Wednesday, 15 September 2010

More TV Debate

Interesting article that covers similar territory (and with greater rigourousness) to my post here but comes to a slightly different conclusion.

"BBC scheduling is just as much slave to the rigid demands of predictability as that of its commercial rivals, even though there are no commercial messages to insert. End credits are ruthlessly squeezed down beyond recognisability so as to promote a forthcoming viewing option – because that is what commercial stations do, and the BBC is competing with them for reach and share."

I agree, but my favoured (and perhaps unworkable) solution is to change the landscape and the terms of the debate entirely so that it's not just about what the BBC does and doesn't do but the conditions that all channels exist in (hence my 'license fee for publc service OR subscription and NO packages ' model).

Tuesday, 7 September 2010


The first Kelvox1 EP is available to download free now from bandcamp here

It's basically a live recording; 'No Cave, No Pilot' was recorded slightly earlier and has a little post-production so is a bit less 'room-y' than the other three tracks, which were all recorded together the same afternoon - for better or worse! Whether we'll stay with this approach I don't know, I like the slightly more produced sound of 'No Cave, No Pilot', but then I can can picture the grotty room these songs were recorded in, which doesn't help.