I am not usually someone who wishes their life away. I am normally able to deal with whatever life throws at me. I might not like it and I might really kick & scream about it, but I can usually deal with it and accept the changes. 2009 was different for me. It was a hard year - really hard - for my family. Because it was such a tough year, I wasn't sad to see it go. I'm ready for a fresh start - hopefully a year filled with good health for all, happiness and the love of family & friends. I wish the same for all of you.
For the last several years, I've made resolutions or set goals or whatever you want to call it. Some of them were met but more were left to gather dust and be tossed in the trash. This year I am going to try something different. I am going to try and be good to myself. Selfish? A little -but I think if I can be good to myself then I will be a better wife, daughter, friend, aunt, godmother, etc.
Here's what I am thinking about:
1. Be healthier - find time to take more walks, eat fresher/healthier foods, stop and smell the flowers, play in the dirt/garden, learn yoga/pilates, cook more, bake more bread, remember to breathe.
2. Be happier - stop sweating the small stuff and do the best I can with whatever is thrown at me, laugh outloud every day.
3. Be more social - spend more time with old friends and meet new ones. Tell my friends and family that I love them more often.
4. Be quieter - take time to read more, listen to more music, recharge my internal batteries.
5. Be more stitchy - find time to sit and stitch on something that makes me happy. Use more threads from my stash than I buy. Finish up some of my WIPS. Stitch as many of the canvases from my stash as I can. I
might set up a plan to give myself points for using threads/canvases from my stash similar to
Janet Perry or
Jane of Chilly Hollow. That idea is still rolling around in my head.
That's my BE GOOD TO MYSELF (BGTM-2010) plan and I am going to try and stick to it. Wish me luck.