Thursday, March 26, 2009

Where the heck have you been?

Kelly and I have been having a lot of fun the past three weeks. Unfortunately we didn't take any pictures so this will just give a little outline of what we have been up to.

  • 3 weeks ago we went to Star Valley for our nephew Conner's blessing. It was an awesome weekend. We were planning on having everyone there except Autumn and Dal weren't going to be able to make it. :( Well on Friday night we got a text from Autumn telling us to open the front door and there she was with her two adorable children. She had driven like 16 hours by herself with 2 toddlers!!!!! We were BEYOND excited to see them. We missed Dal though. It was a really fun weekend but it was too short. We are looking forward to the McKell Allred Family reunion in August.

  • 2 Weeks ago I headed to California to get some Post-Surgery check ups. They did a lot of blood work and an MRI and everything looks great. I was there for almost a week so I did have a little play time. It was fun but I hate being away from Kelly for that long. He had to stay here to go to school. I have decided that the next place we move needs to be closer to an airport. A 2 hour plane ride followed by a 5 hour bus ride is just WAY too long.

  • I brought home seasons 2 & 3 of The Unit on DVD. Kelly and I have already watched the first season and we loved it so we have been spending some of our free time watching season 2. If any of you are interested its a good show. It's about these men that are in a Special Unit of the army and it also has some side stories about their wives and children.