Sunday, June 16, 2013

Ode to Big Dog Daddy!

On this wonderful Father's day weekend I've been thinking a lot about my dad and all the memories I have and the lessons I've learned from him in my lifetime. I'd like to share a few of my very favorite memories.

When I was a little girl, I liked playing outside and I liked being active. We had a pair of roller skates and I really wanted to learn how to use them. It was my dad who taught me how to roller skate. I remember he even took me on a daddy/daughter date to our local skating place called Skate World and skated with me all afternoon. I'm not even sure if he ever knew this but, my second grade crush was there too and well, I hadn't quite got the whole "stopping" technique down yet and I plowed right into him.... I was pretty embarrassed. I loved my skates. I was always outside skating.
I am also very grateful that my dad is a camera man. I recently had a conversation with someone who said how kids these days have their whole lives documented because of facebook and instagram and how there weren't very many pictures from his childhood. I thought, hmmm my whole life is documented on 35mm film. I'm very grateful  that we have pictures from every major event to just the everyday fun that happened growing up. It helps with my memory too. I remember things because I can go back and see the photos. Dad is still always taking pictures of us. I really like that he does that and we have all these wonderful memories to cherish forever. He also used to take videos. Those were always the most embarrassing but, if we didn't have those we wouldn't be able to tease my younger brother about the time he said he was born "in da road" And we wouldn't have the most wonderful family reunion video of all my aunts, uncles and cousins doing and saying the funniest things. Yes family sometimes we still watch those and laugh. ;)  Dad was always behind the scenes capturing life's little moments. Sometimes mom would take a turn though so dad could take a picture with us.
I want to share a very special memory of my dad. I think this tells a lot about who he is as a person. I will remember this and be grateful for this as long as I live.

    When I graduated from hair school, I moved back home for a little bit and got myself a salon job in our local mall at a Mastercuts. The mall was several miles from our house and at the time I didn't have a car. My parents encouraged me to take the job and we could figure out transportation from there. Most of the time I road the bus to and from work. As I got into the swing of working there, my boss started to really like and trust me so she put me on the schedule to close the salon most nights. The mall closed at 9 but, sometimes I would have to be there a little later closing up and doing the register and all that. I can't really remember if the buses just didn't come that late or if we had decided that it was too scary for me to ride the bus home at night. I actually had to take 2 buses home and walk in between bus stops so the too scary option is probably more likely. My dad worked the graveyard shift at his job and his lunch break was around the time I was getting off work, we also only had the one car.  So, when I started working nights, Dad would drive 30 min or more to my work to pick me up, drop me back home and drive the 30 min back to work. I believe this happened a few times a week for the remaining 3-4 months I worked there. This may have seemed like such a simple thing but it spoke volumes to me. I sincerely hope I thanked my dad for this but, if not, I am thanking you now. Thank you for the sacrifices you made so that I could have a job that I loved which lead to a career I love!

  Not being a parent myself, it's hard to fully understand the sacrifices your parents have made for you. I know of a few but, I am sure I can't fully comprehend the times my parents have laid awake at night worried about our well being and wondering how they can more fully help us.

I'm grateful for my dad who loves me more than I can even comprehend. Who will send me text messages like this one which was my favorite, while he was in the priesthood session of general conference a few years back, "President Monson just told the single men to step it up and get married" I loved that! I know my dad loves me and wants the most amazing things for me. I too want those things. I'm thankful for his love and support of my choice to be a hairstylist. I know many girls who don't have support from their fathers and families who don't think doing hair is a good enough career path. Always having that support has been so wonderful for me. Just this past year, I was doing my moms hair while my dad sat with my mom's ipad and helped me design my business cards! I love them and hand them out all the time and you know what dad? It's paying off! I have been one busy lady at the salon! Having that support from you and mom means the world to me!

Dad, thank you for all you have done and will continue to do for me! I love you so much! Thank you for being such a great example of love and sacrifice.

Happy Fathers day!!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

quick note....

Also,  recently I had a friend confirm something I've always known that I "can someday write a really good book about dating" So, I'm bring it back. I have more dating stories and awkward situations ( I always get myself into) that I would like to share with you, so that is something to look forward to!

Some things about me.

