Thursday, December 31, 2009

A year in the life of Orts

This is my orts jar - it is about 6 inches tall and 4 inches in diameter. It holds every tiny scrap and thread end from every project that I worked on in 2009. It amazes me that it is as full as it is. I don't feel like I stitched that much this year - but the jar seems to prove otherwise. I love the way that the colors all mesh together. It truly is a good representation of all my projects. My buddy, T.B. has asked for the contents of the jar. She likes to tie fishing flies and can use the scraps and pieces in her flies. I can't wait to see how my "trash" will turn into her treasure. I will pass it over on January 1st. I am starting fresh with an empty jar on January 1.

Please allow me to reflect a bit about the blog and the year in Ortville. I had no idea when I created this blog a year ago that anyone would read it. I thought I would just use it to document my stitching for myself. I was so surprised when people started leaving comments and sending me e-mails. Who knew that you guys were out there? I have loved reading your blogs and am very grateful to all of you for reading, commenting and caring about things here on my blog.

I've learned a few things as a result of this blog. Let me share them with you.

1. I learned that I really don't do well with canvas clubs/series. I should have known that already - I am ashamed to tell you how many clubs/series I have subscribed to over the years. Many of them have been sold or are in the bottom of my stash. I am great about doing one or two in the series, but then I get bored and move on to something else. My goals for 2009 stated that I would finish 4 canvases from two different clubs/series in my stash. I finished ONE canvas from each series and don't have a great deal of desire to do anymore of them. I LOVE having something arrive in the mail every month - I just don't do well with the stitching part. What is up with that? I will leave the remaining canvases from those series in my stash for this year. If I stitch more of them - fabulous - if not, then they will be sold or given away in 2011.

2. I learned that I have more discipline than I thought. I did pretty well with my 2009 stitching from stash (SFS) goal. I don't think I bought more than a handful of new canvases all year. That is HUGE for me. I hope to continue with that goal in 2010. (I will reveal my full set of 2010 goals in a later post.)

3. I discovered that I really missed my stitching when my hand was injured. I knew I liked to stitch, but I never realized how much a part of my life stitching is until I couldn't stitch.

4. I learned that no matter how needlepoint worthy you are - I really prefer to stitch for myself instead of others. This year I stitched 2 tooth fairy pillows for my nephews and their wives. One has been delivered to the family and the other one has just been sent to the finisher. I enjoyed working on those projects because I knew that the families would appreciate them and cherish them. BUT, I learned that I don't do well when I am stitching for someone else and am on a deadline. It is too much like work - stitch this much each day - finish by this day - mail by this day.

5. I learned that stitching soothes my soul and calms my fears and my stressors. As many of you know, this has been a very hard year for me and my family. Dad's illness has really taken a toll on all of us. Stitching has kept me sane.

6. I was reminded that stitchers are incredible people. They are compassionate, supportive, fun and enabling. You guys rock! Thanks for being here in 2009. I hope you stay around for 2010.

We have big plans (haha) here in Ortville for New Year's Eve. I've already been to the grocery store and purchased salmon, shrimp and scallops. I think I will roast them and then serve them with potatoes, a big salad and a glass of wine or two. A fire in the fireplace and a night of stitching will top off the evening. Not very exciting in some people's eyes -but good enough for us.

Happy New Year! I hope it is a happy, healthy year for everyone. Happy Stitching.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Many of you know that I have been working on a second tooth fairy pillow. This one is also for a nephew and his wife. They are expecting their first child in March. I started this little guy in October with the thought that I could have him stitched and back from the finisher by January 1st. Then I injured my stitching hand and I had to set it aside for 6 WEEKS! I am thrilled to report that at 1:00 AM on December 28th, I finished it. By 10:00 AM, it was in the mail to the finisher. I've been told that it will be back to me in time for the February 6th shower that I am giving for the mother to be. I am sure rush fees and overnight postage rates will be needed but I don't care. It is DONE, DONE and done! Woo and hoo!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Hope Santa brought you everything you wished for

I hope you have a day filled with peace, joy and love.
Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

I hope your holidays are joyous and happy! Merry Christmas everyone!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The weather outside was frightful - but the fire and stitching were delightful!

