Wednesday, September 25, 2013

family pictures.

We got our family pictures done early this year, mostly because my mega-talented sister was very much pregnant, so we had to squeeze them in before she had her adorable boy.  And also so I could check those off my list and shop for Christmas cards early. ;)  So I thought I'd post a few of my favorites.  (A.k.a. not any of the ones I'm using for our card. Gotta have some surprises, right??)  

And despite having the world's orneriest two-year-old during our pictures, my sister still managed to get some amazing shots.  Can't thank her enough (thanks, Carly!).  I love them all!  But seriously though, Ace was on one that afternoon.  Terrible two's at their finest.  And I love that kid to the moon and back, but some say three is worse??  I won't make it out alive.  Teddy, of course, was a complete charmer.  Angel baby.  I really love that kid, too.  
My favorite picture of all time?? ^ Possibly. I can't get over his squishy cheeks and double chin and the belly flash.  Oooh Teddy. 
What's in his mouth?^  Oh just a mint.  #chokinghazard (off topic but have you seen this?  haha...)
Good thing his sad face is still pretty darn cute.
Kirk "modeling".^  Stick to your day job, honey.
And last but not least, Ace mid-meltdown.^  Oh, buddy.

In his defense, he has far more good days than bad where he is my happy, sweet, and funny little buddy.  And Kirk's buddy, too.  Per recent developments we now have a skate ramp in our garage (more on that later) and every night when I start making dinner Ace asks, "Daddy come home?  Riye skae-boar??"  And just last night he and I sat down to eat dinner together (loaded sweet potatoes with ground turkey and beans etc.), and I wasn't sure how he was going to like it so I just put his plate down and kept pretty quiet about it.  But, after eating a few bites he turned to me and said, "Mmm, good mom!"  My heart burst a little bit right then.  Love you Ace, even if you do give me a run for my money sometimes :).  

Moral of the story is: two is a rough age for family pictures, I guess.  But here's a tip - just have a super awesome sister who will understand and take amazing pictures anyways. 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

saturday swimming

I've been kind of in denial the past couple of weeks that summer is really ending and fall is starting.  Seems ironic since last year it was SO HOT until November and I was dying for fall weather to start.  It didn't help that I was first trimester with Teddy so was doing one of 3 things - puking, sleeping, or lying on the floor in our (not air-conditioned) house and watching episodes of The Killing on the computer and trying not to feel like death.  Good times.  

But look!  This year I have this really, really cute baby to show for all that hard work. And so far, September has been decidedly more fall-ish than last year around here.  Well, fall-ish for southern California which basically means 72* and not sunny.  That's the funny thing about so Cal - you can feel the seasons change but they are just far more subtle changes.  The air has a new breeze that feels slightly crisper, and the sun isn't quite as strong as it was in August.  I kind of love it and I'm starting to get excited for the fall and then the holidays!  But let's not get ahead of ourselves.  Right now I'm just really happy that the beaches and the parks are empty again (hooray!)  and that it's still warm enough for things like swimming on Saturday.  'Cause that's what I really meant for this post to be about.  

Most Saturdays this summer have usually ended up at Kirk's parents pool, swimming with the boys, enjoying the 90* pool water and Teddy's baby rolls.  I took these at the end of our swimming a few Saturdays ago, so Ace was already inside, finding the other thing that is always a guarantee at G&G Lindahl's house - ice cream.  He always asks for some and always gets some.  Oh to be two.
He's really just the handsomest two year old ever^!  Sigh.  Does summer really have to end?  I'm going to miss that cute little tan of his.  Who am I kidding, he's pretty much always that tan.  Wish I had that kid's skin.  

Thanks for always letting us crash your pool, G-pa and G-ma Lindahl, and always sharing your ice cream.  Ace is very grateful, especially. :)  

Sunday, September 15, 2013

at the park. with aunt cindy!

Cindy came to visit!  My little sister, who just got back from her mission in the Washington D.C. South mission, came to stay with us for a couple days, and it was splendid.  We missed her so much!  Well, I sure did.  Ace didn't really remember her and Teddy had never met her...  but by the end of her visit, they loved her!  Of course they did.  She's just the best - I told her it was like having another me around.  She helps without needing to be asked and entertains the boys better than I do.  I tried my best to convince her to come live with me indefinitely, but apparently she has other plans.  Come on, Cind, you know you want to! 

Anyways, we showed her around our favorite park one day while I took way to many pictures. Enjoy! 
We got some Pedro's Tacos and had a little picnic down there.  Ace sees anything wrapped in tin foil these days and thinks it a "burriyo".  Maybe we go there too often. 
"Look mama!  Run so fast!!"
It is so rare to get a picture of Ace actually looking at the camera and smiling!  And his face is always this dirty.  Always. 
Oh, and Ace did a lot of squirrel hunting.  Meaning he chased the bazillion squirrels around at that park yelling "Squirrel!!  Where you go?  Come 'mere!  Come 'mere squirrel!"
And Teddy turned 5 months old that day!  5 months.  I can't believe it.  Love him so much.
Cutest baby ever.  And I know nothing about editing so his eyes really are that blue. ^  Thanks, daddy. ;)
And my pictures stink but not a bad view, right? ^  Anyways, we love you Cindy!  Come back soon.  And stay forever, ok?  Ok.  
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