I noticed my last post was in January and well it's now April. I don't think I made it as the next Mo Bach but, then again, I am not sure anyone did. The blog hasn't been updated since December. And, in all reality, I'm glad it didn't happen. It just seems very stressful and I don't need any more stress in my life. 
       Lately I've been thinking a lot about what makes me who I am. You know when you meet a new person and they want to know things about you? I always find it so hard to say things about myself outside of the norm, like where I grew up and what I do for work. Recently someone asked me to tell them something amazing about myself and all I could think of was "I can list all 50 states in alphabetical order" and he was not amazed by that. I can't even imagine why. 
     I think it's hard for me because my hobbies and habits are always evolving. I know that is probably pretty normal but, there are some people who are pretty hard core into one or two particular things like, a certain type of sport or a specific sports team. I will say that my "team" or my "sport" is what ever the boy I happen to be currently dating likes and watches because that is pretty much the only time I ever watch sports. You might say I'm a lot like Julia Roberts in Runaway bride. How she doesn't know what eggs she likes. She just likes the same eggs as the guys she dates. I am very much like that in sports. The one year I got really into the Jazz playoff games was because I was dating a very big Jazz fan and it was fun to have that in common with him. I know I tend to become similar to the person I'm dating and as fun as that can be, I also can't lose sight of me. Who I am and what makes me me. 

I've thought of a few things to tell someone when asked, "Who is this Kellyanne girl" I know there are people who want to know... right? Well, here is a little something about me:

I am 5'8" with long brown hair of which I am very proud because I never was the girl with good hair growing up. I have blueish/greenish eyes. I like all kind of music, and can sometimes amaze people by my knowledge of all the lyrics to songs. Yes there are occasions where I will completely make up the lyrics as some of my friends can attest too, "you with your words like knifes and your knives and forks that you use against me"  I like all kinds of movies but, my favorite are comedies. I can always go for a good laugh. I watch way too much TV. I won't even begin to tell you all the shows I watch. Just know that some of my shows are seasonal... like The Bachelor/Bachelorette and So You Think You Can Dance. I've been trying to get into running but, I've been failing at that. I need to just go outside because lately I've been going on a treadmill and they are just rough. 
   I like the color turquoise and would not mind at all if my wedding ring (one of these days....) had some sort of turquoise in it. I like to eat healthy food. I try to pretend like I'm a very health conscious eater by making thinks like quinoa and adding flax and chia seeds to my morning smoothie. I want to eat all natural ingredients and follow the clean eating plans but, in the same breath, I want as much candy as my poor little tummy can handle.... and I can't pass up a good burger and fries. 
    Some people might say that I am drowning myself from the inside out by how much water I try and drink a day. I usually get in about 64 oz which is a lot but, I really could drink more, I just sometimes get bored because that is a lot of water and we all know that water isn't always the most fun to drink. 
   I like books but, reading puts me to sleep. It doesn't matter what book it is. It will put me to sleep. No matter how much I try and read it, something about reading can cure any sort of sleep disorder I might be suffering from. Yet on those nights when I can't seem to fall asleep, I can not bring myself to pick up a book and have it knock me unconscious.  Weird, I know. 
    I have strong opinions on dating and have a mental list of "If guys only knew these few things would help them get more ladies" The first one of course is a good hair cut. I'm not just talking about the actual cut, because some guy could have an awesome super short buzz... I mean like a style. Sometimes a guy needs his hair a little bit longer. I see guys all the time and think, If he grew out his hair even by an inch, he'd look so much cuter. And then on the flip side... if that guy only cut his hair just a bit shorter he'd look so much cuter. The second part is cologne... Fellas... you need to wear cologne. I have a cologne that I am hung up on. I won't tell you what it is because in all honesty I don't remember what it is but, when I smell it... oh me oh my... Trust me.. wear cologne. Also, wear a clean shirt. A good smelling guy can actually make or break how I view him. 
        I appear to be a very put together girl on the outside. I am always dressed for the occasion complete with proper accessories but... If you saw my room, well, it is almost always a mess. I also have been known to eat not only snacks but, full on meals in bed. So, yes, I am kind of a messy girl. 
  I try to be completely honest with people, I'm the friend that will tell you that you maybe don't look your best in those pants. (I wouldn't say, "those pants make you look fat, I would say, those aren't the most flattering because no one wants to be told they look fat, but, everyone wants to be told what is or isn't flattering on them) 
  I like to be crafty. I'm not the most creative in thinking of my own ideas but, if I see something while I'm out and about and I think, "I could make that" I probably will. That is why I am thankful to live in the same day and age as pinterest. Because that copy cat thing is what pinterest is for. 
   I like to be outdoorsy, I like hiking and camping, if there is a bathroom close by. I also really enjoy river rafting, and I would rock climb more if my legs didn't get so shaky when I am trying to climb up really high. I once went climbing at The Quarry with one of my friends and my legs actually forgot how to move. I was so scared. I just stayed in one spot for about 10 minutes trying to remember how to actually move my arms and legs to go higher. Very embarrassing. 
  I think Disneyland is one of the coolest places on earth. Thinking about the rides there and the idea of going make me so excited. I hope to one day take my children there although, I am pretty sure, I will be more excited then them. 
  I like to go out and have fun but, I can also appreciate staying in for the night. Sometimes I stay in for the whole weekend and I am OK with that. 
   I tend to make decisions based purely on emotions (I think that is just part of being a woman though) and they don't always end up being the right ones. I say that I have no regrets in life but, that is simply not true. I regret making some emotional decisions that turned out to be the wrong ones. Usually these emotional decisions come in the form of chocolate. I like to shop at a grocery store called Winco and they have a bulk section. Part of this bulk section has bulk candy. Every time I go to this store. I buy a little bit of the candy. You know, just for my snack. Yesterday I bought 3 different types of bulk chocolate and they are gone today. I ate them emotionally and regretted my decision when my tummy started to hurt. Bottom line, if I could let my logical head do some thinking more than my emotional heart, I wouldn't get hurt so much. 

