Friday, December 24, 2010

A little boy's greatest wish

Jared would be absolutely thrilled to find some cheddar wrapped under the Christmas tree. We'll see if his presents can rival that...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Life Training

It is important to teach your children skills.

Also, maybe he can take over doing dishes soon because I don't like them.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Holiday cooking

Since it is just almost officially winter I have started to prepare to hibernate. I've been baking foods with lots of sugar and butter so no one in my family will freeze to death.
Seriously though, I've been doing a lot of baking and it is dangerous!!!!!
In the past two weeks I've made the following treats:
Chocolate chip cookies
Pumpkin cookies
Pumpkin cookies again because the first batch "disappeared" to quickly
Rich egg bread
Cinnamon swirl bread
Cookie dough (without eggs)
Lebkuchen (fancy German spice cookies)
Buttery popcorn (about every other day)
French toast
And much much more!

I just love holiday food, but it can't go on like this. Good thing the Christmas season doesn't last all year long!!! I think I'll have to start gifting some of this baking!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I can't resist!

Jared has learned a new word- "Please." And now he can get just about anything he wants. He just looks at me with his sad face and says, "Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee."
Now we stay outside longer, eat more sweets, read more books and get into a lot more trouble overall.
But what am I supposed to do???

*I am currently trying to capture this on video!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Holiday Stress

From late October to the middle of February, people often complain about the stress of the holidays. As a child I thought, "Poppycock!" (I've been watching some British television lately) "These times are about food and joy and no school and family and staying up late! What could be stressful about that?"
Now that I am a full fledged adult with taxes, a child and my very own credit score I see things a little differently. I can understand the stress of less than ideal family situations, tight budgets, holiday decorating, traveling, cooking, cleaning, overeating and trying to make everything a good memory. Now, I don't have to deal with a lot of this since we go to other people's houses for the big holidays.
However, there is one thing that stresses me out this time of year. Gift giving.
There are so many complications in this process. First of all, who do you give gifts to? We're supposed to give gifts to the people we love. But then there is the awkward situation where someone gives you a gift and you hadn't planned on giving them one at all. Even if you give cheap $1 gifts to all your good friends and neighbors, that gets really expensive really fast.
Okay, so you definitely give gifts to your family. But what?!?!?!?!?!? I am a frequent reader of Miss Manners' column. She just advises that you give a thoughtful gift. Sounds great in theory. But what in the world do I give to my mother??? She has a lot of things. I don't want to just give her a relatively cheap trinket (which is all I can really afford) that will be of no use or real thrill.
Those of you who are more sentimental are thinking, "Well, Kelsey, just write nice notes of appreciation and love. Those are worth most of all!" And you are absolutely right. There are few better gifts than love. However, I can't do this every year for Mother's Day, Father's Day, all birthdays and Christmas because I am just not creative and thoughtful enough to think of different reasons why I love people year after year! All those letters will start looking strangely similar. Not to mention I am looking pretty cheap.
I really do love to give gifts. That is probably why I stress about it too much. I wish I could give either really extravagant gifts or extraordinarily thoughtful gifts every time, but I just can't. Alas, this year no one will be writing down Christmas stories to be passed down about the gifts we have planned this year. But I guess if every year were extraordinary, they wouldn't be extraordinary.
So now, I'll just have to focus on the real meaning of Christmas.

Note to the relatives who will be receiving gifts from me this year:
Don't worry. I'll be fine. I don't need ideas or consolation. If all goes as planned you will be receiving gifts of average thought and cost. Also, I've resolved to let this stress go.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving with the Woodwards

We have been grateful for many things this year! This is our gratitude tree where we wrote down our blessings.
This year, as in past years, our family joined my Aunt and Uncle and their family for Thanksgiving.
Eliza read all of Harry Potter 7 on Thursday.

Jared got more used to dogs (Cotton the white German Shepherd and Izzy the dog of many origins); he hardly screamed at all.

Kemper and Jared were buds.

Suzannah introduced Jared into the world of music!

We did so many other fun things (Turkey Trot, cooking, Lord of the Rings watching, philosophizing, etc.) with many more addition people (Aidan, Aunt Geniel, Uncle Steven, Uncle Jim, Gloria and Terry, and a bunch of neighbors). It was so much fun and definitely something to be thankful for in itself!

Monday, November 22, 2010

A regular cowboy

Jared got these awesome cowboy boots from my cousin Eliza. She gave them to us a loooooong time ago and now they fit! Well, kind of. They stay on his feet over 50% of the time, so that is sort of like fitting. I just have to convince him to wear socks with his boots!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Twin Haircuts

I promise I won't post every time Jared gets his haircut, but this was just so much more successful than last time. A lot fewer tears.

This time I cut their hair simultaneously instead of sequentially. It was awesome

Smiling THE SAME DAY of the haircut!!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Playing in the rain

Jared like the rain. He points it out whenever he sees it. He likes playing in it even if his bum is set from scooting down some steps and it is way too cold out.

