to buy large appliances! And then put the children in the boxes!

Slightly unrelated, but our microwave has an awesome face inside of it.

So we have rocks all around our house (which will be mulch or gardens someday), but grass had grown into the rocks probably a good foot for nearly the entire perimeter of the house. So I have been doing a lot of weeding.

This for example, we had no idea about. Our first few mowings went right up to the pole and then one day I noticed the piping and investigated.

There used to be a big old juniper bush here. I removed it. Fortunately, too, because the next week our well needed maintenance. A few other bushes are on my hit list before the summer is over.

Ken fixed a burst pipe on this bit of our sprinkler system.

I planted some herbs. Some died. And then the rabbits got to the rest. But the mint is alive. Thank heavens for the weed-like properties of mint. I might have a breakdown over a black thumb if my mint gave out on me!

We mow our lawn. Every week. It takes forever.

I removed the border around this room. It was like this before, but all that is left is this:

We've got paint chips up all over the house. Ken and I agree on colors, but not on a timeline. But I am very persuasive!

Our maroon kitchen will be yellow (Citrus or flame yellow)

The craft room will be the middle one on the bottom.

Our room will either be Zinfandel or Gala Ball (some of the darker shades)
Unpictured, but we are also working on colors for our front door and guest room (currently beige and lime green, respectively)

Seriously, my to do list is four pages long and I'm pretty lazy. So this should all get done around the time Jared is in high school, if I'm lucky.