Saturday, August 30, 2008

I love to see the temple

We are so lucky to have a temple that is literally within walking distance of our apartment! We LOVE the Rexburg temple and have taken advantage of having a temple so close. It has been such a blessing to be able to go to the temple on the spur of the moment. Plus I love driving by on Fridays and Saturdays and seeing the beautiful brides.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Family Matters

Last weekend Kelly and I went to Star Valley to see his parents and his brother Aaron and his family. We had a wonderful time. We took a picnic to Crystal lake and enjoyed lunch with the beautiful views. We also went to Cottonwood lake...Wyoming is absolutely gorgeous. I borrowed Breaking Dawn from my mother-in-law (Thanks!!!) and spent a lot of time reading. FYI - I loved the book, it was not my favorite of the series but I definitely enjoyed it. Kelly, Aaron, and McKell played a few games of baseball in the backyard.Crystal lake was beautiful!! I have never been to a lake where you can see all the way to the bottom.


I have figured out the secret to getting Kelly to help me cook. I just tell him we are going to barbeque. Working the grill is much more manly than sauteeing the mushrooms!! Our friends Andrew and Jessica gave us their grill when they moved (thanks, we LOVE it) and we can't get enough of it. We have grilled chicken, steak, hamburgers, hotdogs, and veggies. It's totally awesome. I'm glad I finally figured out a way to get out of cooking a few nights a week!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Another Phobia

When we went to Sea World last weekend I developed a new phobia. Seagulls. I am now terrified of these horrific animals. I will explain.

We were eating our lunch on some tables outside when a HUGE seagull swooped down and landed on our table RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. He grabbed my hamburger and started chowing down. When I get scared I tend to scream and then I cannot move. So I am sitting there sqealing like a little baby and Kelly started swatting the bird to get him to leave. Even after Kelly hit him, he still sat there and enjoyed his hamburger. Kelly kept swatting and he finally left. I was shocked that he wasn't afraid of us.

Needless to say I am now, and will forever be, afraid of birds!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Summer Time

My computer is fixed and I am excited to post some of the pictures from our little vacation from Rexburg.
The trip started about 2 hours after I finished my last final. We came home and finished packing and cleaning the house and got in the car to make the long drive to the Salt Lake airport. It is a little tradition of me and Kelly to stop at Chipotle in Bountiful. We have done it almost every time we go to the airport since we have been married. We both love Mexican food and we don't have a Chipotle close to us so it's a nice treat.

We flew from Salt Lake to Vegas where we had a 30 minute lay-over. We landed in the Ontario, CA airport where we met my brother and the three of us made the 90 minute drive to Big Bear Lake where we were meeting the rest of my family. The road up to Big Bear is very curvy and by the time we got to the cabin Kelly and I were totally motion sick and ready to go to sleep. It was a long day!
We spent 5 days in Big Bear boating, playing games, eating, and relaxing. The water in the lake was warmer than I thought and we had a lot of fun wake boarding and me and Kelly's personal favorite was the 3 man tube. I even got to drive the boat a bit. It was a wonderful break and we were more than happy to sit around the cabin and relax.After Big Bear we went back to my parent's house in Danville where we did some work for my dad and hung out with the family. We especially loved playing with baby Nicholas. Kelly learned to feed him and he even changed a few diapers all by himself. I was very proud of him.
The trip ended with a few days in San Diego. We went there to attend my cousins wedding in the San Diego Temple. While in the beautiful city of SD we got to walk along the beach and go to Sea World. Our 3 week getaway was awesome but by the end of the trip we were tired and ready to go home. We are now back in our little town of Rexburg and getting pumped up for our next semester.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Our laptop is completely broken. We have sent it back to the manufacturer 3 times and they can't seem to fix it. I am going crazy without a computer. I am in the library catching up on everyones blogs right now. Kelly and I just got back from a 3 week trip to California. Kelly spent most of his time working. He works as a paralegal for my dad and usually does most of his stuff over the internet but there were a few big cases they were working on so we went flew home to help.
We also got to go boating for a weekend and to San Diego. I have tons of pictures to post but I can't since I don't have my computer. I will update the blog as soon as we have our computer back. I hope everyone is having an awesome summer!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Best Year of Our Lives

We have officially been married for one year. Yesterday Kelly and I went to Jack London square in Oakland and had dinner by the bay to celebrate. We walked around and watched the sail boats come in and out of the bay.

We were talking about how quickly this first year has gone by and how we feel so lucky to have each other. Kelly said to me, "this has been the best year of my life." My feelings exactly.

Here's to our first wonderful year together and many more to come.