Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Weight Gain

At my WIC appointment today, the nutritionist told me I am not gaining enough weight. I am 16 1/2 weeks and I have gained 2 pounds...but I was pretty sick during the first trimester and lost about 5 pounds, so really I have gained 7 pounds which I think is plenty. The lady at WIC was acting really concerned and was telling me I should be eating a lot more. She was acting like I'm not eating purposefully, as if I'm trying to harm my unborn baby! I came home and was really discouraged.

Kelly brought up a really good point though. My doctors and nurses have never expressed concern about my lack of weight gain. I feel like I'm healthy. I eat whenever I get hungry, I never skip meals, and I make sure to get in fruits and veggies everyday plus I LOVE sweets and I have a treat everyday! Should I worry about this?

Monday, April 27, 2009

How Cute are These?

Kelly's Team
My Team
*If it's a girl I'll have to put a big pink bow on her head so no one thinks she's a boy when we go to baseball games!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

i'm pregnant!

I am absolutely thrilled to report that I'm pregnant! I am 15 weeks, due October 11, and finally starting to feel better. I had a few bouts with nausea but only threw up once. The worst part about the first trimester was the constant headache. I had a very debilitating headache from 5 1/2 weeks to 13 weeks that NEVER. WENT. AWAY. It was pretty horrible.

When I finally called my neurosurgeon to tell him I was pregnant and ask if the headaches were normal, I was rushed to California for all sorts of testing. Come to find out there was concern of post-operative hemorrhage. After a lot of debate, we decided to go ahead and do an MRI. There is not a ton of research about the level of safety with MRI's in pregnancy, but the benefits outweighed the risks so I gave them the okay. The MRI came back normal and that gave us a lot of relief. Since then my headaches have subsided quite a bit and everything looks great with the baby. This was our first ultrasound taken at 8 weeks. We've had 3 more since this one but I have not gotten around to scanning them yet. That has been one of the nice things about seeing so many different doctors...I have had lots of ultrasounds that put my mind at ease.

Our first prenatal appointment was wonderful. Seeing my baby on the ultrasound machine and hearing their rapid heartbeat brought me to tears. Kelly came with me and it was so cool to be looking at our baby together and thinking that this is our child. I will never forget the feelings I had at that moment when I realized that we are going to be parents...SO COOL.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009



Friday, April 3, 2009

I'm freaking out!!!!

This semester is over April 9th and I still have SO much to do! I know I will be able to get everything done but the thing I am most worried about is my sewing class. I know, its a crazy thing to be worried should be the easiest class I have but I am REALLY behind and I'm not very good at sewing. I keep asking Kelly if he would be mad if I failed sewing...he says yes. I know I won't fail but it will be my worst grade for sure! If anyone knows how to sew invisible zippers or sleeves onto a blouse please come over and HELP! I will be so happy when this semester is over. Then I only have 3 classes next semester and I'm's smooth sailing from here...if I pass everything. Wish me luck!