Sunday, December 27, 2009

Baby in White

Daxton was given a name and a blessing today and it was absolutely perfect. We woke up to -15 degree weather but it warmed up this afternoon and turned out to be a wonderful day. Kelly blessed him to be a good example for others, to be healthy, to be married in the temple, and to always have faith in his Father in Heaven. It was a beautiful blessing and Dax was a perfect angel for the whole thing.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Last weekend Kelly, Dax, My Mom and Dad and I made the trip to So Cal so my mom and I could go see Mary Poppins the musical. Dax was WONDERFUL for the entire car ride. We only had to stop once to feed and change him. He had gotten his 2 month immunizations the morning we left and they made him really sleepy so he was asleep the whole time.

My brother Jared and his family live in LA so it was fun to be able to see them as well as the play. Mary Poppins was fantastic and even though I missed Dax tremendously, it was fun to have an afternoon off.

An update on our family: We are moving back to Rexburg at the end of next week. Kelly is loading up the car and trailer and driving part of the way to Salt Lake on Thursday. Dax and I are flying to SLC on Friday morning where Kelly will meet us. Then we're all heading to Idaho Falls where we will stay Friday night until we can get into our apartment Saturday morning. We will unpack for a few days and then head to Star Valley, WY to meet the ENTIRE Allred clan for Christmas. Dax is also going to be blessed in SV on Dec. 27th. Kelly's final semester of his undergrad starts Jan. 5th.

Dax is growing so like wildfire and is quickly growing out of the newborn stage. I love him more and more everyday and feel truly lucky to have healthy, happy baby.

Baby Dax and his Daddy sit like this when they watch the Chargers together.Daxy and his Grandma are good friends.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

2 Months

Baby Dax is 2 months old today! I really cannot believe he is growing up so fast. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was in the hospital delivering him. Even thought I wish he would stay tiny forever, he is growing into really fun stage of his short little life.
11 pounds 11 ounces...54th percentile
22 & 3/4 inches...46th percentile
New Milestones:

Smiling at his mommy and daddy
Moving his head to watch something exciting
Cooing and making adorable noises
He is much better at laying down and playing by himself
Only wakes up once in the night...thanks to Babywise
Loves Jingle Bells and The Twelve Days of Christmas
Has outgrown his Newborn size clothes
Wears a size one diaper
When we put the burp cloth under his chin, he instinctively opens his mouth and looks for his bottle...he knows its coming
Still has painful gas
Is fussy almost every night from 6 to 7
Is the the love of our lives!