Thursday, November 29, 2012

Happy Birthday Rosie!

Rosie at 11:45 on her first birthday! 

 Rosie on her (truly first) birth day

Rosie is just awesome. She is such a hoot! She has learned how to tease (she'll pretend to give you something and then pull it away last second- I wonder where she learned this???). She can reach too many things- about 6 inches on top of tables and desks. Also, she learned how to open drawers this week.

She is very smiley and social. Again we have a child with very low stranger anxiety. She is truly a charmer!

Rosie already talks a lot. The following are her available words: uh- oh, more, water (wawawa), all done, mama, dada, tickle, drink (dugldugl), up, and uh-uh-uh (what she says when she's doing something she knows she shouldn't). Also, she grunts when she picks up things that are big.

She has a hearty little laugh. She is most ticklish on her neck and tummy. Give her kisses all over and she'll be in stitches!
We love our little one. She is a great addition to our family.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Everything is a train

Everything can be lined up behind Thomas to be pulled- laundry baskets, cereal boxes, pillows, balls, gourds, bowling pins, rocking horse, etc.  I could truly go on!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving craft

Jared made this turkey at preschool last week. Every time I look at this little guy I get the giggles. I love his massive forehead!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I don't usually buy canned ravioli, but when I do, my children look adorable in it.

You can't take pictures of one without taking pictures of the other!

Monday, November 5, 2012

BYU vs Notre Dame

When BYU came out here to play Notre Dame, my family came into town.  And we all got to go to the game!

My older brother attended Notre Dame a few years ago, so he showed us around campus.

This beaut is, of course, known as Touchdown Jesus.

The Grotto (I think you light a candle and pray for the team)

Watching the team come out of mass.

On-campus cathedral

Inside the golden dome

Probably my favorite part of the day- Bagpipe band!

Also, we got to have lunch in the NBC tent because my brother has a fancy GE job.  I'm soooo well connected.

We had awesome seats near the band.  They were hilarious to watch.  It also made me realize how much my life has changed in the passing years, thankfully.

BYU lost, but not in an embarrassing way.  It was an awesome experience.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Family in Town

We had some family visit us.  And it was a blast!

The boys
Hanging out at the Healthworks museum

This is Joe whooping me at a vacuum-up-the-germs game.  And then my little brother, Peter, beat me too.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

GG and Margie

This is my grandma (now known as GG for Great Grandma) with her most recent descendant.