There are so many more things to me that are good, not so good, cool, silly, quirky... for example, I won't read my fortune until after I've eaten the whole cookie. I don't know where that came from but, I do it every time I'm at a Chinese place.  Also, I lift up by feet when I am in a car going over a bridge. This stemmed from driving over a lot of bridges growing up near the Columbia River because we don't have bridges in Utah that I know of and... also I can't pick up my feet while I'm driving. 
   I am grateful for the gift of life and living. It's weird to think that even at age 30 I'm still learning who I am. I know that this journey of self discovery and self improvement will never stop.   I really don't know if there are many "amazing" things about me but, I do know that I am the only me there is and that is truly amazing itself. 


Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Mormon Bachlelorette

I also wanted to let you know, for those of you who don't have facebook that I've decided to apply to be the next mormon bachelorette. I discovered the blog in the summer of 2010 and instantly became a fan. It's kind of like Abc's bachelor/bachelorette only cleaner, and not on tv. If I'm picked, I'll be the only girl and will go on I believe 22 first dates! I think no matter what, this has and will be a very fun experience and I believe in putting myself out there. Even if it's terrifying really exciting. So, Here is the video I submitted. My brother made it for me and he did a fantastic job! I'm really happy with it. I did want to do some sort of pseudo Hunger Games type video but, was advised against it.  So, lets see if I can post it.....

ok, here it is! I hope you like it!! I'll keep you posted when I hear if I make it or not!!


Music Therapy

I have believed in a little something I like to call "Music Therapy" for a while now. I may have even posted about it long ago. The reason I'm posting about it today is because it's been my chosen form of therapy for the past few months. Some of you know I've recently gone through a really difficult break up. I was sincerely hoping to never experience a break up again but, sometimes things don't work out the way you'd like. Life is certainly full of surprises.

What exactly is this music therapy I speak of? Well, I make a play list of songs that are very applicable to my situation. The first one I made was entitled "Bitter Break Up Songs" and that was back in 2006. That was chalk full of really angry songs. This one isn't like that. It's full of sad songs and "coulda, woulda, shouldas" Some of you might think I'm crazy for listening to sad songs when I'm sad. Sure, they might make me more sad but, I don't always have the words to say what I'm feeling or the means to release my feelings. These songs help me do so. I wanted to share with you my recent play list I've entitled "Sad songs and waltzes" after a melancholy song from the band Cake

