Sunday, April 27, 2014

these days.

I thought I should bring these posts up to the present and write a little about what our little family is up to these days.  Ah, these days.  So busy!  But also, so not busy.   Some days I struggle trying to figure out how to entertain these boys all day.  If we're not at the beach, or the park, or some other activity where they are getting physically worn out (little boys!  so much energy!), the day can go downhill quickly for all of us.  Ace will refuse to nap, Teddy will be demanding every spare second of my attention, and I'll keep checking the clock, thinking isn't it bedtime yet??  There is plenty that I want to do, but have you ever tried cleaning a bathtub with a 1 year old clinging to your leg and trying to eat the toilet brush nearby?  No easy task.  

But most days, it's not like that.  Most days, my days are filled with kisses and hugs and cuddles, and then chasing boys around the park or across the beach.  Kissing owies, changing diapers, nursing a 1 year old who is getting very demanding about it lately, and making 2,873 meals and snacks a day.  Maybe if I'm lucky, quietly eating a cookie to congratulate myself on getting them both down for a nap at the same time. Then also cooking dinner and welcoming my beloved husband home.   These are exhausting days, but also the best.  

These days, Kirk is working and then working some more.  He's working with the scouts in our ward and just wrapped up their Pinewood Derby.  He goes surfing in the mornings when it's not his turn to get up with the kids (we switch off).  When it his his turn, I go running.  Yes, suddenly I am enjoying running?  Or at least I enjoy it when I'm done.  It's like I don't even know me anymore.  But truly, it's worth it to have those few minutes in the mornings to be outside, by myself, working on myself.  The hardest part is forcing myself out of bed.

Teddy these days, is getting into  See pictures below for proof.  And also, walking!!  He took his first steps a few days ago and has been getting braver ever since.  He's the most adorable on his wobbly legs.  

Ace these days is quite the chatterbox.  Says the funniest things that we're not even sure where he picked them up.  A couple weeks ago we were at the church building hanging out with Kirk while he helped set up for the pinewood derby one night, and I took Ace to use the restroom.  They have one inside the nursery room with a child size toilet.  Ace walks in and sees it and says, "Look, mom!  It's just the right size!  It's just my size!"  He cracks us up.  

Anyways, these pictures are from a random day last week.  Because I know some day I will miss these days.   
 ^I filled up their (somewhat dirty) water table to keep them occupied while I made dinner.  Or should I say, Ace filled it up, since he wouldn't let me hold the hose.
 ^those little chunky baby legs.  I just wanna squeeze them.
^ right after Ace poured half a bucket of water on his head.  what are big brothers for?
^My view from the kitchen.  Love those boys.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

double birthday bonfire

Since Ace and Teddy's birthdays are only 3 weeks apart, we threw them a joint birthday bash at the beach this year.  A bonfire, hot dogs, s'mores, and kids running crazy on the beach made for a swell time.  Despite some moderate stress earlier during the day (some one snagged both fire pits before 7 a.m. that day - in March!  who does that??), everything got sorted out and the party was a blast.  It's always so much fun having so many of our favorite people in the same place, especially to celebrate our two favorite boys.  Thanks everyone who came, we love you! 

My awesome and mega talented sister agreed to take some photos of the party for me, and I'm so, so grateful!  At stuff like this I'm always running around doing stuff and can never really get good pictures.  Plus she's way, way better at it.  So thanks, Carly!  I love them and wish I could post them all.  These are a few of my favs.  
^haha, it takes a lot of concentration to blow out 3 candles!
Love those boys, so dang much.  And I'm pretty sure they had a blast at their bonfire party.   Happy Birthday, boys!  

teddy turns 1. and eats a cupcake.

I thought we had planned it pretty well, having our boys almost exactly 2 years apart (2 years and 3 weeks, to be exact).  But the thing I didn't realize is that now every year I'm going to have to deal with each of them turning a year older in short amount of time.  So many bittersweet emotions happening, how will I ever survive?  Especially when my baby boy turns 1!  
Oh, my Teddy boy.  Such a delicious little morsel of a boy.  He really is just like a teddy bear, I'm proud of Kirk and I for naming him so well.  Snuggly, always smiling, and pretty brown like a teddy bear, too ;).  His first year passed far too quickly and I'm more than a little sad he's already one.  

As a newborn, Teddy was the most content, snuggly little burrito.  He hardly made peep, and even then only when he was hungry. Not much has changed, either.  His two favorite activities are eating and smiling - he's usually doing one or the other.  And Teddy's smile can't be beat.  So, you can bet when we plunked down his coconut cupcake with a birthday candle lit on top, he was stoked. Kirk's parents were kind enough to let us have a little birthday lunch at their house in between general conference sessions.  Did I ever mention having a newborn during general conference was just the best? Snuggling a little newborn and listening to prophets was heavenly.  And now, a year later, we celebrated a this little boy who brings so much joy to everyone he meets.
^See?  Heartbreaker with that smile.  And now, way too many pictures of Teddy eating his cupcake.  Because it was hilarious and adorable.  
He was dainty about it at first.
But then he really went for it.  Atta boy.
Happy Birthday Teddygram!  So glad you're ours, we love you! 

turning 3

Somehow, suddenly, I have a three year old.  How did that happen so quickly?  I feel like this past year I've been a little distracted with a baby that I didn't realize that my big boy was getting even bigger.  I was hoping maybe he would just pause growing up for a little bit, a few months, maybe?  No such luck.  

But man, this kid.  He's just the spice of life around here.  Not lacking in personality, this one. He cracks us up on the reg.  He loves to sing, at all times, or make you sing.  Need him to clean up some toys?  He can and will bust that nursery clean up song out and make it a real good time. 

And I'm so proud of how far he's come this year!  He became a big brother - not just because Teddy was born but a real deal, protective, bossy, smothering with love big brother.  I'm so glad he's our oldest.  He's going to be in charge a lot and he's more than up for the task.  And, perhaps I shouldn't mention this on the interwebs but, potty training, yesss!  Done and done.  So proud of him. 

We celebrated his actual birthday with banana cake and a giant dump truck.  You better believe we took that baby for a spin down on the beach right after these photos.  

^What you get when you ask for a picture of just his smiling face.  You'll get one 2 inches from the camera.  And below, his surprised face.  
Nailed it.  Happy Birthday, Aceman!  You are rad, and so loved. 
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