Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Where's Waldos?

Kelsey and Ruthie did a great job making where's waldo costumes. Costumes reminds me that the first time I published a technical paper I wrote "costumers" instead of "customers". 3 engineers proof read paper and didn't catch the mistake. Non-engineers like my wife and mother, the only non engineers who ever read it, caught the mistake. Which makes me wonder, "are all engineers dyslexic like I am?" Anyhow there will be no costumers mentioned in my thesis that I am currently wrapping up. The photos shown here are from a church Halloween party.

I was hoping to get a picture of us walking around in our costumes in a crowded walkway in between classes. But unfortunately finishing my thesis and getting Kelsey and Jared to Wisconsin and preparing for a move are more important.
Jared and Eden
Jared and Calvin

Monday, October 24, 2011

Goodbye Provo!

I'm a little bit freaking out about leaving my home and friends. But it is good and I will allow myself to process emotions when I get a little more settled later.
Provo, BYU, our friends and neighbors have been wonderful and I can hardly believe this day has come! Goodbye!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

I did a goal!

A goal I set after Jared was born was to make a quilt for the next baby. And unlike most of my goals which I forget or exchange for different goals/priorities, I actually did it!!!
It was a simple start (no cutting and it is tied, not hand quilted or anything), but I feel wonderful about this!
It took me three months of mostly procrastination, but some definitely some work and perseverance, but I changed this:
(pre-cut jelly roll strips)

Into this:
Ta da!

Sewn, basted, tied and bound! Special thanks to the ladies at the fabric store for answering my dumbest of questions. Also to Lauren who gave me the motivation to finish it!
I can hardly believe I am learning all these traditional homemaker skills. Adding to the stereotype every day!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

You always need a mother

My mom was here this past weekend. It was awesome!

Jared enjoyed running to her with outstretched arms yelling, "Grandma!"
We did a lot of things most of which are not pictured. But I don't have to photo-document things to prove it to you.
We went to the Hare Krishna temple in South Fork and fed the llamas some apples and grains. And Mom got Jared a llama put that now has to eat apples several times a day.

On our way back from one of our hikes, (that's right we are athletic and outdoorsy) we encountered cattle on the road. I was nervous, but Ruth needed to "run with the bulls."
We did some shopping. Some at Sundance, some at Sam's club, some at cute boutiques, but most importantly we shopped Ikea.
Ruth and Jared did much sword fighting and horse riding.

It was an amazing weekend and I am glad I don't have to wait very long to see my mom again. Just one more week!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

There were never more devoted sisters!

My older sister, Annalisa, flew out this past weekend with her family for a quick visit. It was wonderful!!!
I just love the dynamic that the three of us have together. It is awesome.
Hurray for sisterhood!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Also, Baby Leggings

Told you I was on a crafting kick...

These are from that day I did tie-dyeing.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Homecoming parade

We felt like good parents this year for braving the cold and letting our toddler to run into traffic to pick up candy off the road.

We, of course, didn't get any pictures of the parade, but fortunately we got plenty of Jared's balloon obsession.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Conference Weekend Craft

I love that crocheting is so quick!!!
Jared and I needed new hats, so I just powered these out in a few hours each. Ken is jealous and maybe he'll get a hat if the stars align again in the next 6 weeks.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Baby Gowns

A few months ago I got these shirts from DI:

And finally, I decided to work on some projects. So I used this awesome tutorial to change them into these:

Baby gowns and hats!
Cool, right?!?
They are not necessarily "well crafted" as I am a beginning seamstress. But I had fun making them and it has been good practice for learning how to use my new sewing machine.
One tip- If you are planning on doing this tutorial be sure to use at least a large-sized t-shirt. Medium shirts just do not have enough material.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Play Imitates Life

One of Jared's main pretend play is putting his toys in time-out. They usually say sorry pretty quickly and give kisses.
Larry gets in trouble a lot.

Now, where did my two year old learn this?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Another Lovely Conference Weekend

So, I'm a Mormon. One thing this means is that twice a year, I set aside a weekend to listen to prophets and apostles. Pretty cool, right?
Well, we had a wonderful conference weekend! On Saturday, Ken and I watched conference at home while trying to teach Jared the names of the first presidency members. They are now known in our home as "Monson," "Eye" and "Arf." Jared now demands treats whenever he sees pictures of these men! It is cool to watch Jared's progression of awareness.
Oh, and who else gasped when they heard about the second temple to be built in Provo? Because I sure did!
Sunday morning, Ruth and I went up to Salt Lake to the conference center. Somehow, we got amazing seats! We were in the seventh row from the front!!!! That is like out of a bajillion rows! We could see the expressions of not only all the General Authorities, but also of all the choir members. It was awesome to watch everyone up there. This session also contained my favorite talk of the weekend by Elder Hales. He is awesome.
Sunday afternoon was spent with some awesome family members. The Woodwards are amazing hosts and always feed us sooooooooooo well. Eliza and Caroline (my cousins who attend BYU) were there as well. I'm so glad my family is so lovable!
Thanks to Aunt Geniel for the photos!

Suzannah and Ruth are chilling with my little boy

All the lady relatives (Caroline, Suzannah, Ruth, Me, Geniel and Eliza) plus Jared.

Jared is in love with the giant shark stuffed animal he is leaning on and recently discovered hiding in the Woodward's cabinet.

Sweet angelic cousin Kemper!

Family photo!