I like to watch. Jared is good at discovering the world. Also, he is incredibly cute.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Jared is quickly becoming more agile and coordinated, so there are so many more places for him to explore. This includes new areas of the playground equipment, the shelves in the bathroom, underneath our bed and so much more.
Today, he decided to explore the back of the stroller.

I didn't get a picture of it, but at one point he had his face pressed against the mesh.
Good day.

Sausage Stuffed Pumpkin

This is what we had for dinner last night!

It was fun to make and good to eat. Ken wants this to be a yearly tradition. Jared, as usual, passed on the vegetable portion, but LOVED the stuffing. He has a stronger spice threshold than I do, so the hot sausage and curry were no problem.
I got the recipe from the Taste of Home 2008 annual recipe book.

2 cups water
1 cup uncooked brown rice ( used black and white, which turns purple)
2 t chicken bouillon granules
1/2 t curry powder
1 lb bulk Italian sausage (I used a1/2 lb)
4 cups sliced fresh mushrooms
1 small onion, chopped
2 shallots, minced
1 garlic clove, minced
5 T dried currants (I used craisins)
1/4 c chicken broth
1 t poultry seasoning (I don't even know what this is)
1/2 t rubbed sage
1/4 t dried marjoram
2 medium pie pumpkins (2 1/2 lbs each)
1/2 t salt
1/2 t garlic powder

In a large saucepan, bring the water, rice, bouillon and curry powder to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 45-50 minutes or until tender.
Meanwhile in a large skillet, cook sausage over medium heat until no longer pink; drain and set aside. In the same skillet, saute the mushrooms, onion, shallots and garlic for 3-5 minutes or until tender. Reduce heat; add the currants, broth, poultry seasoning, sage and marjoram. Return sausage to the pan. Cook and stir for 5-7 minutes or until liquid is absorbed. Remove from heat; stir in rice.
Wash pumpkins; cut a 3 inch circle around each stem. Remove tops and set aside. Remove and discard loose fibers; save seeds for another use. Prick inside each pumpkin with a fork; sprinkle with salt and garlic powder. Stuff with sausage mixture; replace tops.
Place in a 13"x9"x2" baking dish; add 1/2 inch of water. Bake, uncovered at 350 for 30 minutes. Cover loosely with foil; bake 45-50 minutes longer or until tender. Cut each pumpkin into four wedges to serve.
Yield: 8 servings

I'm off to have the leftovers for lunch!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Mistakes were made

So today, I may or may not have left the petroleum jelly open and out in Jared's room. Of course this resulted in tiny greasy hand prints all over our apartment.
So I did what any self respecting young mother would do- I looked up on the internet what gets petroleum jelly out of carpet. The first suggestion read that I should sprinkle cornstarch on the goop and let it sit and absorb the oils. Sure. Sounds like a great idea. No reason to research any further. I sprinkle a generous amount of cornstarch on the offending stains and head to the kitchen to do some chores.
Of course when I come back, Jared has been playing in the cornstarch goop and now has covered himself and our couch in the mixture.
These pictures don't do his face justice because immediately before I took them Jared rubbed his face on my only pair of clean jeans.

Turns out the cornstarch method does not account for small children. And it didn't really help anyway.
I am now hoping dish soap will get the grease out. And that I can eventually get our rug dry.
Because, of course, we have company coming over tonight.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

New Discoveries

Our routine in the morning when I go to get Jared out of his crib is that he hands me his blanket then reaches to be picked up. However, this morning I went in he handed me his blanket and he asked to see my belly button. So I showed him my belly button (pronounced: bay-ee-bu'), he stuck his finger in it and then he consented to leaving the crib.
After we had breakfast, he insisted again on sticking his finger in mine, Ken's the
n finding his own several times.
I suppose belly buttons are pretty cool.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Spooky Cookies

I decorated cookies again this year. And thanks to a cool six compartment container of sprinkles my cookies look nothing like they did last year. It's a good thing.

Ken and I did not decorate cookies together, though because he has been excessively busy working on homework and a conference paper (i.e.- not being home while I am awake OR sleeping!). As we speak, however, he is submitting said paper. I'm thrilled to hopefully have him around more often!

Costume Time

This year our family dressed as the Flintstones (except we chose to make Bam Bam a Flintstone instead of a Rubble). It was lots of fun and we enjoyed all the sugar.
We didn't take a picture of all of us together, but someone else did so we're trying to get that.
So enjoy the candid photos of us trying to share a messy caramel apple.

Jared enjoyed the bean bag toss with his friend Jeremiah.

Jeremiah is Russel from UP!

Ken also attended a Halloween party thrown by a local Spanish ward. As a cowboy.

Just another day at the office

I dropped Jared off at Ken's lab one morning so I could go pick up our produce from a local co-op unencumbered.
This is what they did while Mom was out:

Eating chips and salsa. This little boy is turning out like his dad!