Monday, May 11, 2009

Our Son!

Thats right, there's no mistaking it...we are definetely going to have a baby boy. The ultrasound was amazing! We saw him moving around and he was even sucking his thumb at one point. Our son is cute.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Growing Stomach

I finally feel like I am getting a little bit bigger! It's fun to be able to see that I am actually pregnant. I still think I look more on the fat side than the pregnant side, but I'm sure in a few weeks I'll be poking out even more. We get to find out the sex (hopefully) in one week so make sure to cast your vote.
I go back and forth as far as my prediction for the gender. When I was first pregnant I had a couple dreams about my delivery and the baby always came out a boy. Since then I have thought it might be a boy. However, lately I have really been thinking more along the lines of girl and then I go back to thinking boy. What it really comes down to is that I. don't. know. Kelly is guessing boy but he says he really doesn't have any strong feelings one way or another.
In other news, I had a consultation with an anesthesiologist to discuss my options for pain relief during delivery. I had a spinal fusion when I was 17 so I was not sure if an epidural was an option for me. The doctor told me that she would be willing to try to do an epidural but she cannot guarantee that it will work. She said that most of the time patients who have had previous spinal surgery will have no relief at all or one leg will go numb but they will still feel all the contractions and pushing.
There is also an increased risk of putting the needle in too far because it is harder to feel the epidural space of a fused spine. If the needle goes in too far the side affect is an excruciating headache that can last up to two weeks. I was told this headache is completely debilitating and most women cannot even hold their own babies because the pain is so bad. If I end up needing to have a C-section I will most likely have to use general anesthesia because a spinal block has the same risks, side affects, and effectiveness among spinal surgery patients.
After talking to the doctor and thinking about my options and the possible side affects I think I will be having my baby with no pain medications. I know they can give you narcotics through an IV but I worry about those medications getting to the baby so I am going to avoid them if I can. I've made it through two major back surgeries and a brain surgery so I know what pain feels like. I've just never tried to do any of it without drugs! I am really nervous but I feel like this will be the best choice for me and the baby.
If anyone has suggestions about making it through labor and delivery, I would LOVE to hear what worked for you. And now for the fun part...Belly Pictures. Enjoy.
5 Weeks 10 Weeks
15 Weeks17 Weeks
This was today after church.