1. Turning Tables- Adele
2. Make it without you- Andrew Belle
3. I Still Ain't Over You- Augustana
4. Mix Tape- Brand New
5. It Will Rain- Bruno Mars
6. Jar of Hearts- Christina Perri
7. All This and Heaven Too- Florance + the Machine
8. Fix You- Glee cast ( don't knock it till you've heard it)
9. Carry You- Jimmy Eat World
10. If You Don't, Don't- Jimmy Eat World
11. Titanium- Madilyn Bailey (cover)
12. Like We Used To- A Rocket to the Moon
13.  a whole bunch of different Taylor Swift songs including one on the new album called, All Too Well which it says I've listened to over 400x
14. Buried Myself Alive- The Used
15.  The Kill- 30 Seconds to Mars
16. Suppose- Secondhand Serenade
17. You'll Think of Me- Keith Urban
18. Standard Lines- Dashboard Confessional
19. The Best Deceptions- Dashboard Confessional
20. Almost Lover- A Fine Frenzy
21. Nothing Better- The Postal Service
22. Straightjacket Feeling- All American Rejects
23. My Fault- Imagine Dragons
24. Skinny Love- Bon Iver
25. U.N.I- Ed Sheeran
26. Lego House- Ed Sheeran

Some of them are a little more angry than sad but, I have all sorts of emotions running through me on a daily basis. 

some of my favorite lines from the songs are:
"maybe this thing was a masterpiece till you tore it all up, running scared, I was there, I remember it all too well"
"Is it my fault, we've been missing each other"
"yesterday was hell but, today I'm fine without you"
" you and I ended over you and I and we said goodbye but, you're the only one who knows I lied"

I'm happy to say that I don't listen to this album everyday but, when ever I'm feeling down and need to just be ok with being a bit sad, I listen to this. It really helps. Usually I'm jamming out to this in my car during my commute. That's my own personal space.

Don't worry, one of these days I'll be sharing with you a really happy play list and you'll all be disgusted at how sugary sweet all the songs will be.

But, for now, I just take things one day at a time and if I need a sad song in my life, well, this is my go to list. 

Feel free to use these songs and maybe share with me a few of your own!


Friday, January 4, 2013

Big Plans for 2013

Hi everyone!  Remember how the last few times I blogged it was all about bad/interesting dates I went on? Well, I kind of stopped blogging because I ran out of bad date stories... no, I didn't but, I just got lazy and stopped blogging. I'm like a roller coaster blogger. So here I am again, blogging. It's my usual time to blog as well. 12am. I can't sleep and my mind won't shut off so what's the best thing to do? Blog.
  Here we are 4 days into 2013 and I feel like this is going to be my year! I realize I probably thought the same thing about last year. This year feels different. I feel different, and I'm not just saying that because I have some sort of cyst in my finger and therefore literally "feel" different (in that one spot) but, I really feel like I am going to enjoy this year. I have to, because I've been so worried, sad, anxious, depressed about the age I'll be turning this year. (I'm not going to mention it because I still can't bring myself to say it) but, I've decided to make the best of it. I'm still very much in my youth. So, instead of making "resolutions" I'm making a plan. I plan to change a few things in my life. Some of them big, some of them little. Some of them I can share and some of them are personal. I thought maybe if I wrote some of them out for all to see, I could be held somewhat accountable for them. So, here are a few of my great plans for 2013:

1. Train for a half marathon:

I have some running buddies and we try to go at least 2-3 times a week after work. Right before Christmas we got up to 4 miles. Now, that may seem like not very many but, 4 miles without walking is a HUGE deal for me.  When we were finished, I felt the greatest sense of accomplishment and realized that if I just push myself, slowly but surely I can go farther and faster. So I decided to put all this running to good use. Train to run in a half marathon. I found a website that maps out a training schedule. I like that it gives you a certain mileage to complete each day. Some days will be one mile and then others of course will be more. Working our way up to 13.1 miles I believe. I'm pretty excited about this! Even if we don't run a "formal" half, to be able to run 13.1 miles is a great accomplishment.

2. Run the Hood to Coast in Oregon:

So once I've worked myself up to running 13.1 miles, why not get some friends together and run a relay race with the most beautiful scenery surrounding us. What is Hood to Coast you ask? Well, it's a relay race where you run from the beautiful Mt. Hood Oregon all the way down to the Oregon coast. It's a big thing back home. I've thought about doing it for a few years but, I think this should be the year I actually do it. If I start running now, I'll be ready to run this by the late summer/ early fall. 

