Thursday, March 31, 2016

Savannah's Birth Story

On Thursday morning Jan 7th, I woke up at 6am to go to the bathroom and when I got back in bed I had a strong contraction. I didn’t think much of it because I’d been having these types of contractions off and on for days. I started to go back to sleep when I had another one. I looked at my clock and noticed it had been about 5 minutes since the last contraction. Then 5 minutes later I had another one. I started getting excited thinking active labor may have started.  Unfortunately, I didn’t have another one after that.

Throughout the rest of the day Thursday I was having contractions every 30 minutes to an hour. Some of them became strong enough that I had to stop what I was doing to breathe through them. I kept thinking they would eventually become closer together and active labor would begin but they stayed at 30 minutes to an hour apart. That day, my mom and I searched all over town to find the movie Father of the Bride Part 2 and finally found a store that had it. We enjoyed lunch on the couch while watching the movie and got some good laughs in. It made me even more excited to go into labor and finally meet my daughter for the first time.

My mom had been staying at a nearby friend’s house since our condo is only two bedrooms. She decided to stay at our place that night because we were all thinking I would be going into labor very soon.  I was hoping my contractions would either putter out so I could get some sleep or get a lot stronger so I could have a baby soon! Neither happened. I continued to have contractions every 30 minutes ALL. NIGHT. LONG. I tried to sleep in between them but most of the time I would just be falling asleep when another one would hit and wake me up. At 3am, I finally got out of bed and had a bowl of cereal, then watched an episode of The Bachelor I had on my DVR. During the Bachelor my contractions started getting closer together at about 7-10 minutes apart. Around 5am my mom woke up and we started playing Skip-Bo. At this point the contractions completely stopped! I didn’t have a single one for an hour. I was extremely frustrated to say the least. I began considering taking some Castor oil to kick start labor since I’d already been up all night and I was ready to evict baby girl.

Then around 7:30 I started noticing a regular pattern to my contractions, they were 7-8 minutes apart. This time I knew I was finally in real labor. My mom took Dax (my 6 year old) to school and I called my neighbor to see if she could watch Everett for us. I continued to walk up and down the stairs of our house while we got everything ready to go. I didn’t want to take any chances that labor might stop.

We left the house around 9:15 am, dropped Everett off and then headed to the hospital. I called my midwife on the way and let her know we were headed in. My contractions slowed way down on our drive. I only had 1 during the 25 minute drive to the University of Utah Hospital. Since my contractions had slowed down, I knew we had plenty of time so we parked the car and walked into the hospital. When we walked into the lobby I asked a volunteer where labor and delivery was and she kindly escorted us all the way there. I had to stop once to breathe through a contraction on our way up. The contractions are hurting a bit, but still very manageable at this point.

We were immediately put in a triage room where they hooked me up to some monitors and checked my progress. I was at a four and the baby’s heartbeat looked great. We were told that I could either be checked in and head to a regular labor room (I wanted the room with the tub because I was planning to have a water birth) or we could walk around the hospital a bit and help things move along. I opted to walk around because they told us the water birth room would be cleaned and ready to go in another hour or so. We left triage around 10:30 with specific instructions to return immediately if the contractions became stronger or if my water broke.

We decided to head to the cafeteria to grab a bite to eat. I hadn’t eaten much that day and I figured I would need the energy. The cafeteria had 5 or 6 different stations of food to choose from. It took me a while but I finally decided I would go to the salad bar. I grabbed my plate and just as I was about to get some lettuce I felt a huge pop and then a massive gush of fluids fell to the floor. I looked up at my mom with a stunned look on my face. I couldn’t believe my water had broken all over the cafeteria floor. I was wearing a hospital gown but I had my own sweat pants on underneath. I was soaking wet so I wanted to go to the bathroom to take my pants off. Kelly came with me while my mom found a custodian to clean up the mess from the floor.

I got my pants off and into a plastic bag, but now every step I took came with another gush of water. I was super worried about the hospital floor being wet (I didn't want anyone to fall), but at this point we had to get back up to labor and delivery. It took us a while to get back; my mom had already been there for 5 minutes or so. The nurse started to worry that I might be delivering the baby somewhere in the hospital so she came out to look for us. She found us right as we were getting off the elevator. As we walked back to the room she told us how she had helped deliver a baby in the hospital Starbucks just the week before.

