Sunday, September 26, 2010

Speaking of Identity Crisis...

Elementary school's track and field day always meant one thing to me: the reemergence of my "asthma." Putting on fake, heavy breathing, I would send myself to the nurse and eventually home with my mother. No one ever seemed to catch that the asthma always kicked in BEFORE I participated in any events and I felt enormous pride at my ability to avoid exercising in front of my peers.

Cut to 15 years later:

That's right, willingly participating in a relay race on track and field day! Yes, the students kicked the pants off the adults, but I can say I did run faster than the teachers. Score one for the classified staff!

Identity Crisis

It's been a long time coming, but a blog overhaul is on its way. Unfortunately, these are the only names I have been able to think of with the help(?) of my mother:
  • The Not-So-Innocent Now-At-Home
  • The Disillusioned Re-patriot (if this doesn't get me flagged on government databases nothing will)
  • Sucks To Be Me (all my mother's; nice to know what she thinks of my life!)
Please, save me from this blogger identity crisis. If you are still reading (you must be very devoted) share any suggestions you may have so that the blogging can recommence!