3. Eat better!!

I know, that's so New Years cliche but, I totally need too! I watched something on pinterest about which foods you should NEVER eat and why and well, I eat/drink some of them. I'm a diet coke junkie and I love spray butter. Those 2 were on the list. Who is surprised by that? No one should be. They made some excellent points, * Eat food with one ingredient ie salmon, chicken, fruits, veggies *avoid processed food *sugar is the #1 enemy!  Yikes hu? and something I grew up with and need to more of, cook at home. I have a hard time cutting things out cold turkey but, I'm going to work my way up to it. Been trying the last few days to eat less sweets and less diet coke. It won't be easy but, I know I'll feel better if I do.

so, those are a few of my big plans for 2013. If I had to throw in an extra one... how about blog more? Sometimes interesting things happen in my life and I like sharing them with all of you!

Nice to chat with you all again!


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ice cream sundaes and games on sunday

So Kristy turns to me today and says, "tell that story of the guy in our ward who asked you out once" and I said, "OOOH that's a good one!" So here it is. Just a disclaimer, it wasn't a "bad date" per say. I had a lot of fun. It was just really weird. Ok without further ado, here is the story of Gavin Parker. (I used his real name!)

Summer of '09 we had some "new meat" in the ward. I know this because all the girls were talking about how cute he was. I hadn't noticed because at the time I had a really big crush on another guy. At every ward activity I would hear girls say "Have you ever talked to Gavin? He's so cute. What's his story?" It was all Gavin, all the time. I hadn't ever spoken to him and didn't know anything about him. One Sunday I came in late to Sunday school and the whole room was really full. I took a seat next to someone and there was one seat left next to me. A few minutes later one Mr. Gavin Parker comes and sits down next to me. I remember thinking "Oh, he is cute. So this is what all the girls are talking about" He didn't say a single word to me the whole time and after Sunday school was over he got right up and walked out.
That afternoon I got a phone call from a number I didn't recognize. I don't usually answer those calls and this time was no different. I waited for a voice mail to come and when it did I was a little surprised. "Hi Kellyanne, this is Gavin Parker, I sat next to you in Sunday school today. Anyways, I was wondering if you'd like to come to my house and have dessert tonight. Give me a call back when you get a chance" So, I did. I called him right back. The boy all the girls had been gushing over all summer called to ask me out? Of course I was going to go out with him ;) So we set up a time and he came to get me a few hours later.
He picked me up and took me over to his brother and sister in laws house where he had been living the past 2 months. We played some games with his nephews, we ate dessert and had a really enjoyable evening. Instead of driving me home he said he wanted to walk me home so we could spend more time together. I only lived a few blocks away so it was a really nice little walk. On our walk home he told me all about his plans for the future and that he wanted to someday live in Russia for awhile with his family. He didn't want his kids to just live in the United States. I remember thinking that I wouldn't like to live in Russia. He also told me that he was moving on Tuesday for grad school I think... somewhere far away. I asked him why he asked me out if he was just going to be leaving and he said he thought I was pretty and he wanted to get to know me better.
We went back to my house where my roommates were playing games with friends and we joined them in a game of scattergories. He left later that night. The next night at fhe we were both there and we talked a little bit but, I felt weird about the situation. I decided to leave early and he asked if he could join me. I thought maybe we'd talk more or he'd try to kiss me or something but, he didn't. He said, "I'm leaving in the morning and I need to finish packing" So I drove him back to his brothers house. He got out of the car, said goodbye and I have literally never spoken to or seen him again. I have looked him up on facebook a few different times just to see what may have become of him but, I can't find him. It's like he didn't exist at all. I can't even remember what he looks like. Last summer a guy was at church and I thought for a moment that it could be him but, it wasn't.
I bet you're wondering why I care so much. I don't really. It was just so weird to me that this guy asks me out right before he leaves forever. But, at least we had that one delightful night together. And of course, it makes for a kind of fun little story.

*if anyone reads this and knows him, let me know what he's up to. Maybe he's married and living in Russia ;)