We went back to the triage room because the birth tub still wasn’t ready yet and the midwife confirmed that yes, my water did break (duh!). My contractions were quite regular and becoming stronger, coming every 3-5 minutes and I was still handling them well. At this point it was about 11:30. Kelly was applying very strong counter pressure on my back during every contraction. This was extremely helpful as the back labor was the worst part about the contractions. Half an hour later the midwife came in again to check on me and during a contraction she applied upward pressure on my knees while Kelly did my back and it almost took the pain away completely! It was fantastic. So my mom started pressing my knees while Kelly pressed my back until we were ready to head to the birth room. At about 12:30 we got to my labor room and I immediately got into the tub. It felt amazing!

I’m pretty sure I started transition at this point because I started moaning during the contractions. I remember thinking, “this is really freaking painful and I don’t want to do it anymore!” During each contraction I would lean forward onto all fours and moan through it and once it was over I immediately leaned back on the tub and closed my eyes. I had been awake for 36 hours at this point and I was really tired. I remember looking at the clock and it said 12:45. I don’t know why, but I wanted to know how long I was in this kind of pain for. Weird.

The nurse had been intermittently monitoring the baby’s heartbeat and it was decelerating with each contraction and then coming right back up. The midwife explained to me that the baby was fine, but this meant I would no longer qualify for a water birth if her heart rate didn’t normalize for at least 20 minutes. I was really hoping this whole thing would be over in 20 minutes!

The midwife said she thought I might be ready to push and wanted to check and see if my cervix was fully dilated. Truth be told, I was already pushing a little bit as each contraction came, it just felt right. She checked and said I was ready to go! She informed me that I could either get out of the tub and deliver on the floor next to it or hop on the bed, or I could just stand up and deliver the baby while hovering above the water. I heard everything she said but I was SO tired I didn’t think I had the strength to move. My next contraction came and I started pushing as hard as I could while the midwife kindly asked me to stop pushing. She said, “I know it’s hard Brittany, but please try not to push. Don’t push right now.” I heard her and made the decision to completely ignore her. I was in pain, and I wanted this baby out. Now. 

I don’t remember a lot of what happened next but Kelly told me that she looked at him and the nurse and very firmly said, “Stand. Her. Up.” The next thing I knew I was being held up above the water and my legs were violently shaking. The next contraction came and the midwife told me to give a small push. “Now stop. Now a big push. Good. The head is out. Now, one more big push. Brittany, grab your baby!” I looked down and picked up my baby girl. It was 1:04 pm. I sat back down in the water and cradled her in my arms and we locked eyes. It was love at first sight. I couldn’t believe she was here. It was such an incredible feeling to be completely out of pain and holding my daughter in my arms. It was definitely a moment I will never forget.

 I looked up because I wanted to see Kelly and that was when I realized I had quite the audience. There were a lot of people staring at me. I had my midwife, the student midwife, my nurse, someone from pediatrics (just in case she was needed), the hospital photographer (I consented to having pictures and videos taken for the hospital’s website), my mom and Kelly all looking at me. I found Kelly and we just smiled at each other. Our little girl was here.

When baby’s cord stopped pulsing Kelly cut it and then he took her and did skin to skin while I got out of the tub to deliver the placenta and get stitched up. Once I got out of the tub I was freezing so my whole body started shaking again. The nurse covered me in warm towels and I took my wet bikini top off. I couldn’t stop shaking and I remember thinking the midwife might make a mistake during the stitching since I was moving so much. Once I was finally done with all the clinical stuff, I was aching to have my baby back.

She was placed on my chest and she immediately started looking to something to eat. She was licking every piece of skin she could find. I latched her on and she ate like a champ while I ate an apple off the lunch tray. There was also a cold hamburger that I had no desire to eat so my mom went down to the cafeteria to get me a sandwich. Kelly and I talked about how cute she was and how big she seemed and how much she liked to eat. When she finished her meal she was weighed and measured, 21 inches long and 8 pounds, 1 ounce. After a few hours of snuggles we were transferred over to the mother baby unit where we began our lives as a family of five with little Savannah Mae Allred.