If you have watched the weather channel this weekend or live anywhere near Ortville, then you know that a n'oreaster slammed into us. It started here on Friday night around 5 and ended 24 hours later. By the time all was said and done, we had 14.5 inches of snow on the back deck. It is lovely to look at and it was nice to be forced to stay home for awhile. I cooked, I stitched, I sat by the fire, I cleaned out a closet and I tried to help Marley (our 13 year old Aussie) get around in the yard.

Today was a whole 'nother thing. We had to dig out of our driveway and our neighborhood - nary a sand truck or snow plow in sight. We drove over to my Mom's house. I picked her up and took her to see Dad while my dear sweet husband dug out her car, cleared her sidewalk, and cleared a path from the back door to the garage can, etc. The man is a saint - I'm just saying. Tomorrow, I have to finish Christmas shopping. Too bad I have to work tomorrow!! I could use a few free hours to get it all finished.
We haven't had a white Christmas here in Ortville in MANY years. Since the temps aren't supposed to get above 35' during the day and only into the teens at night - I think the snow will be sticking around for awhile.
Hope you all are doing well. Hey, Jane of Chilly Hollow - are you still digging out? I thought about you as I watched the snow pile up.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Very good news for a change

My nephew and his adorable wife had their baby yesterday!!! We have a bouncing baby boy! Woo and Hoo! He arrived mid day and weighed in at over 8 pounds. He is healthy and Mom is doing great. We are going to the hospital today to meet him. I can hardly wait. I got a picture of him delivered to my phone yesterday and he is just adorable. I can't wait to see him and snuggle with him. My nephew and his wife chose not to find out what they were having, so we all have been trying to guess.

If you remember, Tooth Fairy Pillow #1 (that I stitched for him) was mostly blue and green with a bit of pink thrown in. I guess I was secretly hoping for a boy. Now we have one!

Congrats to you my sweet family. We are so proud to be great aunties and uncles.

Friday, December 4, 2009

I am - really I am!

I am still here. I am still trying to figure out my new crazy schedule of working full time, stopping to see Dad on my way home, checking in on Mom on my way home, fixing dinner and spending time with my saint of a husband, doing laundry, cleaning house, running errands............and then going to bed just to do it ALL over again tomorrow. Makes me tired just writing about it.

I am stitching a little again (woohoo!). I have tried to stitch at least an hour every other day. That allows me to get in a stitchy fix and not overtax my hand. So far so good. Tooth fairy pillow is coming along. Have about 2/3rds of the background left to go. Lucky for me, her shower has been moved to February which gives me more time to get this thing done and to the finsher. Woohoo. My new goal to have it all stitched is Dec. 15th.

I am going to take down my Halloween decorations this weekend and consider replacing them with some Christmas decorations. (see first paragraph for explanation of why I STILL have Halloween decorations in my house and on my front porch). We have decided to do a very low key Christmas this year. I will put up 3 tiny trees (all less than 4 feet tall) and leave the big tree in the attic. We aren't home much these days and we will spend most of the Christmas holiday at the nursing home.

I am going to the nursing home tomorrow to decorate Dad's room for Christmas. I've made him a festive and sparkly wreath. I found a sweet 1 foot tall tree all decked out with lights. I will add red and green ornaments to that tomorrow once I get there. I've got some faux pine garland that I will put around his bulletin board and then add some festive things to the middle of the board. He spends alot of time laying in the bed looking around the room so I am trying to give him something different to look at every 30 days or so.

I am going to get to the post office to mail my nieces their "study for exams" care packages tomorrow. If I don't do it tomorrow, then there isn't any point in doing it. Exams will be over and they will be home from college for the holidays. I am going to the post office......I am going to the post office before it closes!!!!! If I don't - then I have alot of crunchy munchy and hot chocolate to consume.

I am going to sit down and rest for a few minutes this weekend. Don't know when nor how I am going to accomplish that - but I AM going to do it. Really.