Monday, September 17, 2012

New blog

Hey Everyone!! If anyone still looks at this blog I wanted to let you know that I have started a new blog. Berries and Barbells is a Healthy lifestyle blog with sweaty workout ideas, delicious recipes, and pictures and stories about my cute kids.  Please stop on over and take a look and tell your friends!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Potty training

Today is Day 3. It's going much better than day 1 and 2. Only 1 accident today! Dax has stayed dry for naps and bedtime. We are so proud of our big boy. :)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Red shoes

Grandma was here a few weeks ago and bought Dax some red shoes. He's obsessed with them. They've been worn to parties, play groups, around the house, to bed, and even church. He throws a fit when we make him take them off! Thanks grandma.

Friday, January 27, 2012


I could watch these video of my two boys laughing 1000 times and not get sick of it!

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Thanksgiving was non-traditional this year. We went to Disneyland with my side of the family for Thanksgiving. We had an AWESOME time, even with all the crowds. Disneyland is SO magical at Christmas time.On our way! The boys were great on the flight.

Everett and Nicholas were best buds.
We had Thanksgiving dinner at Goofey's Kitchen among many of the Disney characters.

On the last day in SoCal, we exchanged Christmas presents. The cousins got to wear their matching PJ's.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Logan Canyon

Just before the snow fell, we found this awesome walking trail in Logan Canyon. We really enjoyed getting out in the fresh air and went 3 or 4 times before it got too cold. Dax loved all the leaves and rocks and had a great time walking all by himself.


Clearly I'm behind, but I have been feeling all sorts of anxiety about not posting our adventures.
Dax was a puppy for Halloween. Everett was a Chargers fan. We had our neighbors over for Pizza and then we all went trick-or-treating. We finished off the night watching the Chargers on Monday Night Football.

Dax turns 2

Dax turned 2 on October 5. Grandma Cordon was in town and we had a great day. Dax woke up to balloons and streamers and immediately opened his presents. He played with his new trucks and trains all morning long. We all went to Texas Roadhouse for an early dinner. Dax was the star of the show and got to sit on the big saddle while everyone in the restaurant wished him a happy birthday. We came home and had wheat-free, dairy-free, egg-free pumpkin cupcakes with 2 candles. It was a perfect day.He LOVES his new garbage truck.Not sure what to think about all these people yelling.
It doesn't get much better than applesauce and fall-off-the-bone ribs!
He had no trouble opening his presents this year. :)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Seasons Greetings

Click to play this Smilebox greeting
Create your own greeting - Powered by Smilebox
This greeting card customized with Smilebox

You don't need to click the play button, it doesn't do anything special!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


My super talented and stylish sister-in-law has started a new blog that everyone needs to subscribe to. Its a fashion blog and full of great style advice. She is doing an awesome giveaway right now so head on over and check it out.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Family Pictures

The AMAZING Sami Jo took some family photos for us yesterday. It was cold up in the mountains but we managed to get some great shots.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


These two are already best friends. Dax has adjusted really well and loves his baby brother. He gives Everett hugs and kisses and becomes very concerned when he cries. I'm hoping Dax will still like his brother when he starts moving and competing for toys. :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Everett's Birthday

I had a doctors appointment on Monday July 25th where I was told the midwife would strip my membranes to try and start labor. This was 6 days before my due date. At the appointment that morning the midwife was unable to strip my membranes and I was REALLY disappointed and discouraged. I was huge, sore, unable to walk normally and darn right tired of being pregnant; and most of all, ready to meet my son.
I had asked my midwife about taking castor oil. I did it with Dax and I went into labor 5 hours later. She said there is no evidence that it works and it makes you really sick but that there is no danger associated with taking it. I was desperate at this point so at noon that day I took 4 tablespoons of castor oil. It makes me gag just writing about it. The stuff is NASTY.
After that I tried to take a nap, but I was too anxious. By 3:30 the castor oil was finished it's job and I started having contractions. They came on fast but were mild. They were coming every 3 minutes. I went for a walk and they were still coming. Once I got home the contractions stopped and again, I was disappointed. Kelly had rushed to the grocery store so we would have food for the babysitter to give Dax. I called him and told him to take his time because the contractions stopped.
Fast forward an hour and a half and the contractions started again. My mom made dinner and we all ate together, all the while I'm having semi-painful contractions every 3 minutes.
After dinner I called labor and delivery and they told me to come in since I have a history of fast labors and this was my second baby. We called Ashley, who was going to be watching Dax for us and she rushed to our house. While we were waiting for her to get to the house I started getting nervous that we were cutting it too close. We grabbed our bags and decided to wait outside. As Ashley was pulling into the driveway my water broke and now everyone was panicked: I delivered Dax about 10 minutes after my water broke. My mom ran inside and grabbed a towel and we raced to the hospital. I calmed down once we got in the car because the contractions had slowed down and were not super painful. My mom and Kelly were still really nervous and we got to Kaiser in about 5 minutes!
Once we got to the hospital we went through all the normal triage stuff and then, after 45 minutes, we were taken to our room. I got an IV and met my nurse and midwife and was asking to get into the labor tub. They started filling the tub but didn't want me to get in until they could monitor the baby for a few minutes. He wasn't in distress but wasn't responding to the contractions like they wanted so I was not allowed to get in the tub yet. I was still handling the contractions okay and was feeling in control.
At this point, about 9 PM, the midwife wanted to check to see how I was progressing. I was 5 centimeters and 90% effaced. This sent me into hysterics. I was starting to feel out of control and I couldn't handle the pain anymore. I thought I was nearing the end and I was only a 5! I lost it and starting yelling at everyone to get the anesthesiologist. I know very well that no anesthesiologist is going to give me an epidural (it's too dangerous because of previous back surgery). I wasn't thinking rationally at this point and I was getting really mad that no one was listening to my request for an epidural! Finally my nurse said she could give me some IV medication. It is not safe for the baby to give the drug after the mom is 7 centimeters so the nurse wanted to check me first. She checked and I was 9 centimeters and almost ready to push. This was only 20 minutes later. The midwife came in, massaged the cervix to help me fully dilate, and told me to push with my next contraction. I pushed through 2 contractions, and 4 minutes later, Everett Michael Allred was born at 9:32 PM.
They put him right on my chest and I immediately fell in love. He was absolutely perfect. I was given a few stitches for a small tear. By 9:45 I was nursing; Everett latched on immediately and nursed like a pro. We spent the next few hours holding and staring at our perfect little angel. It was truly a magnificent day.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Everett Michael Allred

July 25, 2011


7 pounds 9 ounces

20 inches

Friday, July 22, 2011

Daxy's Procedure

Dax is still having stomach problems and on Monday we had to take him to John Muir hospital to have a colonoscopy. He had to be put under general anaesthesia but he did great. Everyone at the hospital was really nice and they even let him keep his blanket and stuffed monkey during the procedure. I stayed with him until he was asleep and they brought me into the recovery room before he woke up. He was a perfect patient and was back to his normal self by the afternoon. They are doing a bunch of different biopsy's so we won't have the results for a few weeks.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Almost There

I am officially carrying a full term baby...meaning I WANT HIM OUT! I am not sleeping, I can barely walk, and my back hurts all the time. I am SO excited to meet this little guy and can't wait for the newborn stage again.

I had two baby showers last week. One thrown by my best friend, mom, and grandma and another by a few friends in my mom's group. I have felt very loved! Unfortunately I only have a picture of the breakfast I did with the mom's group but both events were absolutely fabulous.

Dax and I just finished our last day of mommy-and-me swim lessons which was a great distraction before the baby comes. I had a TO-DO list a mile long and thanks to my full fledged nesting instinct, that is all done. Now all I have to do is wait...not a good thing. I'm going to have to find some things to occupy me next week or I might just go crazy. Either that or I could just have the baby!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Daxton's Latest Adventures

Throwing coins in the fountain outside Fenton's Creamery in Oakland.
Enjoying yummy sorbet because he's still allergic to dairy.

At the Alameda County Fair with our playgroup.

With Mommy and Liz, the elephant, at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom.
Enjoying a nice cold beverage with Daddy while waiting to see Shouka the whale.
The whole family at the A's game!
Just SO happy that the A's are winning.